4 thoughts on “Netanyahu Fabricates Purported Hamas Intelligence Documents – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. JC apparently has deep pockets … vulture capitalist Paul E. Singer … frontman Sir Robbie Gibb, former Tory spin doctor and current BBC director.

    Who really funds the Jewish Chronicle? Why it’s troubling that we don’t know… | Prospect Magazine – 26 April 2024 |

  2. From day one Netanyahu and his cabinet put in a great effort to link 10/7 to the Islamic Republic of Iran … in step with the man Joe Biden, the end phase will be a revenge attack before Jan 20th.

    The current effort “coincides” with extra sanctions and accusation of delivering ballistic missile to Russia. Joint action with the UK and France.

    Iran is the biggest prize. The risk for the region is high as the GCC states and the OIC are uniting the global Islamic world.

  3. This story is extremely concerning. The Jewish Chronicle must have known that “Elon Perry” (born Eli Yifrach) was basically a fraud. This guy has been living in the UK since at least 2011 and has got British citizenship. He has been making a living by giving lectures to local Rotary Clubs and WIZO groups and on cruise ships to credulous members of the Jewish community in the UK since at least 2013.
    He started off pretending to be a psychology expert who had undertaken “advanced courses” in psychology at “top institutions” but never said what these were. Over time his fake biography evolved and grew probably as he realized that there was a small, but fairly lucrative market in the UK for talks of exciting and daring escapades in the IDF. Eventually Elon must have watched the series Fauda (or whatever it is called) and decided that he was also an undercover operative.
    He also claims to have been a journalist “for 24 years” — it is so obvious that this is bogus because his byline appears literally nowhere. Among his claims are that he was a field reporter in Gaza and “interviewed Gazans”. He clearly has zero idea of how journalists work and anyone with any experience in journalism (such as the Jewish Chronicle editors) could figure that out from looking at his various ridiculous biographies.
    His wife also either goes along with him and pretends he was a journalist or more likely believes him.
    He must have ended up being introduced to the JC editors or owners through his “work” on the minor lecture circuit, possibly boosted after the Times of Israel (another rag) gave him a blog that gave him more credibility. As a freelancer, it would be unusual for the JC to have passed him a story — usually one would have to find one’s own stories and pitch them to outlets. My guess is Elon was groomed at some point pretty recently by someone close to Bibi who figured out that he was a useful idiot, possibly with collusion at that point from someone at the JC or close to it, who could provide them with a platform for their propaganda.
    Whether that person or persons realized that Elon is a fraud — my guess is they did — is interesting. The JC should have smelled a very big rat when this obvious fabulist came along purporting to have secret intelligence documents. Yet they were very happy to publish a story without any sort of fact checking including of its author. Again, this stinks of collusion.
    I almost but not quite feel sorry for Elon because he does have mental health issues and whoever used him knew.

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