7 thoughts on “Shabak Claims Erdogan Government Funds Hamas Terror Cell – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. @Richard Silverstein

    You wrote: “..neither Turkey nor Qatar are any more guilty of engaging in terror themselves or funding it, than their accusers”

    I’m not so sure of that. It had earlier been reported that, “..direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now “undeniable”.

    “Turkey has openly supported other jihadi groups, such as Ahrar al-Sham, which espouses much of al-Qaida’s ideology, and Jabhat al-Nusra, which is proscribed as a terror organisation by much of the US and Europe.”



    1. ‘You wrote: “..neither Turkey nor Qatar are any more guilty of engaging in terror themselves or funding it, than their accusers”

      I’m not so sure of that. It had earlier been reported that, “..direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now “undeniable”.

      “Turkey has openly supported other jihadi groups, such as Ahrar al-Sham, which espouses much of al-Qaida’s ideology, and Jabhat al-Nusra, which is proscribed as a terror organisation by much of the US and Europe.” ‘

      There you go. Israel has admitted funding al Qaeda in Syria, she’s carried out multiple assassinations in Iran, and she even planted some bombs there that killed twenty or so people in an attempt to stir up sectarian strife.

      Actually, Israel is considerably worse than Turkey — of course. Consistent with her ideology, she simply does not recognize any moral constraints at all when it comes to dealing with the outside world.

      1. @Colin Wright

        “Israel has admitted funding al Qaeda in Syria… and she even planted some bombs there that killed twenty or so people in an attempt to stir up sectarian strife.”

        I made the effort to link cites. Could you please make the same modest effort to support your two aforementioned claims. I concede that Israel has probably assassinated Iranian scientists.

    2. @ Doctor John: You misunderstood what I wrote (not surprisingly). I wrote “not more guilty than” not “not guilty of.” There’s a comparative there, not a declarative. I did not say that Turkey or Iran don’t support nasty, unsavory movements or governments. I said that Saudi Arabia and Israel do as much or more of such unsavory armed support as the other two. Of course Turkey deals with groups it views as helping its interests. Of course, those groups are whatever moniker you wish to bestow on them (terrorist, militant, Islamist). But for everyone of those, there are one or more nasty forces that Israel & the Saudis support with lethal results.

      If you think I support Erdogan (or the Iranian ayatollahs for that matter) you simply don’t understand my point of view. It’s just that I think the other guys are equally or more unsavory.

      Read my comments more carefully next time & respond to what I write and not what you think I write.

      1. @Richard Silverstein

        I believe I perfectly understood what you said.

        Israel has not funded ISIS to the tune of millions of dollars, nor has she allowed ISIS bound terrorists to cross her Syrian border, nor does Israel provide a haven to terrorists (Hamas is a designated terrorist organization).
        Let’s not go over old ground about how Israel aided al Nusra. That’s an unproven allegation.
        But, assuming arguendo, that Israel provided humanitarian aid to al Nusra, how is that on par with Turkey, or Saudi Arabia’s, material and financial support of ISIS who have committed genocide, videoed beheadings, serial rape, sex slavery, etc. etc. etc.

        1. @ Dr. John:

          Israel has not funded ISIS to the tune of millions of dollars

          No, it’s funded al Nusra/al-Qaeda to the tune of millions of dollars. Same difference.

          nor has she allowed ISIS bound terrorists to cross her Syrian border

          I have no idea what “ISIS-bound” means. But Israel certainly has permitted hundreds of al Qaeda/al Nusra fighters into Israel for medical treatment and has created camps on the Israel-Occupied Syrian armistice line to house their families while the men fight on Israel’s behalf (& on behalf of whatever Islamist theo-ideology they observe).

          nor does Israel provide a haven to terrorists

          Certainly does. What do you think happens to Palestinian collaborators who participate in Shabak assassinations? Or Lebanese collaborators who do the same? Of course they’re given safe haven in Israel or abroad.

          Let’s not go over old ground about how Israel aided al Nusra. That’s an unproven allegation.

          Let’s, because it’s quite well proven. Hasbaroid Rule 1.01: thou shalt read previous posts on subjects on which you make claims, especially unsupported ones. This subject has been well-covered here and your claim thoroughly disproven.

          assuming arguendo, that Israel provided humanitarian aid to al Nusra

          Far more than that. It provided funds to buy weapons, weapons themselves, logistical aid, cross border commando intel liaisons, etc. And this is only what we know. Israeli intelligence doesn’t reveal a tenth of what it actually does. A former Israeli naval commando told me there were reconnaisance, sabotage, etc operations virtually weekly into Lebanon itself. He complained that no Israeli knew about it nor of the enormous cost. I have no doubt the same thing happens inside Syria.

          how is that on par with Turkey, or Saudi Arabia’s, material and financial support of ISIS who have committed genocide, videoed beheadings, serial rape, sex slavery, etc.

          And the thousands of al Qaeda fighters supported by Israel, Qatar, etc. haven’t done the same? C’mon. Who the hell are you foolin’? Nobody.

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