11 thoughts on “Gaza: Death of a Doctor – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Wait for some Israeli spokesperson claim that militants hide in ambulances, like we heard before in Lebanon ’06. Vittorio Arrigoni reports that Wea’m hospital has been bombed as well as a medicine warehouse in Rafah, and Al Shifa hospital – the largest in the strip – received threats from the army. (http://www.freegaza.org/index.php?module=latest_news&id=2ce3677c56a012c009f75448db287929) After all, these places also provide treatment to injured Hamas members, so I guess that makes them legitimate targets, just like the kindergarten in Be’ersheva that certainly served many future Israeli soldiers.

    Ewa Jasiewicz witnessed the three children mentioned in the NYT article brought into Beit Hanoon hospital:

    […]’They’re bringing them in, they’re bringing them in’, we hear people say. I expect to see a wailing ambulance come veering round the corner, instead a cantering donkey pulling a rickety wooden cart vaults up to the hospital gate. Its cargo three blackened children carried by male relatives. They hoist their limp and contorted bodies into their arms and run in to the hospital. Their mother arrives soon after by car, running out in her bare feet to the doors.

    Haya Talal Hamdan aged 12 was brought into the main emergency ward and lain down. She was soon covered with a white sheet, as her mother, comforted by relatives disintegrated into pieces. Ismaeel aged 9 came in breathing, his chest pushing up and down quickly as doctors hurriedly examined his shrapnel flecked body.

    In the emergency operating theatre was Lamma, aged just 4. Opening the door, I saw a doctor giving her CPR, again and again, trying to bring her to life, but it was too late. She died in front of us.

    Lamma’s mother blamed herself, ‘I asked them to take out the rubbish, to take out the rubbish, I should never have asked them to take out the rubbish’. A female relative was livid with disbelief, ‘She hadn’t even started school! We were, sleeping, and they call us the terrorists? How could they cut down this child with an F16?’

    Doctor Hussein, a surgeon at Beit Hanoon Hospital said the cause of death was ‘multiple internal injuries and internal bleeding’. Their fatal injuries were consistent with their bodies having been ‘thrown up and down in the air 10 meters’.
    After the hospital, we made our way to the scene of the strike – Al Sikkek Street, close to the Erez Crossing. Two large craters around 6 meters in diameter and 20 meters apart scared an empty wasteland between a row of houses. One had turned into a lake; the missile downed power lines had smashed into a water pipeline, now spewing fresh water into the crater. Iman, 12 years old, a tough, long haired tom-boy wearing a wooly hat and jeans, witnessed the whole attack. She took us up the roof of her house to point out where and how and what she saw.

    At the second crater, next to two green wheelie bins, we see a twisted bicycle and wooden cart, mangled together with plastic bags of rubbish that the children never got to dump. There is still blood on the ground. Crowds of young men gather to stare into the craters, and point to the gushing water mixing with sewage. They also point out a blasted building near by – its corner missing – a casualty of a 2007 Israeli missile attack.

    We walk back to the mainstreet, now lined with solemn male, mourners, in groups talking quietly or looking listlessly at us. Iman explains to us, ‘I always ask God for me to become a martyr like the other children. My mother is always asking why, but they’re killing children here all the time, and if I die, then I prefer to be a martyr, like the others. Even it’s better to die than live a life like this here’

  2. After the siege is lifted the first thing Hamas will do is import heavier weaponry, bombs and rockets so the next war or flare up in 3 years there will be rockets flying into all major Israeli cities which will lead to an even larger conflagration.
    The Israelis and Egyptian government offered numerous times to let in humanitarian aid and and regular supplies while regulating the weaponry of war coming in and Hamas refused bcs they don’t want to be told what they can import……
    You make it sound so simple living in your living room far from Sderot….

  3. these guys alternate between committing acts of terrorism and crying for pity. hey here is an idea. stop the terrorism. nobody is forcing you to be terrorists. you do have a choice. you make it. you suffer the consequences. you cry for pity. and you start the cycle over. all you have to do is stop the terror. seek peace and not war.

  4. I don’t understand why you are pleading to Mr. Obama to do something. He is not yet the President. Unless you are advocating the overthrow of President Bush, Mr. Obama cannot do anything but make statements without power behind them. One reason this is happening now is because Israel feels they could not get away with it after Obama has become President, and I think, and hope they are right.

    My prayers fly to the Palestinians in Gaza. I hope Hamas will gain control of the Palestinian elements that continue to provoke retaliation of this kind, and prove itself a true and responsible representative of its people.

    May G*d forgive us.

  5. Tzvee wrote: “these guys alternate between committing acts of terrorism and crying for pity. hey here is an idea. stop the terrorism. nobody is forcing you to be terrorists. you do have a choice. you make it. you suffer the consequences. you cry for pity. and you start the cycle over. all you have to do is stop the terror. seek peace and not war.”

    Tzvee, You’re standing up for and justifying immorality. Israel has been committing terror against the people of Gaza for an awfully long time as mentioned in Richard’s blog “Gaza: Getting It Right” and in that blog the article by Chris Hedges denounces the 18-month Israel siege. Tzvee, what you said makes almost as much sense as the Nazis justifying Kristalnacht because of the assassination of the Nazi official in France Ernst Eduard vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan. Notice I’m just using the word “almost.”

  6. these guys alternate between committing acts of terrorism and crying for pity. hey here is an idea. stop the terrorism.

    What about Tzvee, Stop occupation, go back to 1967 borders, pay Palestinians compensations and stop pretending to be in this tragedy the victim.

    Terrorism is a consequence of the decades long occupation. If Jews were packed in Gaza style concentration camp in equal conditions as Palestinians now for 40 years you can’t deny the fact that also you would resist. Probably with equal means as they do now.

  7. SimoHurtta wrote: “If Jews were packed in Gaza style concentration camp in equal conditions as Palestinians now for 40 years you can’t deny the fact that also you would resist. Probably with equal means as they do now.”

    Jews actually were packed in a Gaza style concentration camp in Warsaw by the Nazis during WWII.

  8. @tzvee: Not so simple, Tzvee. All Israel has to do is agree to withdraw to 1967 boundaries and share Jerusalem. Hamas has said it would live in peace with such an arrangement. That means it would stop terror. Advocate that to every Israeli you know & then we can talk about how simple it should be for Hamas to end terror.

  9. tzvee wrote: “terrorism is never justified”

    Does that mean terrorism committed by Israel, which you must not mean? How about when the Israeli Irgun led by Menachem Begin blew up the King David Hotel killing many people, among so many other terrorist acts? And going back to the present, Israel’s economic blockade of Gaza mentioned in that Hedges article that Richard posted?

  10. @Ismael Hamdan: Absurd. Israel has kept the Gaza borders sealed for virtually 18 months, letting in dribs and drabs of humanitarian aid. It has NEVER offered to let in “regular supplies” unless Hamas recognized it, renounced violence & agreed to previous PLO negotiated treaties.

    I make it sound so simple because it IS so simple. It’s Israel (& to a lesser extent Hamas) that make it so complicated.

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