5 thoughts on “Russian Spy Met With Avigdor Lieberman and DC Israel Lobby Figures – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. AIVD publication 16-06-2022

    Dutch intelligence AIVD [close alliance with Mossad, GCHQ, NSA] prevented a Russian intelligence officer from gaining access as an intern to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

    … the intelligence officer was refused entry into the Netherlands in April and declared unacceptable. He was sent back to Brazil on the first flight out.

    The ICC has also been informed of this case.

    The Dutch have been leading in the NATO hybrid warfare against Russia for a decade. Nonetheless, Dutch Gasunie/Shell partnered with Germany in the investment of Gazprom’s Nord Stream pipelines.

    1. Russian spy who pretended to be Brazilian is sentenced to 15 years in prison by Federal Justice | G1 Globo.com – July 1, 2022 |

      Por que o governo esconde o caso do espião russo preso no Brasil | July 2, 2022 |

      The Planalto Palace issued a gag order for the investigation and intelligence bodies involved in the arrest of Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov, a Russian citizen arrested by the Federal Police and uncovered by the Dutch intelligence service as a spy in the service of the Vladimir Putin regime.

      IMO after serving some time, Cherkasov will be sent on a direct flight to Moscow.

    2. [comment deleted: with all due respect, this comment was way off-topic. Remember, comments must be directly related to the post.]

  2. I doesn’t seem as if this ‘sleeper’ did any real damage. He collected information, but failed to significantly penetrate any Western political party or agency.

    A fart in a hurricane.

    1. @ Pamela: You only know what’s in the indictment. Unless you have secret information about what was left out to protect sources and methods. But even if he did no damage, the face that he was accepted to one of the most prestigious US international relations programs and sat at the same table with Dennis Ross, Marc Dubowitz and Avigdor Lieberman is incredibly embarrassing to the Israel Lobby and US law enforcement.

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