22 thoughts on “IDF Failed to Kill Hamas Military Chief, Mohammed Deif – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The house that the IDF bombed in order to kill Mohamed al-Deif was not his house, but belonging to the al-Dalou family in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in the City of Gaza.
    As people reading this blog know (if they remember) a house belonging to al-Dalou was already totally bombed out during the Israeli agression in November 2012 killing 10 persons from the same family (four brothers ans sisters aged 1-7, their parents, grandmother, aunt etc only one male was killed while the grand-father (the owner of the house) and his teenage son went to get food in their own grocery store.
    At the time the IDF said they had killed a Hamas Commander, changing their version 2-3 times, and when the dead body of the only male killed (the son of the owner) was found three days later (and he happened to be a minor police officer) they suddenly claimed HE was the target which of course was a lie.
    According to various sources this is exactly the same house that was bombed again on August 20 and I’m wondering if the IDF already in November 2012 targeted the house because of Mohamed al-Deif.
    I can’t find any sources confirming 100% that this is actually the same house, the videos available from the second bombing are filmed at night and don’t show the surroundings. But it’s in the same neighbourhood and belong at least to the same extended family.
    Sorry for not being clear but it just stuck me that maybe the 2012 bombing was targeting al-Deif too.
    By the way, Mohamed al-Deif made a rare interview (only audio) during Protective-Massacre this summer and spoke about the tunnels into Israel proper. He said Hamas was not interested in killing civilians but only looking for military targets, that there was no victory in killing unarmed civilians but only in fighting ‘equals’ though I have no doubt: without the military superiority, man to man, the Israeli army wouldn’t stand a chance against Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters.

  2. Israel’s complete disregard for civilian life and its rudderless retaliations were again seen in recent events. Hezbollah killed, as known, in a precise operation two Israeli soldiers (as revenge for the recent killing of six Hezbollah operatives plus an Iranian general by Israel). What was Israel’s primary response? Shelling Lebanese border villages.

    This is all not new of course. It happened before 1967. I have posted this video before but some hasbarists here might have missed it (it is in two parts):


  3. [comment deleted: Your comment is OFF-TOPIC. Not to mention that distorting history is not acceptable here. If you don’t know the real history of Israel’s wars I’m not about to teach you. We’ve gone over & over these issues before & I’m not going over them again here. Stay ON-TOPIC. Consider yourself warned.]

    1. @ Ronan
      Blahblahblah. The two guys who killed the Fogel-family were not fighters, but plain criminals.
      If you don’t know what ‘fighting man to man’ means, maybe google can help you. And your crap about beheading people tells us more about you than about the Palestinian fighters. Maybe you should go back to Hasbara-courses or find another place to dump your Hamas-is-ISIS-spin.

    2. The ‘center’ of the topic is simply that the entire conflict is a religious war & עם לבדד ישכון”
      Brush up on your Yiddishkeit!
      Like Dylan said ‘we are just taking back what is ours” and that can be supported by a myriad of sources from my tradition which I doubt you adhere to.

    3. [Comment deleted: major comment rule violation. No one may say here that I reject the existence of the state of Israel. That is a fraudulent statement. Since you’ve already had another comment rejected today for Islamophobia, you’ve won the Zio-jackpot and will be moderated.]

  4. @Ronan

    ’”67 … when numerous Arab armies attacked simultaneously”.

    We won’t discuss it further but obviously there is something wrong with your view of Israeli history.

    1. @Arie – ’48 and ’73 aren’t enough for “attacked simultaneously”? And I’m pretty sure in all other cases we were outnumbered!
      @Deïr Yassin – the Israeli army isn’t made out of MASKED NINJAS. You will certainly find many Jihadists who can overcome IDF soldiers one on one, but that isn’t a war. In a real confrontation, organization vs organization (leaving civilians out of it) they won’t be much more than a road bumper. (I believe Richard called Israel somewhere the 4th most strong in the world).

      1. @ Ariel:

        Richard called Israel somewhere the 4th most strong in the world

        I may’ve written that some years ago. But a survey I read recently ranked it 11th, which seems more reasonable than 4th. The latter ranking would be too generous.

