The so-called Democratic Majority for Israel, an unacknowledged “co-conspirator” of Aipac, has unsheathed the knives on Bernie...
I don’t know what Hillary Clinton has been drinking since she arrived in Israel for a visit...
Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. spoke in Canada yesterday, each earning more than $150K for the...
Robert Dreyfuss in The Nation reports on a brewing showdown between Obama’s National Security Advisor, Gen. James...
The N.Y. Times reports that Hillary Clinton has accepted Barack Obama’s invitation to be his secretary of...
J Street has just won its first political skirmish. Only a day or so ago it began...
The Conference of Presidents leader, Malcolm Hoenlein got a little more than he bargained for when, after...
As I write this at 12:50AM east coast time, 95% of Indiana is in and Obama is...
Hillary Clinton must think she’s auditioning for the role of Curtis LeMay in a Hollywood film. That’s...
I was just reading the NY Times account of the Philadelphia debate and I read something that...
The headline in today’s NY Times: Clintons Made $109-Million in Last Eight Years As Ross Perot used...
Thanks to American Goy for pointing out this amazing set of statements by McCain and Clinton operatives...