20 thoughts on “15,000 Jews Say ‘No’ to Palin at UN Rally on Iran – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. So much for the vaunted Israel Lobby. Jewish “Leadership” was easily defeated easily by “other” Jewish Leadership. Gee, go figure – the democratic process (freedom of speech/dissent) actually works.

  2. What a victory for JStreet. The world is now a better place. The organizors wanted the rally to show a concensus. They invited Biden, Palin and Clinton. Now, thanks to JStreet partisan politics of the Democratic party, none of them will be speaking. How does this serve America, American Jews or anyone else other than Ahmedenijad. It’s a good thing JStreet has figured out that the real problem is Sarah Palin and not a nuclear Iran. If you can recall when Aipac has ever snubbed a candidate for pres or vice pres from either major party, I’d appreciate knowing about it.

  3. I think the only victor in this whole episode is Ahmadinejad. Having both Clinton and Palin on the same podium would have demonstrated that fear of Iranian nukes is a bipartisan concern. When Clinton withdrew, it gave credence to Republicans who could then claim that only their party considered a nuclear Iran a threat. Now that both parties have been disinvited, Ahmadinejad can claim with legitimacy that no one cares about Iranian nukes. Hitler chuckled after the Evian conference that no one wanted the Jews either. Im not sure if J Street wants to take credit for this

  4. @rundmc: Gimme a break. Likely J Street played but a small role in this. It was the NYC federation leadership who rebelled against Hoenlein (if you read The Forward story). THough the local NY Jewish leadership would have more Democrats among them than the national leadership, they still are nowhere near as progressive as J Street. And J Street is nowhere near as powerful or influential or well-funded (yet) as any of these groups.

    THe Jewish community is NOT democratic, at least not yet.

  5. @amir:

    If you can recall when Aipac has ever snubbed a candidate for pres or vice pres from either major party, I’d appreciate knowing about it.

    No less an Israeli figure than Shlomo Ben Ami has said that Aipac is a partisan group fronting for Likud. Likewise, its politics are strongly Republican & neocon in orientation. Of course, Dems know they at least need Aipac’s tacit support so they don’t make a big stink out of Aipac’s favoritism to Republicans. But any Dem pol will tell you off the record that Aipac is no friend of the Dems.

    Besides Aipac makes life a living hell for every President (Repub or Dem) who is insufficiently slavishly obeisant before Israel’s interests as defined by Aipac.

  6. @Acai Berri:

    When Clinton withdrew, it gave credence to Republicans who could then claim that only their party considered a nuclear Iran a threat.

    In your mind & the minds of other Republican partisans. But you confuse yr own prejudices for political reality. A fatal mistake.

    J Street is very happy to take some credit for getting Palin disinvited. She never belonged on the agenda to being with.

  7. Americans, Jews and Israelis are losers. Ahmadinejad and the far left are winners. Isn’t that sickening?

    Here they hold a major rally and they think that having prominent politicians speak in support is detrimental to the message? Most organizations would kill to have prominent speakers.

    How is it non-political for Hillary to speak and political for Sarah Palin to speak?

    Why are leftists so against free speech? Are they more afraid of people who aren’t far left than they are of the Fanatics of Iran with a nuke?

  8. I forgot to mention that it wasn’t 15,000 Jews who said no to Palin. It was a handful of extreme leftists Jews who will do anything they can to get Obama elected despite his palsy relationships with Ref. Wright, father Fleger (ap?), terrorist Billy Ayers, corrupt Syrian Rezko, Israel (and more) hating Brezinzki, Lake, Power and tolerance of his churche’s love of Jew-Hating Farrakhan.

    (I know, this is old news so we should just forget about it. Right? NOPE! WRONG!)

    Many, many of us Jews are aliented by the far left Jewish Organizations.

  9. I write as a proud Jew who supports John McCain and Sarah Palin wholeheartedly. I congratulate you Jewish traitors on your success. What could have been an example of bipartisanship that leads to real Tikkun Olam you transformed into a non event. Our fears that Sarah Palin may not have been ready to appear at such an event has been alleviated by your obvious fear. Also considering that New York’s electoral votes were being written off Hillary’s incredibly stupid decision to wimp out rather than face Palin has now put the state in play. As for the rally itself; had Clinton and Palin appeared you would have been able to allay Jewish fears about Obama and gotten excellent publicity all over the world. With Palin not showing up you won’t get anywhere near the publicity which is just one more reason Jews will support McCain in November. Yasher Koach suckers.

  10. @Jan P: 15,000 Jews signed J Street’s petition to disinvite Sarah Palin from the rally. And actually the number has surpassed 20,000 by now. That’s not a “handful of extreme leftists [sic] Jews.” In fact, I’d say it’s yr Jewish politics that are in the extreme minority.

  11. @Jan P:

    Isn’t that sickening?

    Something’s sure sickening but it isn’t those who opposed Palin’s speech. To know what’s sickening you might want to look closer to home (your home, that is).

    Having a no-name V.P. candidate whose church hates Jews & who has no bona fides in the Jewish community speak to a rally of 100,000 Jews, thus enabling her to score brownie points in our community & among the wider electorate–that is a true detriment to the cause of opposing Iran’s nuclear program and the cause of having a bipartisan approach to this issue.

    Fanatics of Iran with a nuke.

    Now, I didn’t know Iran had nukes. Thanks for making me aware of this horrible development! Gee, what if we didn’t have Jan on the spot to inform us so accurately of the situation on the ground in Iran. What nukes???? Playing a little fast & loose w. the facts, aren’t we?

