25 thoughts on “MV Rachel Corrie Forcibly Seized by Israeli Navy, Towed to Ashdod – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. See how peacefully it can go when it’s not a bunch of IHH thugs?

    Btw (at the risk of going OT here):


    It’s a video of the navy informing the ship that they’re are entering the area of the blockade. note the answer from a man on the ship told them to go back to Auschwitz and supported 9/11. At this point, the IHH look like a bunch of jihadists rather than peace activists.

    1. Yakov,
      have a look at this too please:

      The IDF makes it hard to believe anything. The audio clip of the navy contacting the Mavi Marmara was presented by the IDF days ago, WITHOUT these comments. Now suddenly these voices are there.

      Do we really have to believe that the IDF took the trouble of searching for appropriate photographs (that turn out to have been taken years ago) to fake the presence of arms on board, but on the other hand did not think of using REAL audio, that they had at their disposal?

      If these voices had been there from the beginning, OF COURSE they would have been included in the earlier clip released by the IDF! This is so ridiculous. They are clearly desperate.

      1. Elisabeth,

        The link you provided claims the photos were faked based on dating information obtained from the EXIF header of photos in the MFA’s flickr page.

        I’ve looked at some of these photos using several EXIF extraction utilities available freely and I’ve found no dating information whatsoever in the EXIF header. how do you explain this?

        1. It must have been removed once the mistake was exposed. The comments at the IDF website are still there though (at least when I looked at it).

          1. I am not sure what comments you were referring to. Do you have link? (if not to the comments, at least to the website)

            don’t you find it convenient though that this one guy claims he saw something. just he, nobody else of the many thousands of people who saw the flickr page decided to look at the EXIF data which is now supposedly “gone” ?

          2. The dates obtained from the EXIF header predate the release of the camera the pictures were taken with.

            Unless you think the IDF travels in time, the camera simply had the date set incorrectly.

        1. I saw it days ago via a link that was there earlier at the Haaretz website. I don’t see it now.

          1. look at this video:

            this is a clip that shows a navy officer hailing the navi marmara.

            this is the audio clip:

            it does show a photograph of the same navy officer. however, from the audio (which now features a woman’s voice in addition to the man’s voice) it is obvious that it’s a different hailing attempt. I suppose the photograph was added for illustration however it is definitely not the same hail. two different hails, two different responses. Still no evidence of tempering with the original audio.

    2. a bunch of IHH thugs?

      You can get away with that language in the Talkbacks of the Jerusalem Post, but not here. Use it again & your commenting privileges will be restricted or ended.

      Max Blumenthal has already proven this video to be a fraud. NIce try though. You should get a commendation fr. the Israel School of Hasbara Studies.

      1. Max Bumenthal is convincing indeed. I admit , this is very suspicious. The part that the IDF admits to have edited the audio clip isn’t such big a deal, editing a 6 minute clip to highlight the relevant 30 seconds isn’t misleading but the possibility that entirely unrelated audio was offered as evidence is disturbing.

        What do you suppose can be done about this?

      2. You can get away with that language in the Jerusalem Post, and everyone else can get away with language such as “reptillian skin”, “symbols of lie and deception”, “pirates”, and the list goes on, in the comments of Tikun Olam.

      3. How exactly saying “IHH thugs” is not the same as saying “IDF soilders are pirates”.
        Maybe its because English is not my mother tounge, but i really cant see the difference. Is it ok to swear/ say whatever you want as long as its used against israel?

        1. How exactly saying “IHH thugs” is not the same as saying “IDF soilders are pirates”

          Because NO ONE & certainly not you has proven that the IHH as an organization was responsible for anything remotely approaching “thuggery,” while the IDF violated international maritime law and overpowered a Turkish flagged ship on the high seas & murdered at least 9 (prob. more like 15, but we’ll see about that) individuals.

  2. Elisabeth, how is it relevant who’s the woman? It’s two different hailing attempts, two different replies and no evidence of any attempt to temper with the evidence.

    1. Her husband recognized her voice, and she the confirms that it is her. But she was of a different ship. (See Abunimah’s website that I gave you earlier.)

      1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dE2StbDL_Q

        Have fun.

        These attempts to distract people from the truth will keep getting countered, until it goes beyond imaginable amounts of absurdity.

