26 thoughts on “As Britain Faces Renewed Islamist Terror, Chief Rabbi Looks for Enemies in ‘All the Wrong Places’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. How devastating can a rebuttal be? Well, read this Silversteins rebuttal of Mirvis letter, and you will know forever.

  2. British liberal Jew here. This piece has some errors.

    First of all, even before the Orthodox Chief Rabbi publicy warned people to vote with their concience, the Rabbi Romain, the former head of UK REform Judaism (to which I belong) had warned of the same. Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain has written to his congregation urging to them to vote tactically to keep Labour out of power. He said he was taking the unprecedented step because the hard-left boss had allowed vile anti-Semitic hate infect his party.
    31 Oct 2019

    Second, you mentioned that most British Jews were secular, which is true but if you go to a United Synagogue congregation you will see that most Jews there are secular. Same in Israel. Even though most Israelis are secular they go to Orthodox synagogues rather than join the liberal Judaism. Most British Jews belong to cross denomination synagogues. I to to Reform mostly, but also belong to United Synagogue because of family.

    Third, most British Jews regardless of affiliation find Labour (under Corbyn) has attracted far left and extremist Muslim antisemites. They not only oppose the two state solution which most of us support but they want Israel gone.

    Have you seen this video in which Corbyn is telling Iranian TV that the BBC of being ‘biased towards’ saying that ‘Israel has a right to exist’.

    Jeremy Corbyn accused of anti-Semitism over shocking 2011 video in which he questions Israel’s right to exist and says the BBC is ‘biased’ in favour of the Jewish state

    He spoke to Tehran-backed Press TV - since banned from operating in the UK
    He attacks the British broadcaster's coverage of issues in the Middle East
    He said: 'I think there is a bias towards saying ... that Israel has a right to exist'

    1. @ Elena:

      British liberal Jew here.

      You are not a “liberal” Jew. Perhaps you mean that you are a “Liberal” Jew. But those are two different things as your extremist Islamophobic views make clear.

      As for Rabbi Romain’s views, I never said that UK Jewish leaders don’t hold the same misguided views as Mirvis. In fact, the leadership is part of the Israel Lobby and it’s not surprising they would all hold similar views. But even if you add Romain’s small Jewish denomination to Mirvis’ you still don’t get a majority of UK Jews.

      It’s quite instructive the media sources you use to prove that Corbyn is an anti-Semite: the Sun and the Daily Fail. Why not add Torygraph too? And Jewish Chronicle for good measure. THen you’d have only part of the media cabal out to destroy Labour. My point being that you can tell a commenter by the sources she quotes. And you’ve just given yourself away.

      if you go to a United Synagogue congregation you will see that most Jews there are secular.

      I have attended Orthodox synagogues in many countries including Ireland and the UK. In fact, I attended Mirvis’ shul in Dublin. The vast majority of worshippers in these shuls are Orthodox, not secular. Are there some secular Jews in these places? Of course. Would a secular Jew attend a synagogue perhaps on the High Holidays or for a wedding, funeral or Bar Mitzvah? Sure. But the entire point about being a secular Jew is that you generally do not attend a synagogue. That is why you don’t affiliate with any denominaton.

      most British Jews regardless of affiliation find Labour (under Corbyn) has attracted far left and extremist Muslim antisemites. They not only oppose the two state solution which most of us support but they want Israel gone.

      False. Most British Jews don’t vote Labour. That is all you can say on the matter. You don’t know why they don’t vote Labour. But I enumerated most of the reasons in my post which you conveniently ignored. THose reasons do not include the belief you enumerate. And a Jewish Chronicle poll saying otherwise isn’t worth a brass farthing.

      You have claimed “extremist Muslim anti-Semites in the Labour Party oppose a 2 state solution and want Israel gone.” I dare you to name a single Labour MP, whether Muslim or of any other faith, who holds those views. And if you claim there is one, you will offer a credible source to authenticate your claim. If you cannot do so I will call you a liar and offer you two choices: either admit you lied or I will ban you from this commenting here for violating a cardinal comment rule demanding that commenters support their claims with credible sources. You have 24 hours to do so before I take any action.

      Have you seen this video in which Corbyn is telling Iranian TV that the BBC of being ‘biased towards’ saying that ‘Israel has a right to exist’.

      I’ve read thousands of comments by people like you. I know all the tricks you use. One of them is to place quotation marks around snippets of phrases that are almost meaningles in terms of telling what someone actually said. Not only that, but your statement above is barely passable English. So even if Corbyn said anything close to what you wrote above, he certainly didn’t articulate it as you did. If you want to be believed here you will offer a full quotation without any elisions and you will offer a credible source for whatever you’re quoting. In this case, your source is the Daily Fail which is an #epicfail here.