  12. @Ronnie Ben-Aron:

    What could have been an example of bipartisanship that leads to real Tikkun Olam

    Oh, I see. Having Malcolm Hoenlein gather together 100,000 Jews baying for Iranian blood would’ve “led to real tikun olam.” Thanks for setting me straight. I thought repairing the world meant trying to get warring sides to sit down & resolve their differences. I didn’t know if meant setting the groundwork for a massive Israeli attack on Iran.

    Hillary’s incredibly stupid decision to wimp out rather than face Palin has now put the state in play

    “In play?” Are you off yr nut? How is NY in play except in yr fevered right wing imagination?

    had Clinton and Palin appeared you would have been able to allay Jewish fears about Obama and gotten excellent publicity all over the world.

    Wrong. It’s Palin, the total ignoramus when it comes to foreign affairs, Iran & Israel who would’ve “gotten excellent publicity all over the world.” Intelligent N.Y. Jews who opposed her invitation said if she’s going to score pts. let her do it some other way than on our backs.

    Jews support McCain in Nov.??? His numbers are at 30% now. 30% & falling I’d imagine by Nov. Best of luck to you in doing any better than that.

  13. This whole brouhaha is a prime example of cutting off our nose to spite our face. Totally forgotten in the politicking was the purpose for the rally–to focus attention on the madman running Iran. Had Clinton accepted the invitation to speak three objectives would have been met: one, the madman would have seen that there may be a divide along party lines in some areas but not when it comes to Iran; two, both parties would have gone on record in their speeches as to their “real”position on the issue, words we could hold them to regardless of which party’s candidate will win in November; Ahmadinejad would not have been able to claim that Jews in America are marginalized and outside of mainstream consideration, since both major parties would have been there showing support for the Jews in their concerns.

    Instead, we have shown that we Jews are not united when it comes to Iran because we clearly let in-fighting get the better of us. Nor, frankly, did we gain “brownie points” with either party. A lot of today’s politics is about who do you know and who do you owe, and thanks to this mishandled mess no one is going to “owe” us anything and they will think twice before again “knowing” us either.

  14. To Richard Silverstein:

    I must thank you for admitting that the reason to disinvite Palin was your desire to keep her from getting any publicity or any support from the Jewish Community. You wrote “Having a no-name V.P. candidate whose church hates Jews & who has no bona fides in the Jewish community speak to a rally of 100,000 Jews, thus enabling her to score brownie points in our community & among the wider electorate–that is a true detriment to the cause of opposing Iran’s nuclear program and the cause of having a bipartisan approach to this issue.”

    Did it ever occur to you that any publicity she got for attending the event would be publicity the event itself would get?

    I have been fed up with major leftist Jewish organizations for a long time now – ever since they accepted the lies of MoveOn.Org concerning the anti-Semitism in their now-defunct forum. (I am the one who, along with Bill Levinson and Bob Goldberg, brought it to light.)

    I find it amusing that you would complain about the church that Palin left while supporting Obama and his anti-American, Anti-White, Anti-Israel, anti-Capitalism church who honored Jew-Hating Louis Farrakhan.

    By the way, do tell me what bona fides Obama has besides gettign support from Jews?

  15. @Jan Poller:

    Did it ever occur to you that any publicity she got for attending the event would be publicity the event itself would get?

    Unlike you, I don’t think Israel needs help fr. those like Palin who embrace speakers fr. Jews for Jesus, who’ve never visited Israel in their lives & wouldn’t know a bialy from a bulvan. I guess I believe that when we ask for support for Israel that we not ask for such support fr. right-wing ideologues like Palin.

    I have been fed up with major leftist Jewish organizations

    Which one? You mean like American Jewish Committee. I’m just tickled to see what you consider a “major Jewish leftist organization. And when has any Jewish organization ever accepted or endorsed any statement from Moveon, lies or otherwise???

    And thank you for finding anti-Semites under every bed. I don’t know where the Jewish people would be w/o yr eagle eye.

    You’re spouting lies, lies, and more lies about Barack Obama. You claim to have outed anti-Semitism at Moveon. I’ve outed yr racist spew here. No one here will miss you.

  16. Having Malcolm Hoenlein gather together 100,000 Jews baying for Iranian blood would’ve “led to real tikun olam.” …do you support Iran obtaining nuclear weapons? If you were invited, would you have dinner with Ahmadinejad? If you were granted an audience with Ahmadinejad, what would you tell him?

  17. Jan P. said “It was a handful of extreme leftists Jews who will do anything they can to get Obama elected despite his palsy relationships with Ref. Wright, father Fleger (ap?), terrorist Billy Ayers, corrupt Syrian Rezko, Israel (and more) hating Brezinzki, Lake, Power and tolerance of his church’s love of Jew-Hating Farrakhan.” I SAY THANK YOU! So many of us are thinking this! How can any true Jew with faith & morals & love for God & country vote for Obama?! He is wrong for America and Israel on so many levels. He has associated with radicals who are racists and antisemetic . . . how can we support him!? NO JEWISH VOTES FOR THE DEMOCRATS THIS YEAR!

  18. @LFforMcCain:

    how can we support him!? NO JEWISH VOTES FOR THE DEMOCRATS THIS YEAR!

    If only yr shreying made it so. But alas, the vast majority of American Jews will treat yr ranting with the level of respect it deserves (none). I say: 75% for Obama!

  19. Having Malcolm Hoenlein gather together 100,000 Jews baying for Iranian blood would’ve “led to real tikun olam.” …do you support Iran obtaining nuclear weapons? If you were invited, would you have dinner with Ahmadinejad? If you were granted an audience with Ahmadinejad, what would you tell him

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