Those in the know (especially if you remember the original Zero Mostel-Gene Wilder version of The Producers) will remember that lovely musical number, Springtime for Hitler in Germany. Well, it appears Purim has just passed and it’s no joke that it is the anniversary of Baruch Goldstein’s genocidal rampage against Palestinian worshippers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Every year at this time, his radical settler supporters gather at his grave and dance–yes, they dance to celebrate his act of Jewish terror. That’s why its springtime for Goldstein in Sheikh Jarrah (and Hebron–sung to the tune of the original Springtime):
Purim for Goldstein and Judea
Samaria is happy and gay
We’re marching to a faster pace
Look out, here come’s the master race.Purim for Goldstein and Judea
Winter for Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah
Come on Jews, go into your dance.
Thanks to Andrew Sullivan (h/t to M.J. Rosenberg) for pointing out this Ynet video of Goldstein’s radical followers who celebrate his death in one of the Arab homes they’ve stolen in Sheikh Jarrah. John Keats wrote the immortal lines:
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
I regret to say that all you need to know about this despicable movement based on Jewish hate is in this video.
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- Ynet (VIDEO): “Sheikh Jarrah Jews praise Baruch Goldstein on Purim” (peacenow.org)
- 5000 Rally For Justice In Jerusalem (syds-blog.blogspot.com)
What do you think of the plans of the official Palestinian Authority to name a street for the terrorist who killed 38 Israelis in the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre? This is not some individual humming a tune who is caught on camera…this is an official state body honoring a terrorist. Or is that "different"?
Do you mean to say that settlers who've stolen Palestinian land in Sheikh Jarrah & are singing the praises of a terrorist who killed 29 unarmed Palestinians at prayer is somehow less severe than naming a street for a terrorist who Palestinians happen to see as a hero? The day you get the settlers to see Goldstein for who he really was is the day I'll denounce the PA for naming that street for Al Mugrhrabi. Deal?
You have a point, bar kochba.
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