2 thoughts on “Nita Lowey Carries Water for AIPAC, Throws Personal Wrench Into U.S. Mideast Policy – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Dear Richard,

    My take on this is that Lowey is actually doing the correct thing,, but for the wrong reasons. Fatah and Hamas are involved in what could quickly turn into a full scale civil war. The purpose of the $86 is for arms to help Abbas remove Hamas from power. This is regime change in the Occupied Territories. Abbas is Bush’s Karzai in Palestine. Whether Olmert, AIPAC or Lowey think giving Abbas the money is a good thing is anyone’s guess. But, I can tell you that Rice and her knuckle breaker David Welch had there hair set on fire when Abbas accepted the deal in Mecca.

    Just as the United States should negotiate with Iran and Syria, the Americans should recognized Hamas. They are the elected government of Palestine. Their positions have been completely distorted in the West, where they have been demonized unmercifully. Their demonization has been accomplished with the help of the very forces such as AIPAC, that you criticize.

    Just as the Washington Post now routinely identifies Hamas as “Hamas, who wants the destruction of Israel,” Israel could be identified as Israel, who has assasinated the last two leaders of Hamas. Have we learned nothing from the demonization of Yasir Arafat?

    Please read my article – “Rice Jerusalem Summit about Regime Change”

    Can you pass on any information on the Joint Knesset-US Senate Committee on National Security? I just learned about it the other day at YNet. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3366186,00.html

    Anything of interest you could send me about it would be appreciated.


  2. The purpose of the $86 is for arms to help Abbas remove Hamas from power.

    If that IS the purpose, it’s certainly not the one that’s stated by the U.S. government, which claims it is meant to provide security for Palestine & bolster Abbas’ security.

    This is regime change in the Occupied Territories.

    I think you’re taking things too far.

    Abbas is Bush’s Karzai in Palestine.

    I guess I don’t share yr disdain for Karzai. And Abbas was not installed in power by the U.S. as Karzai was, at least initially.

    the Americans should [have] recognized Hamas

    Yes, certainly.

    the Washington Post now routinely identifies Hamas as “Hamas, who wants the destruction of Israel,”

    I don’t put much stock in WaPo’s editorial policy regarding the I-P conflict. They’re pretty slanted against the Palestinians. I much prefer the NYT editorial policy.

    I don’t know much about the Joint Committee you refer to but I will keep my ears open for information about it.

    UPDATE: Whoa, I just read that Ynetnews story. That’s an eye-opener. The worst of the senate neocons making a formal political alliance with the worst of the Knesset Likud. Good find.

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