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המחבל היהודי המורשע זאב וולף, שרצח פלסטיני ב-1992, הוא כיום יועץ בכיר לשר לביטחון לאומי איתמר בן גביר
The current Israeli government represents the “triumph” of Judeo-terrorism. Figures like Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir have been transformed from terrorists into senior ministers. Nor should we surprised at this, since pre-state Jewish militia leaders responsible for brutal murders and massacres, eventually became prime ministers.
Smotrich and Ben Gvir have brought with them into the government a raft of fellow gang members, including some who engaged in the ultimate act of terrorism: murder. Some of these have themselves been transformed from killers into respectable members of Israeli society and its professions. One in particular is Zeev Wolf, 48, who is an activist in Ben Gvir’s Jewish Power party, and represents him in the multiple libel suits he’s brought against Israelis.
In 1990, Meir Kahane was assassinated in New York. It’s little known that in 1992, on the second anniversary of Kahane’s murder, a Jewish terror cell led by his son, Binyamin Zeev Kahane, threw a hand grenade in the East Jerusalem butcher market. It killed a 65 year-old Palestinian man. 12 others were injured, including two of the man’s sons.
This is the Los Angeles Times 1992 account of the crime:
Arab shopkeepers said a Jew…threw the army-issue fragmentation grenade through an opening in the market’s dome-shaped roof shortly after 1 p.m. The grenade fell into the butcher shop of Marzouk Idkeidik, 60, killing him and wounding his two sons, police said. The other victims were shoppers and merchants standing near the store.
As medical teams struggled to get through the Old City’s narrow, winding streets to reach the market, three Jews appeared on an adjacent roof, according to shopkeepers, who said the youths jeered at the wounded and shouted that the grenade attack was in reprisal for recent Arab assaults on Jews. “They were screaming at us, saying that they would kill us all,” one shopkeeper said…
An anonymous caller told state-run Israel Radio that the anti-Arab Kach movement carried out the attack to mark the second anniversary of the slaying in New York of its leader, Rabbi Meir Kahane.
Wolf was one of four who committed the murder. He was arrested, tried and convicted. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison. But then-president, Ezer Weizman, granted him clemency and he only served four years. Israeli presidents have bestowed such undeserved mercy on numerous convicted Jewish terrorists. In fact, the Kahanists have lobbied for Yigal Amir, Rabin’s killer, to receive clemency. If past is any precedent. he may be released and become an MK some day. As Wolf was a minor when he committed the murder, his criminal record was expunged.
Despite the murder, Wolf managed to attend law school and was admitted to the bar in 2012, despite his murder conviction and before it was expunged. By law, the Israeli bar association may reject any anyone convicted of a criminal offense that, in light of this conviction, is deemed unfit to be a lawyer. It didn’t do that. The Israeli publication, HaMakom, which broke this story, asked why it approved a law license for a convicted murderer. It said that it could not respond for reasons of privacy: it isn’t permitted to discuss records or decisions regarding those seeking admission to the bar.
In yet another example of the lax standards of the Israeli bar, Itamar Ben Gvir, himself indicted over 50 times for inciting terror (convicted 7 times), was also approved to practice law. He became the go-to defense lawyer for Jewish terrorists. In another case, Effie Naveh, former president of the bar association, traded sex for his vote in the judicial appointment committee. He wasn’t even disbarred and now is running once again for leadership of the professional group.

There are multiple Israeli sources which report Wolf’s crime and his identity. He himself was interviewed numberous times by the media during the court case and the appeal process. He was also mentioned by name during deliberations in the Knesset. An Israeli tweeted about his crime and identified him (screenshot on right) The original version of the Wikipedia article (screenshot on left) about the terror attack also mentioned him by name. Though the current “censored” version has clumsily deleted the full names of the cell members without deleting their first names.
Wolf’s SLAPP suit
Nevertheless, he is suing three Israeli social media activists for $150,000, for purportedly exposing his crime. He also makes a claim that revealing a conviction for a crime when he was a teenager constitutes defamation, and that it damaged his professional reputation. He contended that he first learned of the matter when the Jerusalem district attorney expressed concern to the manager of Wolf’s law firm about the social media posts. That is peculiar, since Wolf is a solo practitioner. The article in HaMakom suggests that the “boss” may refer to his main client, none other than Ben Gvir himself. Wolf also complains that he could not show his face in his synagogue for a full month and that he stopped posting on social media.
In a separate incident, after a female (minor) Lehava was sexually assaulted in the organization’s office by a convicted Jewish terrorist, Ben Gvir, his wife, and Lehava’s founder, Gopstein, urged her not to report this to the police because it would give Lehava a “bad name.” Wolf supported this approach saying:
Wolf wrote…that even though he…was “against silencing and in favor of dealing with such acts harshly … there are times when broader factors need to be taken into account. For example, that Lehava is already in the spotlight and is fighting enough wars with the establishment and the media. What is the use of the [bad] publicity now?”
