In case you ever needed an example of a wealthy, powerful corporate titan who can thumb his...
Tomorrow, J Street will be celebrating its merger with Brit Tzedek and the launch of its local...
Poor Mort Klein must be foaming at the mouth. Used to being routinely invited to high level...
It looks like Jeremy Ben Ami may have a wanted poster in his future. The rightist pro-Israel...
On the eve of his departure for the Middle East, Pres. Obama has laid down a further...
There was a time when Administrations seeking to gauge the political temperature of the political community might...
The Forward notes in an article today that the largest U.S. Jewish umbrella group, the Conference of...
Mort Klein is at it again. His latest outrage is to ridicule the two-state solution in overtly...
Referring in a Jewish Advocate interview to recent Israel-related controversies at Brandeis University, Mort Klein, Zionist Organization...
JTA published today a mini-story on the Los Angeles Israeli consul general’s report savagely criticizing Israeli refusenik...
Tony Kushner: a Jewish David Duke?? (photo: Let it not be said that we Jews don’t...