      2. @ Ariel: In 1948, Ben Gurion knew a declaration of statehood would provoke a war, which is what happened.

        As for ’73, Sadat begged Golda to negotiate a deal in 71 ( I believe) & she turned him down flat. It was only after her rejection that he went the route of war. The 73 war happened because of Israeli rejectionism, which is the root of all evil as far as Israel is concerned.

        1. @RS – this is very interesting, indeed. I found this article about it that I believe coming more from your side than mine. I don’t think it is very clear what did or what didn’t happen there. Regardless, it is an interesting piece of history.

        2. “Ariel: In 1948, Ben Gurion knew a declaration of statehood would provoke a war, which is what happened.”
          @RS-A very strange statement. What was Ben Gurion supposed to do? There was never a Palestinian govn’t and things could not have been left הפקר.
          I am sure you know the talmudic statement:פסיק רישיה ולא ימות meaning you can’t expect to cut off the head of a living being and expect him to live. So needing to declare a govn’t for the sake of law and order and all the other services needed to run a state was an absolute necessity even if it would cause war. Otherwise everything would be helter skelter.

          1. @ Ronan: That’s rich. Your argument that engaging in an act which commenced a war in which thousands died, a million residents were expelled, and women were raped was intended to “establish law and order.” By what standard is that establishing law & order?

        3. [Comment deleted: Snooze. I can’t begin to tell you how boring are ancient Zio-history lessons. Read the comment rules on this subject. We’ve discussed precisely this issue scores of times. You are not going to regurgitate the same tired “lessons” offered by hasbarists before you.]

          1. @ eli: I think I prefer Judah Magnes view of this matter over yours. It’s what he himself said.

            The Arab states said they would go to war if Israel declared statehood and it did. And a war followed immediately upon the declaration. Seems pretty clear to me.

  5. @ Ronan

    “we are just taking back what is ours” and that can be supported by a myriad of sources”

    Self serving sources. No other country agrees that it is yours – not even the USA.

    Italy doesn’t go after lost bits of the Roman Empire, Denmark not after the erstwhile “Danelaw” bits of Britain, Austria not after lost parts of the Donau monarchy etc.etc. In all these cases, particularly the two latter ones, these territories were lost much more recently than what you claim was yours.

  6. There are not many people on this earth for whom reference to a “divine revelation” constitutes a right.

    According to this Washington Post article this is even the case with the majority of American Jews:

    “the reform and secular Jews who make up 65 percent of the U.S. Jewish population, sometimes joined by the 17 percent who identify with conservative Judaism. This group is more likely to worry about or criticize Israeli policies toward Palestinians. It’s less likely to claim an emotional attachment to Israel and less likely still to argue that the country was promised to Jews by God.”

    Read more:


    1. Statistics do not mean much to those who adhere to the Torah. Most likely a good % of reform Jews are not even really Jewish according Jewish law.
      In essence whether conscious or non-consciously the foundation of Zionism is from the Torah otherwise it might as well be in Uganda or out there near Siberia{I forget name of the place exactly} and being in the land of Israel would be meaningless.
      I accept what you wrote for who you are however, as always, there are other opinions.

  7. Ronan wrote:
    ” otherwise it might as well be in Uganda or out there near Siberia{I forget name of the place exactly} and being in the land of Israel would be meaningless.”

    Herzl wrote:
    “Shall we choose Palestine or Argentine? We shall take what is given us, and what is selected by Jewish public opinion. The Society will determine both these points.” (The Jewish State).

    It is clear that Herzl’s leading idea was that of a Jewish state. Its locality was of secondary importance. After having talked in one short paragraph about the alternative, Argentinia or Palestine, he goes in great detail about the organisation of the new state, virtually without any reference to its particular place. At one stage he refers to “The Promised Land” but it is clear from the context that he doesn’t use that in a religious sense. “Promised” in the sense of “our future habitat”. When he talks, in the short paragraph I mentioned, about Palestine he doesn’t call it the “Promised Land”. He calls it “our ever-memorable historic home.”

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