Jewish history is one of enslavement, exile, and catastrophe. It is also one of rebellion, resistance, redemption,...
Everyone who’s ever enjoyed a Passover seder knows how wonderful they can be: rousing singing, the story...
Donald Trump’s ever-present son-in-law, Jared Kushner, warned Dad that he’d be shown up if he didn’t host...
An Israeli friend has found an amazing YouTube video (apologies that it is in Hebrew without English...
The closing invocation of the traditional seder is l’shana ha-ba’ah b’Yerushalayim (“Next year in Jerusalem”). It’s sung...
The Ma Nishtanah page from the Sarajevo Haggadah (source: To all my Jewish readers I wish...
Hazzan Issac Azoze is the emeritus cantor of Seattle’s Congregation Ezra Besarroth, a community of Jews from...
In 1995, a Jewish neonatologist decided that the world needed a Jewish answer to the Gregorian chant...
Here’s the second in my series on Passover music. Like the first entry, I’m keeping with the...
As I’ve written here, I’m hoping to do a KBCS radio special on Passover music (just waiting...