Watch Goldstone: the Report That Won’t Die
My latest video interview for Bill Alford’s Moral Politics TV program concerns the Goldstone Report and Israel’s all-out smear on Justice Goldstone and the report. The interview ranges far and wide, discussing the role of Elie Wiesel and Alan Dershowitz in the latest onslaught. We also go far afield to discuss the nature of Zionism, Jewish identity, and the “religion” that Israel and the Holocaust have become for many Diaspora Jews. And we cover the negative role that figures like Wiesel have played in ginning up anti-Iran fever in the Jewish community. Finally, we discuss the likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran and how this might impact the region.
Guest and host braved issues! PEACE will come when more speak for MORALITY. DIME weapon seems abhorrent. Good job Richard Silverstein! Good that Goldstone Report won’t die.
Excellent presentation Richard. I hope a lot of people watch it.
Somebody watched it who, believe it or not, wrote a comment on the Veoh site taking issue with the interviewer’s claim that I’m a “praciticing” Conservative Jew. This sad sack has actually read the food posts I’ve written here & noted that I don’t observe Kashrut. So believe it or not this person thinks I can be shamed by revealing that I eat ham and clam.