8 thoughts on “In Israeli TV Satire, Settlers Kidnap IDF Soldier–Real Settlers Not Amused – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The skit was hilarious, and I don’t understand Hebrew. People have to remember to laugh at themselves, and this is a good way to do it. Heck, I’m a fan of Achmed the Dead Terrorist.

    It would be a good thing for the right wing to remember that they are living in a democracy (supposedly). And no, I don’t think it would be a good thing if 2 million Palestinians decided they weren’t going to show their ID cards or lift their shirts anymore, simply because the IDF tends to shoot uncooperative Palestinians, no matter how many there are. Maybe it would be a good thing if six million Israelis got together and took away the checkpoints, removed the blockades and evicted the settlers. I could live with that.

  2. Hey Richard–
    Thanks for this. You may want to know that among other threats Ketzeleh made (in the Knesset committee meeting) he said, “When the day comes, and we will be in power, we will establish retroactive laws against all those who were anti-Semitic, against settlers and against the people of Israel and against the army, and I assure you, they will face trial.”

  3. Richard, How was is ketzele like Hitler? you’re an idiot…but what’s worse is that you’re an idiot foaming at the mouth with hatred…oh well….but you like klezmer….

    1. He, like Kahane and other good Kahanists believes that secular Israelis, esp. those expressing ridicule for settlers and rightist politicians like himself should be tried & jailed for their views. Views that ridicule the army, settlers or religious Jews are specifically anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli & thereby punishable as serious offenses. That’s precisely what fascists all over the world believe, Hitler included.

      I’d say Ketzele is the one foaming at the mouth if you bother to watch the video. I don’t even foam at the mouth with hatred when idiots like you (though not necessarily you) do Google searches on the term “Kill Silverstein.” Those are the people w. foam in the mouth. Are you one too?

  4. Lol, not sure why you’re babbling about Kahane and “Kill Silverstien” (you must have some inflated ego if you think random commenters like me know or care enough about you to want to harm you in any way, let alone, god forbid, kill you, lol unless you start drawing cartoons of mohammed, peace be upon him.)

    My comment was simply pointing out that your rants and raves against people who you disagree with on Israeli policy issues who you sloppily compare to Hitler make you look more like an idiot than one presumes you already are. Dedicating your life to spreading inuendo and hatred against Israelis and their supporters may be your own pathetic “lifes work” but for god’s sake, try to tone down on your one-side clap trap. One senses, and I just stumbled on your blog, that you are so steeped in your hysterical mission of attacking anyone who disagrees with you on the Israeli Arab conflict, that you dig deeper and deeper so as to desperately maintain your ignoble title of Jewish detractor of Zion.

    The most bizarre thing about your cesspool of a blog is the Orwellian title – one-sided and relentless bashing of anyone who stands up for Israel and desperate apologetics and whitewashing of the atrocities of Israel’s enemies has nothing to do with Tikkun Olam. Shame on you for using a beautiful term so ripe with meaning and goodness and dragging it through the dreck of your hyper-opinionated drivel.

    Funny thing is, I’m on the political left on American and foreign policy issues and have been involved with several dialogue groups here in Brooklyn. But when it comes to these issues, thank god you don’t speak in my name. It’s obvious the foaming contempt you have comfortably living in America for the Israelis whether in Tel Aviv or elsewhere who disagree with you. But if you can’t have peaceful dialouge with or even write humanely and civilly about Jews in Israel who you disagree with – do you really expect Hamas to have dialogue with Fatah, let alone Israel.

    Sorry about taking you to task, not that it will matter, but since you probably live in a bubble of self-rightousness and have some fawning fans among the Israel haters of the world, I thought I’d write to you with a different perspective.

    Finally, I don’t know who this Katzele is, but it seems to me if I was wounded in service for my country and loved my country and its people and its citizen soldiers and someone used gov. dollars to imply I would kill the same soldiers for political reasons in order to dehumanize me and my outlook, I would get emotional, too.

    Try to be part of the solution for peaceful coexistence instead of exacerbating the problem in the most cynical and ugly ways I’ve seen in a long time.

    1. who you sloppily compare to Hitler

      You admit in your comment that you know nothing about Ketzeleh. Yet you have the termerity to claim that my comparison of him to a fascist is sloppy. Who’s sloppy now? You naturally admire Ketzeleh (or would if you actually bothered to read anything about him before exposing yr ignrorance by not doing so) therefore objecting to my calling him a Jewish fascist wannabe. But that doesn’t make the comparison wrong. It makes it one you disagree with because you too are as right wing as he.

      make you look more like an idiot

      That’s the 2nd time you’ve called me that. That is a violation of my comment rules. If you can’t be bothered to respect the rules of discourse you’ll not be here long.

      Dedicating your life to spreading inuendo and hatred against Israelis and their supporters

      That again is a lie. I don’t spread hatred against Israelis. I only point out the hate harbored by settlers, many of whom don’t consider themselves loyal citizens of the state of Israel, but rather a category Bernard Avishai aptly calls “Judeans.” There is a diff. bet. settlers and Israelis though you naturally dislike acknowledging this.

      One senses, and I just stumbled on your blog

      In other words, you’ve barely read 100 words here & never been here before & are fully prepared to wax eloquent on who I am & what I believe. Do spare us yr ego & grandiloquence.

      your ignoble title of Jewish detractor of Zion.

      Another violation of my comment rules. You have been banned.

      one-sided and relentless bashing of anyone who stands up for Israel

      Again confusing settlers w. Israelis. Of course, you meant to say “anyoen who stands up for settlers.”

      whitewashing of the atrocities of Israel’s enemies

      I criticize both sides of the conflict. But that’s certainly not good enough for you because anyone who criticizes Israel at all is whitewashing Israel’s enemies regardless of what he says about those enemies. Which only points out the utter bankruptcy of yr position.

      Shame on you for using a beautiful term so ripe with meaning and goodness and dragging it through the dreck of your hyper-opinionated drivel.

      If there was such a thing as twice-banned you’d be it for this lulu of a comment violation.

      I’m on the political left on American and foreign policy issues and have been involved with several dialogue groups here in Brooklyn.

      You mean you’re PEP! Of course. You love voting Democratic on domestic issues, but at least you’re candid enough to allow us to correctly infer that you are not on the left when it come to Israel. As for “dialogue group” I have no idea what that means. It’s so vague as to be close to meaningless. What are you dialoguing about? Broadway plays? Middle Eastern cuisine?

      when it comes to these issues, thank god you don’t speak in my name.

      I wouldn’t dream of it. But chances are the type of dialogue in which you engage in empty of any true meaning, power or utility.

      I don’t know who this Katzele is

      That’s funny because who Ketzeleh is is at the heart of this post & comment thread. You’ve just further implicated yrself in ignorance.

      I was wounded in service for my country and loved my country and its people and its citizen soldiers and someone used gov. dollars to imply I would kill the same soldiers for political reasons in order to dehumanize me and my outlook, I would get emotional, too.

      Sorry, leftist that you are for pointing out the disingenuousness of yr characterization but there are many Israeli citizens on the left who suffered wounds as severe as Ketzelah & yet they don’t hate their fellow Israelis even when they disagree w. them. The video did not say that the settlers were going to kill the kidnapped soldier. YOu & Ketzeleh added that distortion. Ketzeleh does not love Israelis btw. In fact, he hates most secular Israelis who make up the majority of the Israeli populace.

      Try to be part of the solution

      You mean “try to agree with me and my political allies,” don’t you?

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