10 thoughts on “Naveed Haq Found Guilty – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. And so Naveed Haq will go into the state prison system and vegetate there for the rest of his life (no possibility of parole) because a Seattle jury couldn’t concede that a mentally ill individual who was guilty of a horrible crime should be treated as if he were mentally ill.

    Although I was not able to find legal resources showing the exact statutes on commitment following acquittal by reason of insanity in the Washington state court system, a search on the Washington state court system website turned up several cases where the law on commitment of acquitted insane defendants is mentioned. The rule is that the court can impose a term of commitment or treatment (due to the strong evidence of violent actions on the part of Naveed Haq, the former is more likely) up to the maximum statutory penal sentence (although there is some confusion as to whether the sentence lengths for multiple offenses can be combined).

    Based on that, it seems likely that even if Mr. Haq had been acquitted by reason of insanity, he would have likely spent most of, if not the rest of his life, confined in a mental hospital unless he was later found to be competent enough to stand trial. As is, he will vegetate in a state prison rather than the former for the rest of his life.

  2. Juror John Bennett said the defense was simply unable to convince he and his fellow jurors.

    Him. HIM. HIIIIMMMMM!!!. HIM and his fellow jurors. Convince HIM and his fellow jurors. Jesus, Moses, and Mohammad, don’t Jewish journalists in Washington state study basic English grammar?! Would you say “unable to convince HE”?! No? Well, then, why do you say “unable to convince HE and his fellow jurors”? Sheeesh!

    Sorry, but that particular bit of grammatic idiocy is one of my pet peeves.

    1. Mine, too. And using “I” instead of “me,” and “it’s” for the pronoun “its.”

      Shirin, the more I get to know you, the more I like you. Asalam alaykum, sister.

      1. I gritted my teeth rather than make myself seem pedantic. So I’m really glad to see that others did the job. I’m always unsure about correcting others’ grammar, but I do worry about not doing so, especially if the culprit is a writer. Sorry, Richard. I’m sure it was a typo.

        1. I rarely hesitate to make myself seem pedantic (perhaps “seem” is not the correct word in my case?). My grammar is not perfect, but there is a level of grammatical stupidity that is too egregious to ignore.

          And, as Richard pointed out, that particular bit of stupidity did not come from he (sic).

  3. On a note more relevant to the topic, a couple of my family members are psychiatrists, and as part of their residencies they worked in a public hospital where most of the inpatients are mentally ill people who have been picked up and taken there for a 72-hour hold. Many of them are repeat customers who get brought in again and again and again. One of the greatest frustrations is how often the single lucid moment one of those patients will have is when they are in front of a judge who is tasked with deciding whether or not they are sane enough to release. So, they get released and brought in, released, and brought in ad infinitum, and never have a chance to get any kind of consistent treatment.

    1. I worked in felony criminal and civil court for almost 11 years, and I can tell you that in New York State, as in most others, the legal definition of insanity does not mesh with the medical or clinical definition. A defendant can be nuttier than a fruitcake and still be considered sane under the law. Occasionally the Judge would send a defendant to the county mental health department to determine his or her ability to stand trial (to understand the charges and participate in his or her own defense). The exam given to the defendant was no more than a 15 minute visit consisting of basic questions.

      In only one instance was a defendant determined to be unable to stand trial, in all the years I was in the court. Only one. I think the objective of the system is not to diagnose and treat mentally ill defendants, but instead it is geared to simply incarcerate them (and sometimes execute them as well). It’s cheaper, the case is disposed of sooner, and the public is happy that a violent criminal is being punished.

  4. Insanity defined legally is not insanity in the medical sense. What matters is whether he understood what he was doing. He knew he was shooting Jewish people not mowing the lawn. What I find creepy is people worried about grammer in relation to hate crimes. The world is doomed.

    1. What matters is whether he understood what he was doing

      In his fevered mind, he thought by killing Jewish women he would strike a blow against the suffering of Muslims. Does it sound like he knew what he was doing?

      What I find creepy is people worried about grammer [sic]

      You should be more worried about spelling.

      The world is doomed.

      Which would make you a follower of John Hagee??

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