Yes, indeed. The settler movement in this past week’s disgusting spitfest at the Hebron market, in which enraged demonstrators tussled with Israeli police, demonstrates that there is no depth low enough for them in besmirching their version of Judaism. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that Rebetzin Miriam Levinger (wife of the movement’s spiritual mentor) cursed the Israeli authorities:
The wife of Moshe Levinger, a prominent settler rabbi, railed at the police, “Sharon is dying because of our curses. You are next.”

Tell you what. Can we lock up Pat Robertson (Sharon’s stroke God’s punishment for “dividing” the Land), the Levingers, and Ovadia Yosef (Katrina God’s punishment for Blacks not studying Torah) somewhere and throw away the key? If they’re only talking each other rather than to their respective publics, they’ll get into a lot less trouble. They do such damage to the reputations of their respective religions.