The outrageous bill of particulars for the Al Aqsa Intifada keeps mounting. Two days ago an Israeli Palestinian doctor, Arin Haj Yihyeh (who works for the Israeli national health service, Kupat Holim), was taking her sons and nephews on a trip to Jerusalem’s main downtown street, Jaffa Road, when a Jewish passerby saw something he didn’t like in the face of one of the man’s nephews, a 14 year-old boy. The “Good Samaritan” immediately went to a light rail security guard and reported the “terrorist” in their midst. At which point the guard ran to the scene and commenced beating the boy senseless without warning or provocation. Nor did he show anyone his security identification.
The doctor then threw herself physically on top of his nephew to prevent the beating from doing serious damage to hers charge. Then other passersby joined in the fray and began shouting racist slogans at the Palestinian family. Many of them had pistols, which they brandished threatening to shoot him. The doctor cried out that hers nephew was not a terrorist, but an innocent teenage boy. Here is his testimony via Facebook:
I want to write to you about an incident that happened in my city, the city of my fathers, our Al-Quds (Jerusalem). I went strolling with my sons and nephews, who’d come to visit me in Jerusalem. We walked to Jaffa Road. One of the Jewish passersby suspected that my nephew, Karim Qatawi, was a mehabel (“terrorist”). That is, a terrorist in their eyes. He ran to a security guard at the light rail station and told him he suspected that the young boy was a terrorist. Of course, the guard ran to the scene and commenced attacking and beating the 14-year-old. He assaulted him in a brutal manner without any prior warning. Everyone nearby began shouting “terrorist!” Everyone who had a pistol had drawn them, including the guard. I then screamed that the boy was not a terrorist and doesn’t even understand Hebrew. Had I not thrown myself on the boy, he would’ve already been “neutralized,” as Israelis say. These pictures show how the boy looked after the attack.
As if that wasn’t enough, racists surrounded us and began shouting slogans. Death was but a moment away. Had I not protected the boy with my own body, he’d surely be dead by now. Now I am in the police station and there’s not a soul to talk to [the police were refusing to take his complaint and she had to wait two hours for them to do so]. But we must not remain quiet. We must pass this on to the news media–that out very lives are in danger merely for being “Arabs.”
The Jerusalem municipality responds (with abject lies) that the boy fled from the security guard, and that in fact the security guard was protecting the boy from being lynched by the crowd. They further claim that the guard used no violence against him whatsoever. The police responded (again lies) that they attended to the Doctor as soon as she arrived and immediately filed a report on the incident.
An eyewitness says that the majority of the bystanders who were hitting and berating the boy with curses wore kippot (i.e. were Orthodox). Further, this is not an unusual occurrence in the “Holy City.” Gangs of young thug Jews sometimes roam the “Holy City” seeking out Arabs to beat up. Several have landed in the hospital with severe head injuries. At least one person nearly died. Border Police have also killed Palestinians in the city in cold blood after a minor car accident.
A Jordanian driver who claimed to be an eyewitness to the killing of two Jordanians by an Israeli Shin Bet security agent in Amman claims the young man killed wore a t-shirt with the design of the Palestinian flag. He might just as well have had a bull’s-eye on his back or chest. For trigger-happy Israeli police, it was like flashing a (green and) red cape in front of a bull.
H/t Ofer Neiman.
Thanks for being therr
Israel resembles a Southern town in a 1920s race riot when there is an Intifada on; when things are “peaceful” it’s like being black in Los Angeles in the 1940s-1950s. Neither appeal to me.
Tsk, tsk. Were a Jew to post an uncorroborated allegation about Arabs beating his nephew because of racial hatred you would be the first one screaming foul. Perhaps you ought to wait until you can actually verify the allegation. Bloodlibel is never pretty. How much less so when it us propogated BY a Jew.
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@ Rachamim-have-mercy-on-us: I linked to Amira Hass’ Haaretz article in which she quotes 2 eyewitnesses aside from Dr. Yihyeh herself. Comment rule #1: read every link in my posts BEFORE commenting (so you don’t make a fool of yourself).
And why would you say a report from an Israeli Palestinian medical doctor is uncorroborated? Are settlers more reliable witnesses than Palestinian doctors??
Either you didn’t bother to read the link or don’t read Hebrew.
“Blood libel” again? Really? Any accusation against a Jew is “blood libel” according to the usual victim narrative.
You report on an instance of “human tribalism”, equally odious when Jews are attacked by Arabs.
@gefulla-s$%t: when Palestinians kill, murder & maim Israelis in the same proportion Israelis kill Palestinians then you can complain. The current ratio is six dead Palestinians for every dead Israeli. Till then, you’re whistlin’ in the wind.
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@Richard Silver-s$%t: please desist from the petty name calling.
There, you can ban me if you wish.
@ gefilte: when you stop being a hasbara shill, I’ll stop calling you one.
You are of course right that it is equally odious, but it is not the first story I read where you get the impression that a case of Jews attacking Arabs is taken much less seriously, and much less severely punished than the other way around (if at all). Not being fully protected by the law (or not being taken as seriously by the authorities that have to uphold the law, such as the police) is a situation that Jews have been only too familiar with.