26 thoughts on “Mossad Operation Against Hezbollah Kills 11, Wounds 4,000 – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Hezbollah announced the deaths of 12 operatives in the operation yesterday. Given these numbers, it seems highly unlikely that Hezbollah members were only half of those killed.

    1. Doesn’t change the fact that 6 of the vics yesterday were either children or healthcare providers, not combatants.

      Israeli airstrikes (which also account as direct attacks on Lebanon in addition to violations of Lebanese sovereignty though israeli flyovers, which by themselves are acts of military hostility) supposedly killed a few Hezbollah soldiers. So not all the combatant deaths that Hezbollah claims from yesterday are related to israel’s terror-bombing through the sabotage of electronic devices.

    2. Actually a total of 32 have been murdered. As for your claim about Hezbollah dead:

      Civilians were also killed, including the 9-year-old daughter of a Hezbollah MP and and the son of another Hezbollah MP. It is not clear if only Hezbollah members were carrying the pagers. Lebanese Health Minister Firass Abiad said the vast majority of those being treated in emergency rooms were in civilian clothing and their Hezbollah affiliation was unclear. He added the casualties included elderly people as well as young children. According to the Lebanese Health Ministry, healthcare workers were also injured and it advised all healthcare workers to discard their pagers.”

      The target was clearly Hezbollah, although though many of the victims were civilians, including a medic killed in the hospital where he worked and a girl who picked up her father’s beeping pager to take it to him.”

  2. Hsu Ching-kuang, told reporters that the pagers were made by another company licensed to use its brand. This is a lie … the Hungarian entity BAC Consulting KFT does not manufacture goods. The Hong Kong plant produces the robust Gold Apollo AR-924 he referred to.

    Per Al Jazeera video interview with Elijah Magnier – https://mediaview.aljazeera.com/video/MipjtiksGq – some evidence from Beirut.

    The shipment was held up for three months by a ME country … support in licenses and logistics likely offered by a third party intelligence .. British MI6 or French DGSE?

  3. I’m hearing that Lebanese health authorities are stating that the majority of wounded victims turning up at hospitals/being picked up for treatment are civilians?

    So basically this looks like that Mossad just planted bombs in a variety of electronic devices and hoped that they could throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks.

  4. Morbid … complicit … before the code was sent, both moments Yoav Gallant informed Lloyd Austin. It’s strictly prohibited to use booby-traps in civilian objects.

    [The Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Amended Protocol II)]

    1. It’ll be interesting to see israelis and their sycophants screech when the same tactics are used against them.

      As is par the course.

  5. Your ability to minimize the Israeli success is quite admirable.
    Yes, it could have a stronger affect but the blow served to Hizbollah will be remembered for ages to come.

    1. @Danny: It is NOT a “success” to murder children. Nor does is any act of terrorism “remembered for ages to come” except by the victims, who never forgive or forget. Further, the attack will encourage repressive regimes throughout the world to engage in the same acts of terrorism against their own citizens and their enemies. Making the world a charnel house.

  6. Israel has now weaponized batteries of all kind of “systems” as “approved” weapons. And what is unbelievable is that Israeli media and Israel supporters consider the move as genius move for Israel. Israel praises constantly and vocally itself to be a pre-eminent high-tech country (which it is not in the light of international patent statistics). Who would now order electronics made in Israel, delivered form Israel, Israeli made programming jobs to different systems using radio waves, integrated circuits etc Israeli made electronics? How long can and will INTEL operate its factories and development in Israel? Do even present allies trust the Israeli systems they have bought? I doubt not.

    What Israelis obviously do not understand by making this their move, it allows “opponents” to make equal “operations”. If to Israelis and Jews in general are sold “manipulated” batteries for their phones and other electronic gadgets, is Israel and Israelis the victims in that story? Believing that Israel’s “opponents” can not re-engineer what Israel has done is absurd. In couple of months they have same workmanship as Israelis have developed. What will the news tell us when in Israel EVs, phones etc begin suddenly to explode? Are those “operations” then described as terrorism.

