I saw this graphic accompanying a Kung Fu Jew post on Jewschool and laughed my kishkes off. This is the kind of humor the Jewish left needs more of. I especially liked “$1,000=1 full pogrom.” I had to share it with you and hope you’ll find it even half as funny as I did. I’d challenge you to come up with some new gift levels like:
$180= 1 forged Palestinian property deed
$360=1 Molotov cocktail suitable for incinerating a Palestinian home
$720=1 Uzi suitable for shooting Palestinian donkeys and unarmed Hebron residents
$1,800=1 German shepherd attack dog
And if any of my settler supporter readers out there take offense, take it up in the comment thread.
Kung Fu Jew did me the favor of also linking to my own progressive Jewish tzedakah list.
In view of the proportion of violence on the other side it would have been more appropriate to create such flier for the other side.
Throw the Jews into the sea jihad inc.
Rock with your name on it to thro at Israeli soldiers : $20
Quasam rocket: $200
Usefull idiot/ Jewish liberal bloggers : dime a dozen
Making Israel into a living hell for the Jews: priceless