10 thoughts on “Political Assassination and Zionism – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Richard you write that:
    ‘Interestingly and perhaps coincidentally, two days before his murder, the Zionist leader had returned from Germany after negotiating the Haavara Agreement, which saved the lives of 50,000 German Jews and allowed them to emigrate to Palestine. ‘
    Ha’avara saved no Jewish lives. If anything it had the opposite effect and I can only suggest you read Edwin Black’s ‘The Transfer Agreement.’ About 20,000 German Jews emigrated under Ha’avara, the rest came under the certicates that the British issued.
    Yehuda Bauer, Jews for Sale, p. 10. Black, p. 379. Hilberg, Destruction of the European Jews, fn 9, p. 139, puts the figure at 19,000 (36%).
    As Black makes clear (as does Bauer) this was not about saving Germany’s Jews. These were the wealthiest Jews. To take advantage of Ha’avara you had to have £1,000 with which to enter Palestine as a Certificate A, thus bypassing the normal quotas. Today that is about £85,000.
    For that amount of money you would have had a pick of countries to emigrate to. What Ha’avara did though was cause the collapse of the Boycott of Nazi Germany at the most pivotal and crucial time. Hitler had mounting problems, trade was being hit hard by the Boycott, the Nazis were desperate.
    The Investor’s Review of 5 August 1933 reported that ‘authoritative opinion is that Hitlerism will come to a sanguinary end before the New Year.’ [1] David Cesarani suggested that those who doubted the viability of the regime ‘were not engaged in wishful thinking’ and that it was beset by enemies coupled with a chronic balance of payments deficit.[1]
    [1]      Cesarani, Final Solution, pp. 81-2.
    [1]      ‘Hitler hard up’, JC 11.8.33. 
    Both Tom Segev and Moshe Zimmerman, stressed the cynical abandonment of German Jewry out of Palestinocentric Zionist considerations.[1] The ZE declared that Ha’avara was ‘the sole way of bringing into Palestine the maximum amount of German Jewish capital.’ [2]
    On Hitler gaining power most Jews reacted instinctively to do their utmost to defeat the Nazi regime and bring it down whilst it was still weak. The Zionists saw only opportunity.
    Francis Nicosia spoke of the ‘illusory assumption’ that Zionism ‘must have been well served by a Nazi victory’. Hitler’s victory ‘could only bolster Zionist fortunes.’ Nicosia spoke of the tendency to ‘view Zionist interests as distinct from those of the larger Jewish community in the Diaspora.’ [1]

    Berl Katznelson, a founder of Mapai and editor of Davar as well as Ben-Gurion’s effective deputy, saw the rise of Hitler as an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.’ [1] Ben-Gurion was even more optimistic. ‘The Nazis’ victory would become a fertile force for Zionism.”’[2] Prinz admitted that:

    It was morally disturbing to seem to be considered as the favoured children of the Nazi Government, particularly when it dissolved the anti-Zionist youth groups, and seemed in other ways to prefer the Zionists. The Nazis asked for a more Zionist behaviour. [3]

    [1]        Ibid., p. 91. Segev, The Seventh Million, p. 18 attributes this quote to a report by Moshé Beilinson, a cofounder of Davar, to Katznelson.

    [2]        Segev, The Seventh Million, p. 18.

    [3]        Joachim Prinz, ‘Zionism under the Nazi Government,’ Young Zionist (London, November 1937), p. 18 cited in Lenni Brenner, 51 Documents, p. 101.

    1. The Zionists may have had a short-lived, ‘arms length’, transactional relation with the Nazis, but it was the leader of the Palestinian people, Haj Amin Hussein, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who lived in wartime Berlin, worked for the Third Reich, and lived and prayed for the extermination of the Jews.

      1. @ Top Cat: No, it wasn’t short-lived. Actually, Adolf Eichmann visited Palestine in 1937 and both Lehi and Avodah negotiated directly with the Nazis. The negotiations were not arms-length.

        And as I’ve already written here, Husseini was NOT the “leader of the Palestinian people” when he embraced Nazism. He was driven out of Palestine with police on his tail with a warrant for his arrest in 1937. Years before he did or said anything on behalf of the Nazis:

        In 1937, evading an arrest warrant, he fled Palestine and took refuge successively in the French Mandate of Lebanon and the Kingdom of Iraq, until he established himself in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. During World War II he collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the Nazis recruit Bosnian Muslims

        If you want to spout pro Israel talking points, get your history right. Whatever Husseini did, say or prayed for had nothing to do with the Palestinian people. And if he was in any way representing them when he became a Nazi shill he would have recruited Palestinians to fight for the Nazis. He actually recuited Bosnian Serbs to fight. And most of them promptly deserted. I don’t think Husseini was capable of “exterminating” a single Jew. Your attempt to turn him into a genocidal ogre fails on all counts.

        You guys must up your game.

        1.  “I don’t think Husseini was capable of “exterminating” a single Jew. Your attempt to turn him into a genocidal ogre fails on all counts.”

