13 thoughts on “Shin Bet Partially Lifts Gag Order on Golan “Spy” Case – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. You seem to be keen on asking for credit for breaking the story but you don’t know whether you knew of it before Israeli reporters or not, just published it earlier since you are not subject to Israeli law.

    I’m wondering, will you be arrested upon entering Israel for breaking the law repeatedly for over a decade now?

    As for Mr. al-Maket seem to not adjust to life out of jail. All those YouTube vidoes are like an official request for being arrested again.

    1. @ Journalist: I’ve never heard of any journalist taking credit for knowing about a story but not publishing it. In what country are you a journalist? In Israel, no reporter gets credit for such a story. I was the first reporter outside Syria to report this story. Credit is due. Period. If credit is denied then this is journalistic malpractice.

      As for being arrested upon entering Israel–if it happened it would only show Israel to be the anti-democratic wasteland it’s become.

      In no other democratic country in the world would al-Maket be arrested for practicing journalism. Only Israel.

      1. I understand that Israel in all it’s nastiness devised the idea of a gag order? In America, England, France etc the security services have authority over the press. Sorry but that is baloney. In any democratic country if said story is banned for publication for reasons of national security and you go ahead and publish it you will be arrested under the relevant Secrets Act…

        1. @ Harry: Sorry fella, but yer fulla crap. We don’t have a “Secrets Act” as Brits do. And the CIA & FBI don’t have “authority” over the press. Where do you live, Siberia? You sure don’t know s(^t about how things work over here.

          1. Ok, I did a bit of research into that and indeed the US doesn’t have an official Secrets Act just a series of Executive Orders via POTUS. But if so, then what’s all the bellyaching about Edward Snowden about?

          2. Snowden was a federal contractor employed by the NSA. He signed agreements saying he would maintain secrecy. I signed no such agreement, am a journalist protected by First Amendment. Something Brit don’t have.

      2. I agree that journalists shouldn’t take credit for knowing of a story w/o publishing it but giving credit to a criminal (according to state law) is undue either, especially since Haaretz source is Shin-Bet not your blog.

        Why won’t you come and visit Israel and see what happens. If nothing happens, great. If you get arrested, it will be the greatest PR stunt ever.

        How about Barrett Brown who was sentenced for 5 years? The charges aren’t his reports but it is the same as charging Al Capone with tax evasion.

        1. Nonsense. Haaretz reads my blog & knows what I write.

          Its ironic in the extreme that in a prior comment you wish me imprisonment in Israel & now you claim it would be such a fun idea for me to test out Israeli democracy by seeing whether I’d be arrested by the secret police if I did come. You even call it a “stunt.” Freedom of the press and democracy isn’t a stunt. It’s very serious business. While my blog & exposing Israel’s national security excesses is extremely important to me, I do have a wife and children who don’t want me to spent years or even months or weeks in a Shabak cell. I never cease being amazed at Israeli patriots who are so cavalier with the freedoms of others whether they be bloggers like me or Palestinians. You’re willing to snatch them away at the drop of a hat. Now that’s friggin’ chutzpah.

          But I’ll make you a deal: get me an invitation & I’ll consider it.

          Finally, some commenters particularly annoy me. You just have. If you want your shelf life here to be exceedingly short, continue with your snark.

  2. @Richard

    You omit to mention that this was a large-scale investigation that began months before the arrest and included police detectives, police intelligences, the Shin Bet and the IDF.
    Mr. al Maket allegedly passed photocopied materials, reports and observations on IDF activity in the Golan Heights to Syrian intelligence sources.


    So Mr. al Maket’s arrest involves more than simply making one video and sending that video to Syrian television.

    Ben’s previous post included a link to a Haaretz article about a Syrian aid worker who gave a speech to university students. The visit of this aid worker seems to coincide with the airing of al Maket’s video.http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/.premium-1.646537

    Perhaps it was the aid worker that he videoed, and not al Nusra.

    Let’s deal with that 800 lb gorilla in the room, which is to say, ” Why drive al Nusra deep into the Golan when this alleged meeting could have been conducted right at the checkpoint on the Syrian-Israeli border?

  3. Interesting stuff. Where’s the reference to the fact that al-Maquet served 27 years in Israeli jails for espionage offences? He’s a convicted Syrian spy…

    1. All of my previous posts on this subject are linked in this post, including the previous post in which I mentioned that he was the longest serving security prisoner in Israeli history. Why don’t you bother to read these links before publishing comments that only show you to be lazy & presumptuous?

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