I don’t know whether this is a case of throwing a piece of meat to howling dogs...
international law
Both Israel and Hamas have essentially refused to comply with conditions laid down in the Goldstone Report,...
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel is sponsoring a poster competition to celebrate the 60th anniversary...
Today in Geneva, the UN Human Rights Council finally endorsed the Goldstone Report, after an earlier Keystone...
If you’re old enough you’ll remember Yaakov Smirnoff, a Russian Jewish comic who emigrated to the U.S.,...
This is how it starts. Palestinians and anti-Occupation activists scream bloody murder for years about Israeli war...
I’m still trying to plumb the meaning the Goldstone report. The Media Line has an interesting story...
The respected South African jurist, Richard Goldstone, just released his long-awaited report for the UN Human Rights...
“Entirely consistent with international law,” says the IDF PR flack, of Israel’s use of white phosphorus in...
What hath Caterpillar wrought? (BBC) As I heard the terrible news of the terror attack in Jerusalem...
If you’ve read those blogs which covered the Lebanon war you’ve probably heard mention in many of...
(map credit: UNIFIL/NYT) The State Department is putting on its own special performance of Kabuki theater in...