Meet the [Right-Wing]
Babe of your dreams!
(credit: GOP Bloggers)
Thanks to a trackback from, a liberal-conservative Crossfire-type blog, I made the acquaintance of GOP Bloggers, the conservative blog that was thrown into the ideological mix. What compelled me to visit was the rather remarkable headline: Pa’s [sic] Abbas: Terror Is A Palestinian Right. One of the more moronic and patently false post titles I’ve seen in blogs.
When I arrived at the site I found another object that was far more compelling and no less slimy (though in a different way): the blond haired Aryan babe who will be yours if you share her politics. In fact, just look at her shining ponim ("face") looking up at your glorious right-wing he-manliness. Enough to make one’s heart quiver.
And have you ever heard such pathetic, simpering ad copy in your life:
Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh & Ann Coulter all talked about the difficulties of dating for people with conservative values. We decided to do something about it!
Yeah, good for you!
Before I wrote this I had to ask myself: what would I think of a Left blog that advertised in the same way? After all, what’s wrong with wanting your future mate to share your ideas about the world?
But Nah…this is ridiculous. Do I wish my mate would share my politics? Sure. Is that the only or deciding factor in choosing a mate? No way. But then again if I were a right winger (we Jews say: Chas v’halila) and could marry right-wing Rita in this photo, well could you blame me? Hey right-wingers, that was a joke so don’t go saying I endorse your stupid ad campaign.
By the way, the dating service is offered by Anyone with some time on their hands might want to try to register and see if they’ll accept a flaming left wing radical match.
The advertisement made me think of a Buzzflash article I recently came across: Dangerous Clowns
Elana: That ad reads like a perfect cartoon subject. Maybe you can work your magic on it? Why not have Rush meet Ann through the dating service & have those wedding bells ringing & George Bush or Ralph Reed or Pat Robertson officiating?
Thanks for the buzzflash link. I’ll take a look…
Well, the reverend Sun Myung Moon comes to mind. Could you imagine three thousand Aryan couples getting married in the Dirksen Senate Office Building under the auspices of, the very place where last year Moon was coronated the Messiah? Now that would make a great cartoon, but alas, not many people would get the joke. I mean you’d have to explain everything, the phenomenon of Moon sponseored mass weddings, the connection of Moon to the far right wing, the advertisement, the fact that Moon’s coronation ceremony did in fact take place at the Dirksen Senate office Building, etc. etc. etc.
Nothing worse than having to explain the joke.