חשיפה: המידע שנאסר לפרסום על המשכורת הגבוהה ששילם “ישראל היום” לעיתונאית אמילי עמרוסי לפני שפוטרה

A long-time columnist for the pro-Likud media outlet, Israel Hayom (aka “Bibiton”) was fired because, she claimed, she criticized then-PM Bibi Netanyahu in her column and supported his successor, Naftali Bennett. She is suing her former employer claiming it fired her at the behest of Netanyahu himself, who is known to keep close accounts of his enemies in the media (and is facing charges of tampering with media outlets to improve such coverage). She argues that aside from firing her unlawfully, it refused to pay her the compensation she was owed. She also complains that the editor offered her a non-disparagement agreement (NDA) by which in return for a $12,000, she would agree not to sue the paper. She refused and instead sued for $90,000. The complaint she filed in court listed the various amounts she was paid for her work.
“Siri, show me a Feminist Zionist?” – Israeli journalist Emily Amrousi’s comments yesterday on a dozen young Israeli men accused of gang-raping a young non-Israeli woman while vacationing in Cyprus pic.twitter.com/TgRaS2vy1p
— David Sheen (@davidsheen) July 27, 2019
One of Amrousi’s most infamous statements (see David Sheen’s video above) as a journalist concerned the young British woman gang-raped by 12 Israeli teenagers in Cyprus. The journalist began by acknowledging that feminists say that the truth of a rape victim’s account must always be acknowledged. So far so good. But she goes further, saying that just as feminists have a prejudice in favor of the victim, Zionists have a prejudice in favor of the Israeli. Therefore, despite being a woman and being expected to sympathize with a female victim, as an Israeli she feels she must believe a fellow Israeli, almost as an act of Zionist patriotism.
Returing to Israel HaYom, it was founded and funded by Sheldon Adelson as a personal political vehicle intended to sweep Netanyahu into the prime ministership. It succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and Netanyhau himself credits the paper with sealing his election victories. Adelson pumped $40-million of his own funds into it each year, $185-million between 2007, when it was founded, and 2014.
Amrousi worked there as a columnist since 2009. She also worked as a publicist for various clients. Her gross monthly salary was $5,500 for the weekly column she published. This later increased to just over $6,000, an extraordinarily high sum for such a position; and in a paper that was losing money hand-over-fist. She was also initially paid an additional $500 per month for additional articles she wrote (later increased to $750). She was also paid $200 for every opinion piece published by Israel Hayom. This gave her a gross annual salary that neared $80,000.
7th Eye is Israel’s media watchdog, reporting on the good, bad, and ugly aspects of Israeli journalism. It has reported diligently in the past on various lawsuits filed against me and itself has been sued by individuals like Walter Soriano, who sued me as well. In Amrousi’s case, she filed documents with the court which listed her compensation and 7th Eye reported them (see screenshot above). When she appealed to the publication to delete the numbers, it refused because the court document is a public record. She then appealed to the court to slap a gag order on publishing this information. She succeeded, and now 7th Eye has placed ‘***’ which indicate where the figures once were in the article.
Fortunately, the Wayback Machine retained an original version of the article with the sums listed. I’m displaying a screenshot for Israeli readers interested in promoting transparency and defying such foolish abuse of the judicial process. Why a journalist suing her employer over her wages should think that the amount of those wages should be secret from the public is beyond me. And I’m not going to participate in her charade.
I support journalists, especially female journalists, who feel they’ve been exploited or abused by their employers. But when there is a conflict between such support and the public’s right to know, I choose the latter.
On what argument is she basing her case? Israel Hayom a.k.a. ביביטון was created to praise Caesar Bibi, not to bury him. You fail to deliver, you go.
She’s a pretty good journalist and I hope she gets what the silly newspaper owes her and more.
The “gangrape” story really aged like milk.. all Israelis involved were cleared of any guilt by the Cyprus court. I think that’s worth mentioning
@ Borsalino: I think it’s worth mentioning that the Cypriot police raped the victim again after her initial rape by browbeating her into renouncing her confession and then attempting to prosecute her flor lying. The Israeli teenagers raped that woman and got away with it, as so many Israeli men do. It’s shameful and shows the domination of male machismo over an entire society.
“It’s shameful and shows the domination of male machismo over an entire society. ”
‘Same as where you live, Richard…just Google the words, ‘Seattle’ and ‘rapist’.
@ Kareem: No sorry, we don’t have gang rapes of drugged women with the perpetrators treated to heroes’ welcome. Nor do we have professional soccer players leading the rape gang, nor fathers of the rapists who are major players in the ruling party defending their sons. I reserve that “honor” for Israel.
Don’t post again in this thread.
“The two girls both reported feeling “totally out of it” soon afterward and were unable to walk, documents say. The seniors then told them to lie down on a bed.”
“One girl reported that three of the males “cycled through me” as they had sex with her, according to the charges. She repeatedly said no, the charges allege. The four seniors are charged with raping her.”
@Nate: You are truly pathetic. You compare a Seattle incident from 2016 in which four male students were actually charged, and presumably convicted of third-degree rape to an incident from 2019 in which a dozen Israeli teenage males gang-raped a young British woman. Those rapists didn’t spent a night in jail, left the scene of the crime with the blessing of the authorities and were welcomed home as heroes. At least in part because Israel & Cyprus are partners in lucrative oil and gas projects. And then in part due to a disgusting sense of male entitlement: if you want sex, you get it any way you can including by force, deceit, drugs, alcohol, etc. You actually and truly have the sheer unadulterated chutzpah to compare these incidents?
Thousands of Israeli women are raped by men whom the State and police refuse to prosecute under the encompassing rubric of “insufficient evidence.” But really due to male privilege and misogyny, which is epidemic in Israel. Somehow Israeli male rape is kosher because rape happens everywhere. You are a shameful specimen of the male gender.
I do not permit tag-team commenting. You are echoing the comment of Kareem. Besides duplicating his comment (a comment rule violation), it conveys the impression you are coordinating your efforts in some way or another. Don’t do that. There is plenty of hasbara fraud that goes on the comment threads and on the web in general. I will not permit it.
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