I’m scratching my head about this one. I don’t know much about Larry Craig other than that...
Anyone who spends any time reading the Israeli press knows about the sorry mess the country finds...
It seems that after months of a thunderingly inept defense that he didn’t kiss her, then that...
The lawyer, David Roth…told reporters, “Mark Foley wants you to know that he is a gay man.”...
Hat tip to Arieh Leibowitz of Meretz who turned me on to this outrageous public statement by...
It would be oh so easy for a liberal Democrat like me to gloat over Mark Foley’s...
What is it about testosterone-driven male politicians who can’t seem to keep their dicks in their pants,...
Recently here, I wrote a post about three top Israeli hardliners who face serious charges of ethical...
Haaretz reports deep political difficulties facing three of the nation’s more bombastic leaders. The most important is...
The Seattle Jewish Transcript reports in Conservative Rabbis Clash on Homosexuality that the Conservative movement held its...
The New York Times Sunday Style section featured a repulsive story, Underdressed and Hot: Dolls Moms Don’t...