It’s no surprise to anyone that Donald Trump lives in an alternate universe. In his universe, the reasons for the American Civil War were so ‘manageable’ that Andrew Jackson could’ve solved it…had he not died sixteen years before it began! In his universe, Frederick Douglass is doing a helluva job and getting lots of recognition for his good work…130 years after he died (“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice”).

Now, we have the crowning glory in this ongoing Trump’s Folly. In an interview with Reuters, he said:
On Middle East Peace, and Possibility of Trip to Israel, Saudi Arabia
“It’s a possibility, we’re talking to both. It’s a possibility, but I want to see peace with Israel and the Palestinians. There is no reason there’s not peace between Israel and the Palestinians – none whatsoever. So we’re looking at that and we’re also looking at the potential of going to Saudi Arabia.”
Well, actually there is a reason there’s no peace between Israel and the Palestinians. In fact, there are scores, perhaps hundreds, even thousands of reasons why there is no peace. And the fact that Trump is entirely oblivious to this confirms he will make a total mess of the issue during the next four years.
Here’s what my 12 year-old had to say about this Trumpism:

Vice President Pence revived a hoary old saw before a roaring crowd at an Israel Independence Day celebration today. Trump would move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. This mantra about the embassy reminds me of John Kerry’s explanation of his votes on the Iraq War: he voted for it before he voted against it. Trump’s far right pro-Israel appointees, Ambassador David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt promised, just after the election, that the embassy would be moved post-haste.
Then King Hussein of Jordan came a-calling to Washington to warn Trump that this would start a bloodbath unrivalled in the history of the extremely bloody Middle East. Aaron David Miller, no extremist or Israel critic, said:
“It would essentially validate the view that all of Jerusalem now belongs to Israel. It’s hard to come up with a single act that would make the Middle East burn more than it is burning right now.”
Then, after consultation with Netanyahu, we heard Trump backed off the idea. Now apparently it’s on again. But I think it’s ‘on again’ in the same way Trump failed to repeal Obamacare, then shelved his efforts, only to revive them in the desperate run-up to the First 100 Days milestone.
I suspect there will be a lot of this in the next four years. Initiatives will be rolled out with great (or even little) fanfare. The minions will scurry about making it appear a great deal of effort is being expended to turn it into law. Then when it fails, it will be shelved. Only to rise again from the dead when it’s needed to insulate Trump from blame or score points with key political constituencies.
Norman Lear should be kvelling: Archie Bunker got up out of his living room chair and got himself elected president. Trump should be a laughable character out of a TV sitcom. He has Archie’s same blowhard’s certainty and self-importance. He uses the same false, self-referential logic. But instead of a comic creation, Donald Trump is a real human being whose existence may afflict the world with immense suffering.
The PA president, Mahmoud Abbas is expected in Washington in coming days. Trump will fete him, try to make him feel important. Abbas will eat it up. Then he will go home and nothing will change. Both men are preening their egos, while doing nothing substantive that will help anyone. Trump has no plan, no policy. Abbas has no relevance, either in Palestine or the world. He presides over a kleptocracy. He is a king without a kingdom. He rules at Israel’s pleasure, and there’s precious little of that from the Israelis, who view him as a convenient punching bag.
The only question for the next four years is: will Trump do anything so stupid and outrageous that it will start a war? That war could be in North Korea, Iran, Palestine or any number of places. If we escape without a major disastrous war in the interim it will only be by the skin of our teeth (or by the grace of God if you’re religiously inclined).
It is possible a Trump dictat could succeed vs. all sides. The Saudies (and the rest of the Sunni axis) are probably happy to sell out the Palestinian issue – which has become an obstacle to greater issues. I wouldn’t put the chances as high – but they are greater than the chance that hell will freeze over. Trump can wield a stick.
@ Lucky lepxii: And it’s possible the moon is made of green cheese and “I’m my own grandpa!!” Trump has no stick to wield.
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Power user
The more I read and listen to Trump then more I get convinced that he has an IQ far below average and that’s he’s also sick: I read a statement of his on Syria, it was like 20 lines but nothing, absolutely nothing that a 9 years-old couldn’t say better, and recently he stated in front of the press that Luciano Pavarotti is a great friend of his …. Pavarotti has been dead for 13 years, and his widow and daughter put out a statement denying that Pavarotti even knew Trump, and that he was against everything Trump represents.
@Deir Yassin: he seems to be both a sociopath & megalomaniac. A toxic combination.
I think that the accurate characterization of Trump’s “promises” vs actions and on-off-on again…off-again ad infinitum is: bait and switch. President Donald BS for “Bait and Switch” Trump. That gets to the dynamic of his popularity as well as to the pattern of his presidency. Remember him blurting out, I stand for nothing!” when a reporter pressed the question of what he stood for (vis a vis his on-again charge that Obama wiretapped him). We should make a point of keeping up awareness of this aspect of the man by incorporating it into his name.
Something we can agree on!
Trump is a classic narcissist–possible the full blown personality disorder. This explains all of his behavior– the grandiosity, sense of entitlement (which justifies lying and other anti-social behaviors), immaturity, sensitivity to criticism and lack of self-awareness or self-criticism.
He does have charisma, which explains his popular appeal
but perhaps an average to below average IQ which explains the idiotic statements such as this, which flow endlessly.
Perhaps these qualities together made him a successful real estate businessman and TV celebrity, along with a little luck.
It is deeply shameful that the US has such a man as President.