      I know people like you don’t like facts to spoil your Islamophobic reverie. But I offer them nevertheless:

      A Pew Research poll of Britons showed that 7% were anti-Semitic, amongst the lowest percentage in the EU (similar to Scandinavian countries).  The Institute for Jewish Policy Research found 3.6% of the far left harbored anti-Semitic views as compared with 13% on the far right.  The Campaign Against Antisemitism (a pro-Israel organization) reported that antisemitism had declined since Corbyn became leader in 2015.  A British Social Attitudes report said antisemitism in the Labour Party generally is a mere 0.08% of members as opposed to 3.6% in the ‘far left.’

  3. The Hindu and Sikh Council also backed Rabbi Mirvis. Labour has an antisemitism problem. Most importantly, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury backs chief rabbi after Labour antisemitism remarks. Also The chief rabbi’s comments were also supported by the rabbi Julia Neuberger, a crossbench peer and a female Reform Rabbi, who said the Jewish community had been gripped by anxiety. The Guardian explains it here:

    Archbishop says Ephraim Mirvis’s comments highlight fear felt by many British Jews

    Richard, on your ‘rules’ page you say that you consider it unacceptable to question Israel’s right to exist or to call Israel ‘Nazi’ or ‘Zio’, but that is what the extremists in the labour party (mainly atheist marxists) say and believe, those that are not holding hardline Islamist beliefs.

    1. @ Adrian:

      Hindu and Sikh Council also backed Rabbi Mirvis

      Hinduvta extremists have endorsed Mirvis’ Red-scare pandering and his pro-Israel pandering. Why am I not surprised? Hinduvta and Likudniks like Mirvis have much in common (cf. Kashmir).

      The Archbishop of Canterbury thinks Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite? Shocking. Since when did the Archbishop of Canterbury ever vote for a socialist or hold any sympathy for the working man or woman? He is part and parcel of the same elitist, snobbish, classist clan which has ruled the British establishment for ages. Why does he have any more credibility speaking on political affairs than Mirvis? THey are cut from the same stodgy cloth.

      Richard, on your ‘rules’ page you say that you consider it unacceptable to question Israel’s right to exist or to call Israel ‘Nazi’ or ‘Zio’, but that is what the extremists in the labour party (mainly atheist marxists) [sic] say and believe, those that are not holding hardline Islamist beliefs.

      Thank you for telling me what you think my “rules” are. But as people like you usually do, you’ve got it wrong. You have given the actual rules I wrote your own ideological gloss and in the process, gotten them wrong. Go and re-read them. Then if you want to claim what the rules are you quote them precisely and exactly as I wrote them, which you haven’t done here. I actually banned two specific terms: “Zionazi” & “Ziohell.” I also banned a number of terms used by far right people like you. But you’ve conveniently ignored those.

      I do indeed permit some Israeli policies to be compared to those of Nazism (especially since the rise of Likudist Judeo-fascism) because in many ways they increasingly have become so. What I don’t permit is sloganeering that is devoid of substance or analysis, whether far left or far right (or in the middle).

      You actually have the idiotic impudence to claim that Labour harbors “hardline Marxists” with “hardline Islamist beliefs.” Really? Like whom?

      I’m about to ban your ass not merely for insufferable insulting stupidity (which unfortunately isn’t a comment rule violation), but for racism and Islamophobia. Say anything like what you’ve written above and I’dd do it in a heartbeat. And it will give me the greatest pleasure.

  4. [comment deleted: are you best the UK Jewry has produced? Stupidity, hate-filled, ignorant. An embarrassment to the Jewish people. You are disgusting…and banned.]

  5. Richard, have you spoken to many British Jews and asked whether they feel Labour is anti-Semitic?

    Personal communication with British Jews might be a more reliable indicator than tweets and polls.

    1. @ Jack:

      have you spoken to many British Jews

      I cited multiple sources of UK Jews who reject Mirvis’ claims. I’ve written about the faux anti-Semitism campaign against Labour for over a year both here and at Middle East Eye. How do you think I arrive at my conclusions? In the ether? In a vacuum? Without contact with the subjects I’m writing about?

      For you to imply I have not spoken to many British Jews or that I’ve had no personal communication with them makes you not only presumptuous, but a fool.

  6. Of course Jack. Science is fake. A scientifically sound, duly randomized sample is producing far less reliable results, than the personal network of the chief rabbi. And the reason for that is clear: divine intervention!

  7. “I dare you to name a single Labour MP, whether Muslim or of any other faith, who holds those views”

    “MP Naz Shah suspended from Labour”


    While Naz Shah may be the only MP suspected of anti-Semitism, Labour has similarly suspended three councillors over alleged antisemitic remarks.


