12 thoughts on “IDF Snipers Murder Palestinian Boys – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Weapons confiscated by idf were intended to be used against innocent Israeli citizens, Israel is entitled to protect its citizens as any other country. Woe to the Palestinian teenagers who are raised, fed and educated to hate Israel, to want to murder innocent citizens with the misguided belief that they are advancing their cause. Woe to us all to have such a biased ‘journalistic’ 🙁 outlet as richard

    1. @Twotch: First. There are no innocent Israelis. Second. The weapons are used to defend Palestinian villages invaded by the Israeli army. They have every right to defend themselves by any and all means necessary.

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    2. @Twotch: First. There are no innocent Israelis. Second. The weapons are used to defend Palestinian villages invaded by the Israeli army. They have every right to defend themselves by any and all means necessary. They have every right to hate the killers who oppress and murder them.

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  2. “With God’s help will we follow in the path of the hero martyr (Oday Tammimi)”

    Their hero, Oday Tammimi, walked up behind 18 y.o. Noa Lazar, and shot the Border Patrolman in the back of the head. Noa was executed at an East Jerusalem checkpoint while talking with her friends, not, while invading anyone’s village.

    ‘Teach your children well’–Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

    1. You forgot to say that the border patrol people beat Palestinians crossing that checkpoint.

      You forgot to say that the border patrol people generally keep Palestinians in Bantustans.

      You forgot also to say that the border patrol people are direct enforcers of an apartheid.

    2. Funny how when an armed uniformed person talking to her armed uniformed friends is shot this is a tragedy of great proportions.

      And when the children of Gaza and Palestine are killed, they are the necessary casulties of an Israeli preventive war; aiming to stop Palestinians from procuring arms.

      “Israel is an apartheid-state “–Roger Waters from Pink Floyd… Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem… Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu… Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, Rabin, Herzog… Finkelstein, Chomsky, Silverstein…

        1. Why would Israeli Palestinians join in dancing at a Jewish Bar Mitzvah? It makes absolutely no sense. So unless there is a particujlar reason for this to happen (perhaps an Israeli Palesitnian and Israeli Jew know or work together) this is suspect.

          But even if what you claim about it is true–what does it prove? THat some IsraeliJews and Palestinians danced together once? And that proves that Israeli Jews love their Palestinians brothers and sisters and everything’s honky-dory in the Holy Land? Really?

          One comment per thread please.

        1. @ Top Cat: Thought you’d slip this past me, did you? A 30 second Google search showed that the “educational organization” which claims to have found anti-Semitism in the school books the boy studied is none other than an Islamophobic group formed to scout out anti-Israel content in Muslim schools. About as credible as telling me the earth is flat.

          Even worse, Ynet didn’t offer any proof that the group, IMPACT-se actually examined the texts in his school. The article offers no quotation or link to anything IMPACT-se supposedly said on the subject. At the very least, this is shoddy journalism. At worst, it may be gross misrepresentation.

          And why am I not surprised you’d stoop this low??

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