14 thoughts on “Israeli Child Welfare Officials Jail Mom for Protecting 5-Year Old from Dad’s Sexual Abuse – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I find it morally repugnant that you would plaster the internet with photographs of a pre-pubescent victim of child abuse.

    Have you no sense of decency? A man your age?

    1. @Alice: Not a note of anger or pity for the poor boy’s suffering? Instead faux-outrage over a photo which humanizes him and allows the world to see the beautiful soul being destroyed by his father and the child welfare system.

  2. Your not his bloody parent!!

    It’s not your decision whether to humanize him by publishing his photo (which violates journalistic standards of decency).

    Richard. There’s no point in going on in this vein because you obviously don’t get what I’m saying.

    As far as your attempt to deflect criticism by attacking me, I will respond by saying that I’ve read your article, and others, and I don’t really know the extent of the father’s guilt, since I am skeptical about expert testimony and because I’m aware that innocent child care workers, and parents, have been convicted in Courts on the testimony of susceptible and manipulated minors.

    I must admit though, that the prosecution of the mother by the Beersheba Court has been horrendous.

    BTW, this isn’t faux disgust, It’s the real thing.

    1. @ Alice:

      Your not his bloody parent!!

      Actually, Gilat is his parent. And guess what? She features several image of her son in her publicly accessible Facebook page. I’m a journalist. When a piece of important information is publicly accessible to all the world, am I going to say: you know what, Alice would be outraged if I do this? Or would I say: a journalist who wants to convey a fully human person to his audience so they appreciate the grave injustice done to the victim will choose to display this picture. Gee, that’s a hard one.

      It’s not your decision whether to humanize him by publishing his photo

      And actually it is my decision. A decision I arrived at after consulting with Israeli feminists and an Israeli family law attorney, all of whom said my decisions was a reasonable one. I guess they didn’t consult with you first. Too bad.

      which violates journalistic standards of decency)

      No such thing. You’ve just invented something that doesn’t exist. Nor are you a journalist. Nor do you know a thing about the subject. I, on the other hand, am a journalist who made a fully informed decision.

      I don’t really know the extent of the father’s guilt

      Of course you don’t. But if you’d read the entire article and were a sentient human with a beating heart you couldn’t possibly have said this. And if you were a mother cut off from her children by a scheming child welfare system and a sexual predator ex-husband, you could never have made such a comment. But you’re not, so you prattle on in ways that expose your heartlessness.

      innocent child care workers, and parents, have been convicted in Courts on the testimony of susceptible and manipulated minors.

      That is a disgusting lie. As I wrote in my post with evidence to support it, the rate of intentionally false testimony by children is negligible. You said you read my post. You clearly didn’t or would have read that and not made such an offensive claim.

      1. “And actually it is my decision. A decision I arrived at after consulting with Israeli feminists and an Israeli family law attorney, all of whom said my decisions was a reasonable one. I guess they didn’t consult with you first. Too bad.”

        You didn’t say you consulted Galit, did you?

        Richard said:

        “No such thing. You’ve just invented something that doesn’t exist ”

        Actually, Richard, journalistic standards of decency do exist. You just didn’t use them here.

        #3. Always change the name and obscure the visual identity of any child who is identified as:
        – a victim of sexual abuse or exploitation
        – a perpetrator of physical or sexual abuse
        – HIV positive, or living with AIDS, unless the child, a parent or a guardian gives fully informed consent
        – charged or convicted of a crime.


        1. @ Alice: That was your last comment in this thread.

          You didn’t say you consulted Galit, did you?

          So a mother who makes pictures of her child freely accessible on her Facebook page requires of me that I ask permission to display them in my report? No journalist would ever ask a Facebook user permission to use pictures displayed publicly on their page. Clearly the pictures are in the public domain. If the individual didn’t want them displayed elsewhere they would remove them. She didn’t, even after I told her the pictures were there.

          As for UNICEF’s ethics regulations, press freedom in Israel is non-existent. If one adhered to all the gag orders protecting the wealthy, the male, and the powerful, one would never produce any journalism. Therefore, standards produced by any agency for most situations do not apply in Israel. In this situation, the party being protected is the rapist father. Displaying the boy and mother’s picture exposes the father’s crime. That is the most important priority. The damage to this boy is the father’s rape, not displaying his picture.

          Your arguments only reinforce your preference to protect the accuser, instead of the victim.

          Again you are done in this thread.

  3. Clearly you mislead your very few readers. So much fake news. Gardner was not in jail by died of a suicide at his home in NJ as he was suffering from a neurological disorder.

    Regarding the child custody issues, the vast majority of the western world already adopted some form of joint custody arrangement as a default but Israel actually is still behind as the current law still favors mothers in custody cases of little children. With that said, family courts began shifting towards joint custody rulings in recent years as joint custody was proven to be the most beneficial to children of divorced parents. See Dr. Richard Warshak Consensus Report on the benefits of joint custody.

    Furthermore, false accusations and parental alienation are very prevalent in Israel as they are in the US and it’s unfortunately very common for a divorce mother to press false charges against her ex and attempt to induce parental alienation. Thank God that in recent years there is more awareness to these repugnant phenomena and family courts in Israel are oftentimes successful in preempting parental alienation instances.

    1. @ Menachem: As for your comment about Gardner’s death. He never went to prison, unfortunately. But he faced criminal charges leveled by the children he damaged. His suicide was quite gruesome: stabbing himself repeatedly in the throat and heart. If he killed himself merely because he suffered from a degenerative disease, there are far less painful ways to end one’s life.

      current law still favors mothers in custody cases of little children.

      I don’t know what the law says on this matter. But I strongly doubt your claim. Regardless of that, the actual practice of the courts and child welfare system is profoundly prejudiced against mothers.

      false accusations and parental alienation are very prevalent in Israel as they are in the US

      Ah, it’s the Israeli men’s rights shills peering up from the sewers where they lurk. There is no such thing as parental alienation. It doesn’t exist. It’s junk science, a figment of Gardner’s imagination. Israel is the only country in the western world which maintains this charade. And I will not permit you to do so here.

      It’s unfortunately very common for a divorce [sic] mother to press false charges against her ex and attempt to induce parental alienation.

      Another lie. Have you no shame?

      Just in case you attempt to peddle your trash here again, I’m moderating you. I will not permit your lies to infest my comment threads. Comments of yours that do not exalt junk science and male prerogative will be published.

  4. “Parental alienation” and “Parental Alienation Syndrome” are considered pseudoscientific concepts, and the “treatment” for PAS in children is extremely brutal. These are constructs that only serve to enrich family court professionals, while abusing families.

    For the science-based view of PA and PAS, access the papers by Jean Mercer, PhD, professor emerita, Stockton University.

  5. Dutch Family Law is Medieval

    UN experts concerned over racial bias in Dutch child welfare system

    Participation of Children Involved in the Child Protection System – Validation of the Meaningful Participation Assessment Tool (MPAT)

    The Dutch do not have laws in place to protect mothers suffering from PPD and an abusive partner who files for divorce and sole parental custody. Patriarchal institution with Influence of Dutch Reformed society where the husband has authority as head of household is the default modus operandi

    In last 15 years involved as coach to two cases of young mothers. Family Court allows a half hour to hear the case. Awful!

  6. I am also wanted for abducting my sexually abused son when the US courts refused to protect him. The original court jurisdiction was the United States and my son and fled to my native Canada. This crisis happens all over the world.

  7. Thank you for this story. Thank you for putting the systemic issues that are occurring at an international level in a story that so many of us are sadly experiencing. Keep reporting please.

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