        I think think operation was a failure. But the IDF does not make stuff up. Stop with the silly propaganda.

        When you come up with ridiculous accusations bordering conspiracy theory lines. The activists were not innocent, several of them active members of questionable organizations. If you want to get to the bottom of things, from an Israeli point of view, things make perfect sense, and Israel is doing what is right.

        The IDF has released names of alleged terrorist-organization members. One is accused of trying to reach Gaza to train the new commando unit of Hamas. (Source: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3899926,00.html) You can of course disregard this information as well, but…

        But all of this doesn’t matter! Not at all! Wrong and right aren’t going to get us anywhere.

        You are ignoring the real problem. The government is simply making a lot of stupid mistakes. What needs to happen is a change to a sane government – one not led by Bibi and definitely not letting Lieberman handle foreign relations.

        Things are definitely starting to look better. So the flotilla may have achieved its goal after all:

        Hebrew only right now: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3899885,00.html


        1. I think think operation was a failure. But the IDF does not make stuff up.

          I don’t know whether to guffaw uncontrollably or pity you yr ignorance. If you believe this & are not simply mouthing platitudes you heard somewhere you are truly living in darkness & ignorance about yr own military, whose senior officers & spokespeople lie almost at will when it suits them. I must’ve written 40-50 posts in this blog documenting such outright lies. But hey, don’t let us disturb yr slumber. Keep dreaming of the IDF as the most moral army in the world adhering to that blissful policy of the “purity of arms” (tohar neshek).

          The activists were not innocent, several of them active members of questionable organizations.

          Hey, that could’ve come right out of the Shin Bet training manual. What the f(&k is a “questionable organization?” Only in Israel or a similarly paranoid state could such a phrase pass for intelligent argument.

          If you want to get to the bottom of things, from an Israeli point of view, things make perfect sense, and Israel is doing what is right.

          This is a perfect solipsism. Making no sense whatsoever.

          What needs to happen is a change to a sane government – one not led by Bibi and definitely not letting Lieberman handle foreign relations.

          You’ve got a wee problem. Who would run such a sane government? Tzipi Livni? And you think her gov’t would perform any differently or better than Bibi’s? No sorry. She would be an improvement of 1% of what we have now. But 1% doesn’t make enough of a diff. What Israel needs is an imposed settlement since it is an out of control drug addict doing harm to itself and others.

          Yes, I do agree w. you that the ltr. sent fr. 10 senior naval officers demanding an independent commission of inquiry is welcome news (the subject of the Yediot links you provide). But the problem is that neither the IDF nor the State can investigate this matter credibly.

          1. Dude
            Who gives a damn about “purity of arms”?
            why does it even matter?
            those terms were IVENTED by human beings like u and i, its not something we’ve received from god or any other superiour authority.

            Besides, read turkish newspapers for some “israeli propaganda”. You can see pcitures of idf soilders being dragged on that “marmara” ship, with stains of blood on their unforms. Does the idf control turkish media? or maybe the soilders WERE actually attacked by the so called Peace activists?

            And how do you know so well whats going on in Shin Bet’s training manual? You sit in ur comfortable office in the US /wherever and assume you actually *know* when the idf lies or when its soilders kill innocent people or anything else.
            This is not even funny.. its just plain sad.
            Anything that does not suit ur agenda is apparenty a “lie made by idf spokesman”. Anything that makes israel look bad is absoulte truth.

            Do you really think israel puts so much effort in lying?
            The images, ive already mentioned, of the soildes being attacked. The interviews in the turkish media, of the people from the ship claiming they “want to be shahids”. The investigantions against IHH by the turkish government which took place 10 years ago (Turkey is a paranoid country like israel maybe?)
            The request that was submited to the marmara flottila a week and a half ago, to transfer some stuff to gilad shalit, who hasnt seen a light of day for 4 years now (but probably since he is not palestinian, he doesnt deserve any help, right?) and was denied by your “peace loving” friends from turkey.

            How many more *facts* do you need to realize you dont live in a black and white world, of cute little friend palestinians and israeli killers:? therer are more shades of grey on both sides, and in the case of Marmara its as obvious as 1+1 that it was a ship full of terrorists and their helpers.

