13 thoughts on “מותו של גאון: כיצד השמיד צה”ל את תבונתו ואת חייו של תומר אייגס – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Assuming the story is true – it’s not really similar to that of Alan Turing who was driven to death for reasons that had nothing to do with his military work.
    However sad is the story of Tomer Eiges, his arrest and subsequent (needless?) demise is apparently directly tied to actions which he performed.

  2. In modern Israeli Hebrew, “Body Bag” is not translated as תיק גוף, but rather as “שק גופה”.

  3. I have the same theory (been myself in the same unit) based on the clues (no betrayal, no spying, no contact with a foreign entity), but with one critical difference – the IDF guidelines were very clear, and I believe he exposed the intellectual property intentionally, or at the very least he was well aware that he is breaking the law.

  4. I see 400 FB shares, but i added the link to this post as a comment on someone’s private post on FB and it was removed in a couple of hours, something about spreading fake news and violating their rules. I can still see my message, but the recipient doesn’t see it.
    Not sure why is your site blacklisted on FB, thought that you should know.

    1. @ Lee: Please Send me a screenshot of what you’re seeing. Click through the message about spreading fake news and tell me whether there is a person or group indicated who has made this determination.

      I am NOT blacklisted on Facebook. If what you are saying is true, it affects just this post. And since this post is not embargoed here I don’t see why it would be anywhere else. But if you have evidence of this please send to me so I can address it.

  5. I don’t understand why you insist on portraying Eiges as some kind of victim. By your own account, he participated in cyber exploitation for nefarious purposes, and wanted to branch out as a cyber mercenary working for… whom? Amnesty International? Probably not. Most likely some company like the Emirati Dark Matter or some other such thuggish arm of some brutal regime somewhere, or some drug/warlord etc. Perhaps you should be grateful to the IDF for stopping him dead in his tracks so to speak?

    1. @ BDK: Eiges IS a victim. A victim of the national security state and its obsession with intelligence, militarism and secrecy. Nor does my account say anything about Eiges engaging is “cyber exploitation for nefarious purposes.” In fact, you said that. Never ever attribute your own views to me. As for who he would work for–again you don’ t know who he would have worked for and there are scores of vcompletly decent, honest companies unlike Dark Matter or NSO he likely would have worked for. Again, your projection and speculation suggest your own cynicism and have nothing to do with Eiges.

      As for being “grateful” to the IDF (for being responsibile
      for his death) –again, that’s your own poisonous hatred rearing it’s ugly head.

      1. A victim of the national security state? Or a victim of his own aspirations/greed which drove him to defy the national security machine of which he had happily been an active cog, playing a critical role in facilitating cyber surveillance and espionage?

        1. @ BDK: “Greed?” Have you bothered to read the scores of recommendations from peers and superiors on my LinkedIn page? No you haven’t. Go and read them now and stop besmirching the memory of the dead. He was a wonderful, giving, thoughtful human being. He was no more greedy than the tens of thousands of other AMAN/Unit 8200 vets who’ve transitioned from military served to the corporate cyber world. In fact, I’m sure he was much less so given how altruistic those recommendations portray him.

          Oh and those mercenary Israeli cyber-hackers working for Dark Matter in UAE? They’re doing it with the blessing of the Israeli intelligence apparatus. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re picking up what they learn there and transferring it back to AMAN & Unit 8200.

          Don’t publish another comment in this thread. Your cynicism and animosity repel me.

  6. I served in the same place sometime ago, before he was recruited and I have no personal experience with him.

    However, whatever the circumstances may be (and there was clearly a serious omission here), I’m afraid you’re “beautifying” things.
    It’s NOT a common thing for soldiers to expose or share their findings or achievements on civil platforms. That’s a SERIOUS lawbreak, and can heavily affect on national security. Especially the type of publication he made.

    Indeed, somewhat similar things happened in the past and there was always the dilemma that if you put the person on trial you admit in public that it’s a technology the Israeli intelligence community was using, which will cause enemy targets to quickly look for such usages on their platforms and turn you in, or expose the fact that you’ve been there. Alternatively, if someone finds himself beint a victim of such a technology, you expose yourself as the (most likely) the entity behind it, which has diplomatic consequences, even if it’s an enemy (and clearly if it’s not). Just as countries don’t take responsibility for their unofficial kinetic attacks, e.g. the Israeli attack on Syrian nuclear facilities, that was officially published only years later.
    As far as I know, it’s the first time a soldier (or ex soldier) is being put on trial in similar circumstances, but that’s due to dealing differently with the dilemma. The fact that you’re not allowed to share shuch things, especially exploits (which require an enormous amount of resources ti find), is clear to everyone and those who did it in the past perhaps weren’t put on trial but they are well notorious and condemned for it in the intelligence community.

    So was there an omission here? Yes, absolutely, and that’s a terrible tragedy.
    Was he (seemingly) an innocent victim? No, he wasn’t, he went (seemingly) way way beyond the gray area, and with a very high risk caused serious damage to the national security.

    1. @ ex-soldier: The problem with your views of this matter are that no one knows what he published at Github. His account was scrubbed presumably by Unit 8200. So neither you nor I can speculate about what he did or didn’t upload to his account. We can’t even assume that whatever was there was the reason he was apprehended. There could be a thousand other ways in which he came to the attention of those responsible for his arrest.

      Next, I am certain that he would NOT have uploaded anything that if exposed, would have directly harmed Israeli security. He would have to be extremely sloppy or native to have done anything like that. And if he did, then Unit 8200 made a major mistake in accepting him.

      he went (seemingly) way way beyond the gray area, and with a very high risk caused serious damage to the national security.

      “Seemingly” is the operative statement here. You have no idea whether he “went way beyond a gray area.” You only have the word of the IDF chief of staff, who is a lying scumbag in my opinion. His job is to justify IDF treatment of Tomer. A statement that comes AFTER his death or murder. His job is NOT to speak the truth or reveal facts. Trusting his statements as you do is a major error on your part. If he had published the findings of the military inquiry he might have some credibility. But he kept that, along with everything else about this horrid tragedy, secret.

      JUst so you know, there are veterans of Unit 8200 with whom I’ve spoken who disagree strongly with your views.

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