    And Labour is removing or dropping Party candidates for anti-Semitism, as well.



    1. @ Jack: As usual you have offered your version of reality and have not read or followed the terms I laid out earlier. The false claim made was the following:

      “extremist Muslim anti-Semites in the Labour Party oppose a 2 state solution and want Israel gone.”

      Instead of offering any names of any MKs (which I explicitly cited in my challenge, not “councillors”) you’ve offered claims of anti-Semitism. And you’ve said the individuals you’re citing are anti-Semites without offering any evidence they are. And none of the sources you’ve cited actually prove the accused were anti-Semites. An accusation by the Jewish Chronicle and its ilk is not proof of truth. In fact, just the opposite.

      You, along with all of your ilk have absolutely no understanding of what anti Semtism is. Is it not criticism of Israel. That’s what you’re calling anti-Semitism. And it’s not only wrong, but a lie.

      But that isn’t even the point: I asked for proof that anyone in Labour “rejects a 2 state solution or wants Israel gone.” You still haven’t provided any. You lose.

    1. @Jack: Absolutely nothing about that statement is either anti Semitic or says Israel should not exist. You’ve apparently lost your sense of irony as many pro Israel Misanthropes like you do.

      But I’ll make you a deal: if you label Herzl’s initial plan to locate the Zionist state in Uganda or Argentina as anti semitic: or the chief rabbi’s plan to relocate Palestine to the Sinai as Palestinophobic, then I Might consider your claim. What say you??

    1. @Jack: She’s as brainwashed by the Lobby as you are. It’s NOT anti Semitic. Unless Herzl was an anti-Semite. Oh wait, he was!

      I’m still waiting for that proof that Labour MKs reject a 2 state solution and favor eliminating Israel. You seem to have conveniently pivoted away from my Original challenge when you couldn’t find any evidence to support that lie.

      You are done in this thread. No More comments here.

  8. [comment deleted: you have once again espoused Islamophobic canards. Islamophobia, like anti-Semtism, is prohibited in this blog. You are now moderated. Read the comment rules if you wish to comment here in future. If you cannnot follow them, those future comments will not be approved for publication.]

  9. Richard

    Your characterisation of Justin Welby in your comment to the poster called ‘Adrian’ does not reflect reality. Welby recently acknowledged the English Church’s role in British antisemitism which does not really relate to what you said but is nevertheless a welcome development for British Jews.

    What is important and relevant though is that Welby’s stance on poverty in Britain flies in the face of your claim that he is part of the ‘snobbish elite’ who doesn’t care for the working man. Or that his support for the Chief Rabbi was politically convenient. In actual fact his comments of poverty, Universal Credit and the big tech companies paying little tax in the UK has angered the Conservatives at times. Some proof follows:

    Archbishop of Canterbury calls for halt of Universal Credit rollout as he calls exploitation of workers ‘reincarnation of ancient evil’

    The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby criticised Universal Credit – and Tories are angry
    Justin Welby told the Trades Union Congress that Universal Credit had left many people ‘worse off’

    Archbishop of Canterbury calls for “fundamental reform” of Britain’s economy
    Posted on: September 5, 2018

    1. @ Elena:

      What is important and relevant though is that Welby’s stance on poverty in Britain

      I don’t care what Welby says about anything. I care about the record of oppression and injustice the Church of England has inflicted on the poor and working class not just in Britain, but wherever the Empire flew its flag and brought the CHurch along with it. Words are just that, words. Deeds are what matters. The Church has always been part of the Establishment and bolstered the noxious class structure of British society. And it still plays the same role today.

      But one thing I’ll tell you Welby would never do: he would never tell his followers that Labour was evil and should be shunned in the polls.

      You are done in this thread. And I’m invoking another comment rule: do not publish more than three comments in any 24 hours period. I do not allow pro-Israel apologists to monopolize the comment threads as you and others have done in this thread.

    1. @ Peter Dahu: I think often there is little distinction. Mental health issues (if that’s what you mean by “nut”) often play a part in motivating radical violence, whether left or right, religious or secular. To be clear, I am not saying at all that the mentally ill are all terrorists or prone to violence.

      But clearly, Khan was radicalized and an Islamist extremist regardless of whether or not there were mental health issues at play.

  10. [comment deleted: read my comment rules carefully if you ever comment here again. Comments must be your own ideas and words. A comment which consists entirely of an extended quotation of someone else’s words is not appropriate.]

  11. Hi Richard,
    The Israeli Lobby was successful in defeating Labour in Britian. The Working Class people rejected Corbyn because they think he represents communists, Islamists, IRA and imperialism, they thought he attracted the enemies of the West.

    The Israeli Lobby played a big part in this brainwashing of the people. Can you please write a report about this because they are now doing the same to Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren.

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