3 thoughts on “Bill Nelson Meets With Assad to Bush’s Chagrin – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Better yet. How about having Assad come to Jerusalem and offering to make peace?

    Oh wait, Israel did that, and Assad refused.

  2. How about having Assad come to Jerusalem and offering to make peace?

    Oh wait, Israel did that, and Assad refused.

    Assad has told every international visitor and media interviewer he’s eager for peace talks with Israel. And he no longer even has any pre-conditions for such talks as Israel still does.

    Why should Assad go to Jerusalem when Olmert has nothing but scorn for him? Let Olmert start acting like a statesman instead of a Bush toady & he would have no problem getting Assad to Jerusalem.

    Pls. tell me when Ehud Olmert or Ariel Sharon ever invited Assad to Israel w. no pre-conditions.

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