            In bottom line, you choose to believe to only one side
            which doesnt make you anything but a hypocrite, especially when u claim ur a zionist.
            Im not dumb enough to say ur antisemite knowning that ur a jew yourself, but ur myths about “shin bet training” and “idf lies” are very close to stories about jews making maza fom blood.

            Have a nice day in ur little american bubble.

          2. Dude

            Since you’ve conceded in another thread that ENglish is not yr mother tongue, let me bring you up short real quick on English collquialisms which you’ve used far too freely here. No one addresses me as “dude” in a hostile context. No one. Learn yr manners if you want to continue to comment here.

            Who gives a damn about “purity of arms”?

            Why, the IDF of course. It’s been the reigning philosophy of the IDF since its founding & continues to impact its thinking even though the concept has long ago been discarded in reality.

            those terms were IVENTED by human beings like u and i, its not something we’ve received from god or any other superiour authority.

            I have no idea what this means as an argument since it appears a non sequitur.

            You can see pcitures of idf soilders being dragged on that “marmara” ship, with stains of blood on their unforms.

            You mean the ones who were beaten & unconscious & thus were “dragged” below decks to be protected and treated medically as many eyewitnesses on the boat attest. There are pictures too of these soldiers being treated medically by medic/passengers. Did you forget those or discount them as fabrications? And since you’ll want to dispute this claim that they were tended & protected by other passengers, we’ll note in advance you weren’t there & they were. Even if you don’t believe them we’ll also note you have no proof even fr. the IDF itself that this claim is wrong.

            how do you know so well whats going on in Shin Bet’s training manual?

            As English once again isn’t your mother tongue you apparently didn’t cotton on to the fact that the bit about the Shin Bet training manual was a bit of irony. I don’t know specifically what is in the training manual. But one of the subjects of this blog is the Israeli intelligence enterprise in general and I study what it does and report this regularly in great detail. So yeah, I know quite a bit about things like this. YOu’d know that if you’d bother to read more deeply at this blog.

            You sit in ur comfortable office in the US /wherever and assume you actually *know* when the idf lies or when its soilders kill innocent people or anything else.
            This is not even funny.. its just plain sad.

            ONce again, I’ve been writing this blog since 2003 & covered the IDF and Israeli politics & the I-P conflict for all that time. You bet I study the IDF and what it says & compare that to the known facts & call it out when it lies. That’s part of the mission of this blog. I frankly don’t give a f(&k whether you think its funny, sad or a barrel monkeys.

            Anything that does not suit ur agenda is apparenty a “lie made by idf spokesman”. Anything that makes israel look bad is absoulte truth.

            I can see you’ve been a top student at the Hasbara Institute. This argument has only been tried several hundred times at this blog by prior pro Israel commenters. This characterization of what I do is vulgar, crude, and an insult. You haven’t the foggiest about what I do here, and how & why as well. That, frankly isn’t terribly funny & a bit sad.

            Do you really think israel puts so much effort in lying?

            Oh yeah. Once again, if you’d bothered to spend any time going back & reading the scores of incidents I’ve posted about involving the IDF and lethal encounters with Palestinians you’d have the answer to yr question & not need to ask it.

            The investigantions against IHH by the turkish government which took place 10 years ago

            Wow, the U.S. gov’t attempted to prosecute Daniel Ellsberg & called him a dangerous radical endangering U.S. national security. Guess what. He’s a hero now. A previous secular Turkish gov’t doing its damndest to tarnish Turkey’s Muslim political parties called IHH something or other (who really cares) & this 10 yr old evidence dug up by political parties now on the dustheap of the history of Turkish politics are suddently incontrovertible proof that IHH are a bunch of Islamist terrorist. Gimme a break.

            in the case of Marmara its as obvious as 1+1 that it was a ship full of terrorists and their helpers.

            Really? Math must not be your strong suit then. Most of the rest of the world does the math far differently than you & yr fellow hasbarists.

            Im not dumb enough to say ur antisemite knowning that ur a jew yourself

            I didn’t say that thing about you being dumb, you did. But if the shoe fits…But you’re perilously close to being banned for even implying it as a possibility.

            ur myths about “shin bet training” and “idf lies” are very close to stories about jews making maza fom blood.

            This is a blatant violation of my comment rules. DO this one more time & you’re gone. READ THE RULES before you comment here again. AND FOLLOW THEM.

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