The conclusion of the line in the song’s lyric is “What it is ain’t exactly clear.” That...
JTA’s Eric Fingerhut must’ve had a really slow news day because he chose to write up a...
I’ll trade you 300 Hamas activists and a Barghouti for a Shalit. The bartering now going on...
Israeli UN ambassador Dan Gillerman has brewed a mini-tempest in a teacup by taking the highly undiplomatic...
I read that headline tonight and got sick to my stomach. But I wasn’t going to write...
Eli Yishai breaks government boycott of Carter (Nir Keidar/Haaretz) When I first read this story I got...
All I can say is–it’s about time. About time someone stood up and said this policy is...
Jimmy Carter’s newest efforts to repair relations with the Jewish community were rebuffed…last week — and at...
My blogging friend, Phil Weiss, has a good post up today about The Israel Lobby and U.S....
No, the sky is not falling despite what Alan Dershowitz, Marty Peretz, Abe Foxman and the other...
It must be Hate Nobel Peace Laureates Month for Abe Foxman and other Jewish leaders who first...
You’ve got to give some credit to The Forward. Among the mainstream Jewish leadership, possibly the most...