No concern for the victim, no concern for preventing sexual abuse within the far-right. It’s a matter of “bad publicity.” Lehava supposedly does such “important work” that a matter like this should take a back seat to degrading and destroying a young girl. In fact, it’s hypocritical for Lehava to decry purportedly forced (on the Jewish woman) sexual relations between “Arabs” and Jews, while looking the other way when one of their own victimizes such a girl.
Wolf smears former Kahanists who abandoned the cause
Wolf has himself smeared his former terror colleagues who’ve abandoned the cause. He tweeted that one of them, Gilad Sade, who’d been groomed by Itamar Ben Gvir as a teenager to be a Kahanist terrorist, was a “traitor.” It’s beyond ironic that Wolf, a convicted murderer, calls Sade an “especially violent [Kahanist] activist.”
Wolf also falsely claims that Sade offered money to another former Hilltop Youth terrorist, Roni Chen, in exchange for her smearing Ben Gvir. A repentant Chen was featured in a profile by the Israel TV news magazine, Uvdah. Wolf claims that Sade paid her to betray Ben Gvir, and that a vast left wing conspiracy funds Sade himself.
Primary among those purported funders, according to Wolf, is the BDS movement. This is a common trope propagated by the Israeli fascist right. In truth, the BDS movement is not an organization. It has no structure. It has no financing. There is no one to pay anything to anyone. Rather, it is a decentralized movement with volunteer activists in various countries working on common goals according to BDS’s three-point platform. Thus, Wolf once again has offered bald-faced lies. Sade denies them as a complete fraud.
In a passage from Ruth Margalit’s New Yorker profile of Ben Gvir, Sade asserts that it was his former rebbe (mentor) who paid him and others. In a recording Sade made, the a Kahanist confirms that Ben Gvir paid his “junior” terrorists:
Sade played me a recording in which a man who remains close to Ben-Gvir confirmed that Ben-Gvir had paid him, too, for graffiti when he was a teen-ager. “When we talked about money, Itamar used to say that all he had gotten in exchange for working for Bentzi [Gopstein] was a shawarma,” the man joked. (I am withholding his name
Wolf also falsely claims that Sade was the child of a mixed marriage between his Jewish mother and “an Arab.” One of the most repugnant aspects of Israeli fascism is its obsession with miscegenation. Gopstein, mentioned above, founded a group which claims that Arab men kidnap Jewish women, forcing marriage and child-bearing on them.
This compulsion for racial purity is a classic trope of the Nazis. Gopstein and his goons seek out such mixed marriages and boast that they have “rescued” such women. In similar fashion, Wolf claims that Kahane “saved” Sade from such a fate through the latter’s adoption by one of the movement’s male followers.
HaMakom, likely fearing a libel suit, declined in its article to identify Wolf or the minister he worked for. It’s a sad case of self-censorship imposed by a judicial system which offers little protection for the media from SLAPP lawsuits. That’s why I’m doing so here. I hope that this will loosen such restrictions and permit the full reporting of this important story.
Israel’s current government and its hangers-on are nothing but a pack of terrorists, murderers, psychopaths, and thieves led by a petty dictator. Wolf is but a cog in the wheel of the Judeo-fascist regime.
The ’targeted killing’ of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin | March 22, 2004 |
“Israeli presidents have bestowed such undeserved mercy on numerous convicted Jewish terrorists ”
And Israel has bestowed undeserved mercy on numerous convicted Palestinian terrorists.
Hamas, on the other hand, cynically keeps two innocent Israelis captive while holding onto the body parts of two dead IDF soldiers.
@ Jay: Nonsense. A prisoner exchange of is not an expression of mercy. And you know it. You’re arguing in bad faith. It is simply a transaction by two countries or parties exchanging captives. An exchange each party has determined is in its interests. And you know that too. If you don’t, you’re a fool.
And the claim about Hamas is a lie. It is Israel that has refused any negotiation with Hamas. It is Israel which cynically shows these two Israelis no mercy. Because it has none. Even for its own citizens.
“Israeli presidents have bestowed such undeserved mercy on numerous convicted Jewish terrorists ”
And Palestinian minors who gang raped a Polish tourist at knifepoint were released by the PA after only six months in jail.
Israel grants undeserved mercy on Jewish minors, and it’s bad.
Palestine Authority grants undeserved mercy on Palestinian minors, and it’s……?
@Kenny Gee: Youre comparing apples to oranges. The Palestinian case was criminal and involved a rape charge, not a security charge as all the Israeli cases were. Besides, what the PA does is irrelevant to what Israel does. Stay on topic. Do not stray from it in your comments. The topic in this post is Israel. Posting off topic is not permitted.
The two Israeli prisoners Hamas holds never committed a crime or an act of terror, nor were they combatants.
They are two emotionally disturbed individuals who crossed into Hamastan year ago and who Hamas refuses to repatriate. That is cynical and cruel in the extreme.
I also want to know why you are using multiple IP addresses to comment here. I only permit this under certain limited circumstances.
@ Jay: It doesn’t matter who or what they are. They are Israeli and should have value to Israeli leaders. But they don’t. Otherwise, Israel would have negotiated as it has in the past. Do not ever use the term “Hamastan” here. Commenters must call countries, peoples and movements by their proper terms. Not by derogatory ones as you have. If you do this again, I will ban you.