Former Shin Bet director Yuval Diskin told an Israeli audience that he had no confidence in the leadership of Bibi Netanyahu or Ehud Barak:
“My major problem is that I have no faith in the current leadership, which must lead us into an event on the scale of war with Iran or regional war,” Diskin told the “Majdi Forum,” a group of local residents that meets to discuss political issues.
“I don’t believe in either the prime minister or the defense minister. I don’t believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings,” he added.
Diskin deemed Barak and Netanyahu “two messianics – the one from Akirov…and the other from…Caesarea,” he said, referring to the residences of the two politicians.
“Believe me, I have observed them from up close… They are not people who I, on a personal level, trust to lead Israel to an event on that scale and carry it off. These are not people that I would want to have holding the wheel in such an event,” Diskin said.
“They are misleading the public on the Iran issue. They tell the public that if Israel acts, Iran won’t have a nuclear bomb. This is misleading. Actually, many experts say that an Israeli attack would accelerate the Iranian nuclear race,” said the former security chief.
Considering that this was the fellow who ran Israel’s domestic security services during the entire reign of the current government, I’d say his dismissal of Netanyahu’s judgment and leadership is, or should be, a lightning bolt for Israelis. What’s more, Meir Dagan, the former Mossad chief has already voiced almost precisely the same views. Until now, Diskin had maintained a discreet public silence on the issues though it was common knowledge that he joined Dagan in opposing an Iran attack. This latest salvo will (hopefully) open the floodgates of criticism even farther.
Also, considering that neither the prime minister or defense minister are religious, attributing messianic motives to both should also be a warning. What is any leader, let alone one who doesn’t profess religious beliefs, doing falling back on such wild-eyed notions to govern national policy? Why does any leader believe his actions will save not just Israel, but the entire Jewish people?
These are the thoughts of megalomaniacs, not national leaders. And if they are national leaders they will lead to national catastrophe, rather than national salvation.
If public opinion would listen to Gantz, Diskin and Dagan, the common idea that the Israeli leadership is rational, while the Iranian leadership consists of Mad Mullahs would be reversed…
This is a very important post. The tide is turning. War with Iran is no longer imminent. In fact, it is most likely not in the cards. These leaks are helping Israel save face when they ultimately make the determination that an attack is futile.
I have no idea how vast is your knowledge base regarding Yuval Diskin.
The guy served as Head of Shabak for 6 years, 3 of those under Netanyahu. Before he resigned he expressed his interest to serve as the head of the Mossad under Netanyahu & Barak. (
So you mean to tell me that before finishing his term in the Shabak at 2011 to his speech given few days ago he learned some new facts about the way Netanyahu & Barak operate ?
To me it seems that his speech had nothing to do with Iran but everything to do with the predictions that Israel will face election later this year.
He sounds more like the American generals who, with great reluctance, tried to warn against invading Iraq. Thde genrals were right: the Bush administration lied, almost whimsically lied. Recall: invade now or Iraq will have a nuke in a year or two. “We don’t want that smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud”, as Rice quipped, to her shame.
The result has been a catastrophe.
The same neo-con idiots have been shrieking up a war against Iran. President Obama has clearly said “no”, and the Pentagon leaks were certainly warnings to the Israeli government that the US does not want Israel to pull us into a war with Iran.
Israeli military/politicians cannot all be delusional cranks. This guy seems to be speaking sense. An Israeli attack on Iran would be crazy.
Most of Diskin’s critique had to do with Barak’s and Bib’s personalities. Very little delt with substance about Iran. He was exposed to their personalities for many years, if he had any integrity he should have stepped forward a long time ago, and not keep silent to see if he will be nominated head of Mossad.
This was a launch of his political campaign.
That’s revisionism. Of course there was substance on Iran. He said an attack on Iran wouldn’t end the Iranian nuclear threat, rather it would intensify and speed up Iran’s getting a weapon. Is that enough “substance” for you?
Diskin is completely non-political as every Israeli reporter and politician knows. That’s one of the reasons this is so damaging to Bibi since Diskin harbors no political ambitions.
Oh, but were it to be just Netanyahu and Barak… this stretches far beyond their terms. Let’s be real here: for the last decade+ Iran has been intensely represented as a country that just “had” to be attacked or otherwise softened up for an attack via sanctions. The Israeli government and proponents have a strong influence over Western media. Hence, Iran is portrayed firstly as anti-Semitic, then otherwise as belligerent, irrational, and any other reduction of a new-age Hitler caricature you can think of outside of a Mel Brooks’ play. Namely, Iran is portrayed as 1- irrational and 2- messianic.
Here, we have the leadership coming out to say 1- Iran is rational and 2- in fact, it is the Israeli leadership who is messianic.
So, I ask again, who is the one foaming at the mouth, with a megalomaniac/messiah complex, a veritable combover (I checked during the Erin Burnett/CNN interview and it seems my joke actually is real), screaming about racial purity in his motherland while he is armed and funded to the teeth with the power to destroy many?
And the horror of this all is that they say they appeased Hitler. What are they doing to Bibi?
“messianic motives”, indeed. 19th century Americans referred to it as “Manifest Destiny.”
Same agenda: a way to rationalize displacing indigenous people from their land by force while looking like the good guy.
Probably same result, and followed by Jim Crow.
America’s legacy knows no bounds.
How nice, maybe finally “regime change” where it is really needed, even if Jabotinsky would disapprove?