  7. Is it not apparent to the author and commenters that Lebanon started this war totally unprovoked on October 8th 2023 by firing at innocent civilians in Israeli villages and over the last year continued to do so causing thousands of civilians to evacuate their homes?
    Obviously Israel has and will retaliate against this Lebanese agression

    1. Son of Benzion, brother of true hero Yonathan, father of Yair. Decades of provocation and hate, murder of great person Rabin, not in search of peace with neighbours, forms cabinet with Kahanists for personal politics. UN Charter and UNSC Resolutions, ICJ and ICC. Benjamin an absolute failure to the citizens of Israel and security of the State. Biblical land to share with indigenous people … will fall in his own sword … Nakba 2.0 … end apartheid, Free Palestine 🇵🇸 and abide by humanitarian law. UNGA vote this week 124 countries voted FOR resolution, 2 EU countries voted against, 22 European states voted FOR. 16 European countries have coward leadership and abstained. Occupation beyond the Green Line is a murderous enterprise … what “security” wall when the state supports 750,000 settlers to move into Palestine? Only peace ☮️ will provide security instead of a path of doom. Netanyahu for all his blabber is not a shadow of Ariel Sharon. End the death camp of Gaza, treat people as human beings … still a long way off. George Bush and American evangelists aren’t “friends” of Israel. Seeds of 10/7 watered by the Abraham Accords. Waiting for savior Trump in November? So sad.

      Have great respect for this blog and Richard Silverstein … just too few courageous persons like him.

    2. it’s pretty apparent that you’re a propagandist and don’t have any understanding of reality. I’d feel bad for you but it’s clear what your politics are, so I don’t.

      Israel is and always has been the aggressor. Both Palestine and Lebanon have the right and duty to defend themselves from israel. Full stop.

    3. @ Shmuel: Hezbollah attacked because Israel committed genocide against Gaza. It demanded the war end and Israel blew them off. Hezbollah and Hamas are allies. I would expect them to support each other against Israeli aggression. Not to mention, that Israel has offered Hezbollah numerous reaons to respond as it did. It has attacked Lebanon hundreds of times over the past decade or so, killing hundreds of Lebanese.

      The Israeli strategy is to provoke a war against Hezbollah by attacking as it has. It figures if it kills enough Lebanese, Hezbollah will be forced to commence major hostilities. This will give Israel the excuse it needs to invade and occupy all of southern Lebanon, which is its ultimate goal.

      Obviously Israel has and will retaliate against this Lebanese agression

      Obviously Israel will commit genocide in Gaza and Lebanon. Obviously, hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis will die in the event that Israel provokes such a war.

  8. Shell companies in Budapest and Sofia, fraudulent identities, both persons have worked/studied in London. Are more states complicit?

    Person of interest an Indian born Norwegian “Rinson Jose” sole owner of Norta Global Ltd. has gone missing since day of detonations. Rumored to be in the US.

    Judas penning for Gold Apollo in Taipei $15 license fee for each pager bomb fabricated elsewhere.

  9. UAE Stabs Palestinians in the Back .. Again

    Cooperation on subversion, digital warfare, joint effort intelligence gathering, and what for Gaza that is completely destroyed ⁉️… Gazans erased from their homeland … treachery.

    UAE President Sheikh Mohamed meets Biden at White House to start US visit | Arab News |

    UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is due in Washington for a first official visit at a time of soaring tensions in the Middle East, seeking to highlight economic and technological cooperation.

    Presidential advisor Anwar Gargash said the Emiratis, who want to reorient their economy away from oil and towards new technologies such as AI, were thinking “economy first, prosperity first” in their “strategic relationship” with the United States.

    The UAE, expected to be a key contributor to the Gaza Strip’s post-war reconstruction, also has close ties with Russia and refused to condemn the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

  10. Customized Communications Made In Taiwan

    Now, the unearthing of the 2011 report moves the discussion back to New Taipei City in Taiwan.

”Gold Apollo sells a walkie-talkie that is almost extinct in Taiwan, but its professional technology, customization and strict quality control have won orders from European and American governments, making it number one in the United States and the second largest in Europe,” the 2011 CommonWealth Magazine report said.

    The company in Taiwan specializes in pagers and “customized walkie-talkies”, the article continued. Customers include intelligence groups in various countries, the report said. “The demand is mainly concentrated in intelligence, firefighting, national defense and other units in Europe and the United States.”

    The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is a customer. “The FBI ordered a text-type walkie-talkie,” said the report, based on interviews with the company’s staff. It says of the FBI order: “The technical requirements of this product are not high, but the security confidentiality requirements are extremely strict.”



    The Big Lie by CEO Gold Apollo … likely other states complicit in the cover-up of Mossad front companies and logistics. Key role for the U.S.

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