9 thoughts on “Bronner Prepares NY Times Readers for Israeli Attack on Iran – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Richard, why do you even bother parsing the propaganda spewed out by Bonner. He is no different than Tom Friedman. Both are in the pay of the oligarchy-owned “pravda” of the US government. Their job is to condition the unthinking to the unthinkable. It is also about time you realized that Obama, too, is just doing the job he was hired for – con the American left into believing that the US wants to end wars, provide healthcare and education and jobs, and fix the infrastructure of the country. When, in fact, they are being robbed not only of the forgoing, but also their civil rights and freedoms that were at one time the essence of America. That is now over. And please don’t think that the US interests in the Middle East differ one iota from those of Zionist Israel.

    In closing, I would like to recommend to your readers a new book: “Israeli Exceptionalism; The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism”, by M. Shahid Alam. A review of it by Kathleen Christison can be read at http://www.counterpunch.org (3 Feb). It is the best book on the subject I have yet to read.

        1. Good, Mary. I hope others will, too. But be warned, it is quite expensive – 85 dollars. I don’t know why. Maybe because it is a Palgrave/MacMillan book, published in a limited edition because it won’t sell many copies. The Lobby will trash it like they did Walt and Meersheim. I would think it should be a best-seller!

    1. I think it’s worthwhile for Richard to do this–what I hope he does is send links or copies of his pieces to Clark Hoyt (the public editor) at the NYT.

      Not that I expect too much from that source, but it’s worth a shot. I email Hoyt myself sometimes.

    2. Richard, why do you even bother parsing the propaganda spewed out by Bonner. He is no different than Tom Friedman. Both are in the pay of the oligarchy-owned “pravda” of the US government. Their job is to condition the unthinking to the unthinkable.

      Best way of putting it I’ve seen for a very long time. Thanks!

    3. No, it’s good that there is an analysis (like Richard’s) of Bronner’s writings to be found on the internet.

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