          [T]he darkest aspect of the Mufti‘s activities in the final stage of the war was undoubtedly his personal share in the extermination of Europe‘s Jewish population. On May 17, 1943, he wrote a personal letter to Ribbentrop, asking him to prevent the transfer of 4500 Bulgarian Jews, 4000 of them children, to Palestine. In May and June of the same year, he sent a number of letters to the governments of Bulgaria, Italy, Rumania, and Hungary, with the request not to permit even individual Jewish emigration and to allow the transfer of Jews to Poland where, he claimed they would be ―under active supervision.
          The trials of Eichmann‘s henchmen, including Dieter Wislicency who was executed in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, confirmed that this was not an isolated act by the Mufti.– Jan Wanner, in, ―Amin al-Husayni and Germany‘s Arab Policy in the Period 1939-1945,‖ Archiv Orientalni Vol. 54, 1986, pp. 243.

          Invoking the personal support of such prominent Nazis as Himmler and Eichmann, the mufti‘s relentless hectoring of German, Romanian, and Hungarian government officials caused the cancellation of an estimated 480,000 exit visas which had been granted to Jews (80,000 from Rumania, and 400,000 from Hungary). As a result, these hapless refugees were deported to Polish concentration camps, where most of them, up to 400,000 Hungarian Jews, were subsequently killed.

          Moreover, in the mufti‘s memoirs (Memoirs of the Grand Mufti, edited by Abd al-Karim al-Umar, Damascus, 1999), he describes what Himmler revealed to him during the summer of 1943 regarding the genocide of the Jews. Following pro forma tirades on ―Jewish war guilt, Himmler told the mufti that ―up to now we have liquidated [abadna] around three million of them.–Wolfgang G. Schwanitz. ―Amin al-Husaini and the Holocaust. What Did the Grand Mufti Know?,‖ World Politics Review.com, May 8, 2008, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/2082/amin-al-husaini-and-the-holocaust-what-did-the-grand-mufti-know

          “You guys must up your game.”

          Up yours too.

          1. @topcat: I have no idea who Jan Wanner is. Never heard of him and I’ve heard and read many of the historical accounts on this issue. This is a far more balanced account: https://www.scribd.com/document/504517977/Trabajo-al-Husayni

            The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, a right-wing Israei think tank says this:

            Haj Amin al-Husseini (1897-1974) collaborated extensively with Nazi Germany but had no impact on Nazi decision-making concerning the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe… the Mufti did not participate in the decision-making process that led to the Holocaust.

            Pretty definitive.

            Was Husseini an anti-Semite? Did he collaborate with Hitler & the Nazis? Did he organize a small battalion of fighters to join them? A battalion whose soldiers mostly deserted. Did he write letters to people urging this or that policy? All yes.

            the mufti‘s relentless hectoring of German, Romanian, and Hungarian government officials caused the cancellation of an estimated 480,000 exit visas which had been granted to Jews (80,000 from Rumania, and 400,000 from Hungary)

            No, just no. You’re blaming the extermination of Hungarian Jewry on a single man? The mufti? What do you take us for? That’s the most ludicrous claim I’ve heard on this issue. Completely unsupproted by any real evidence. The decisions the Nazis took to murder Hungarian Jews had nothing whatsoever to do with the Mufti.

            , he describes what Himmler revealed to him

            Who cares what Himmler told him. The question isn’t who told him what, or what he told someone else they should do. The question is what real impact did he have on concrete actions or decisions made to exterminate Jews. And the answer is: not much or anything. And you’ve offered no real evidence to the contrary.

            Did any of it have any real impact on the extermination of Jews? Is there any evidence that the Nazis actually killed any Jews specifically because of something he did or said? No.

            I should have noted this in my response to your first comment. Make sure every comment you publish is directly related to the topic of the post. Dragging the Mufti into a discussion about the history of Zionist assassinaton is completely off topic. Of course, he’s a convenient cudgel for hasbarists like yourself to use to distract from the matter at hand. Don’t do this again. If you do you jeopardize your ability to comment in future.

            Do not ever publish more than a single comment in any comment thread.

      2. The position “Grand Mufti of Jerusalem” was created by the British in 1918, who filled the position themselves. This undemocratic invented position was typical of the British, who refused to permit a representation election in Palestine, explicitly because they knew the indigenous Palestinian population would reject the notion of a “Jewish Home.” As Colonial Secretary in 1922, Winston Churchill denyiied electoral machinery in Palestine. In 1939, as incoming Prime Minister, Churchill, in a speech in Parliament, demanded to know why a Jewish Home in Palestine should require the permission of the Palestinian people.

  2. “In 2006, after Bush administration diplomat and future felon, Elliot Cohen”

    That’s former Deputy National Security Advisor, Eliot Abrams.

    And you neglect to mention that Palestinians murdered and assassinated each other by the hundreds during the Great Palestinian Revolt of the late 1930s and that Palestinians had assassinated the British Mandate District Commissioner of the Galilee, Lewis Andrews.

    1. @ Bertrand:

      That’s former Deputy National Security Advisor, Eliot Abrams.

      Not quite. Yes, I confused Eliot Cohen, professor at Johns Hopkins, with Elliot Abrams (note correct spelling of his first name). But no, Abrams was a diplomat as I noted (“He served as the U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela from 2019 to 2021 and as the U.S. Special Representative for Iran from 2020 to 2021”) in addition to being a national security advisor.

      Before you criticize me you really ought to do a better job at checking sources.

      1. [comment deleted: You may only one comment per thread. You may want the conversation to devolve into a miasma of historical claims and counterclaims, but it bores me to s*.]

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