What is it about testosterone-driven male politicians who can’t seem to keep their dicks in their pants, that makes them drag out histrionic metaphors when charged with sexual misconduct? Remember Clarence Thomas’s boatload of mordant self-pity in response to Anita Hill’s charges of sexual harassment at his confirmation hearings?
[This] is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the US Senate rather than hung from a tree.
Katsav has been accused of rape by a former employee. A female Israeli politician just revealed that she met with the accuser and finds her story entirely credible. Not to be outdone in the realm of self-pity, Katsav has played his “lynch” card:
Mr. Katsav, who many expect will have to resign the presidency, said: “I don’t know which is worse: when under a nondemocratic regime people are lynched and physically murdered, or a democratic regime, when a person’s soul is murdered and he is publicly lynched without trial and investigation.”
What’s interesting here is that both Thomas and Katsav describe their treatment as a “lynching.” If we remember that most lynchings (in American at least) involved the charge against a black male of a sexual advance toward a white woman, then the lynching becomes a form of ultimate male castration. In fact, a good number of lynchings included this form of mutilation.
So what both Thomas and Katsav are saying in effect is that they are being castrated for their sexual conduct. Isn’t it interesting that men who don’t understand the meaning of civility and respect for women should complain that their obnoxious behavior is causing them to be sexually abused when it is they in fact who have abused their victims. It would be as if Adolph Hitler could come back from the grave to accuse his Jewish victims of exterminating him.