8 thoughts on “Shmuley Boteach’s Jewish Histrionics – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. That’s why I find Obama’s choice of the new National Security Adviser so very disturbing, bringing her hawkish view on US foreign policy under an humanitarian umbrella of the so-called R2P doctrine for intervening in a sovereign state. She succeeded in Libya but failed in Syria.

    U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice Questioned on U.S. Role in Rwanda/Congo Violence

    (NY Times/RwandaSpeaks) Dec. 21, 2012 – Aides to Ms. Rice acknowledge that she is close to Mr. Kagame and that Mr. Kagame’s government was her client when she worked at Intellibridge, a strategic analysis firm in Washington. Ms. Rice, who served as the State Department’s top African affairs expert in the Clinton administration, worked at the firm with several other former Clinton administration officials, including David J. Rothkopf, who was an acting under secretary in the Commerce Department; Anthony Lake, Mr. Clinton’s national security adviser; and John M. Deutch, who was director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

    Payton Knopf, a spokesman for Ms. Rice, initially declined to comment on whether her intellibridgework with Rwanda at Intellibridge (bought by Eurasia Group in 2005) affected her dealings with the country in her present job as an ambassador. Mr. Knopf said: “Ambassador Rice’s brief consultancy at Intellibridge has had no impact on her work at the United Nations. She implements the agreed policy of the United States at the U.N.”

    Two months ago, at a meeting with her French and British counterparts at the French Mission to the United Nations, according to a Western diplomat with knowledge of the meeting, Ms. Rice objected strongly to a call by the French envoy, Gerard Araud, for explicitly “naming and shaming” Mr. Kagame and the Rwandan government for its support of M23, and to his proposal to consider sanctions to pressure Rwanda to abandon the rebel group.

    “Listen Gerard,” she said, according to the diplomat. “This is the D.R.C. If it weren’t the M23 doing this, it would be some other group.” The exchange was reported in Foreign Policy magazine last week.

    A few weeks later, Ms. Rice again stepped in to protect Mr. Kagame. After delaying for weeks the publication of a United Nations report denouncing Rwanda’s support for the M23 and opposing any direct references to Rwanda in United Nations statements and resolutions on the crisis, Ms. Rice intervened to water down a Security Council resolution that strongly condemned the M23 for widespread rape, summary executions and recruitment of child soldiers. The resolution expressed “deep concern” about external actors supporting the M23. But Ms. Rice prevailed in preventing the resolution from explicitly naming Rwanda when it was passed last month.

  2. “Rabbi Richard Joel”
    Prof Joel is not a Rabbi, never established rabbinical ordination. Under his picture you could see his credentials:
    “President and Bravmann Family University Professor”

    1. The Forward broke the story: Student Claims of Abuse Not Reported by Yeshiva U. High School for Boys’ Manhattan campus.

      Protecting the civil rights of sex abuse survivors abused at Yeshiva University

      According to Shoshana Avigail, a volunteer at The Awareness Center (the International Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Assault), it is NOT in the best interest of survivors of any sex crime to communicate with an agency such as Sullivan and Cromwell, without the guidance of their own personal attorney who specializes in representing survivors of sex crimes. Groups such as Sullivan and Cromwell are hired by various universities, organizations, agencies and business to protect the assets of their clients.

      YU’s Joel Expresses ‘Shame,’ Pride. Independent report cites ‘multiple instances’ of abuse, not just at high school; ‘significant improvement’ since 2001. The much-anticipated 53-page report was released by Sullivan and Cromwell, the law firm commissioned by YU. The eight-month investigation was believed to have cost the university more than $3 million.

      1. Oui,
        In Judaism the term Rabbi has few meanings, one of them is teacher.
        The reference to Prof Joel as a Rabbi is a sign of respect and not an actual reference to his rabbinical ordination.
        If you’ll check the YU cabinet-bios page, available here http://www.yu.edu/president/cabinet-bios/ you can see there prof Joel doesn’t have the designation Rabbi before his name.

  3. Surprisingly, people line up to get into these phony baloney fear-mongering sessions. The attendees have Jewish surnames. Very disturbing.

  4. They should sell handicapping sheets at the entrance to these things the way do at the track. That way we know which macher is taking halcyon, anti-depressants, who has a drinking/substance abuse problem, etc. Which community grandee has been molesting kids or actively involved in covering up the behavior of those who have. Which alter cocher is in bed with what political party and so forth. In this race, the smart bet is “Win, Place, and Show. From what I can tell, you can’t lose. lol

    1. I hadn’t thought of this possibility! (I am working on “Zionist Heroes” trading cards, a pic on the front and bio/track record on the back. I’ll invent some sporty stat measures.)

  5. RE: “Boteach has worked Iran into the equation as a special Jewish bogeyman. Somehow it has also become a threat to Jewish survival . . .” ~ R.S.

    SEE: “Israel’s Defense Chief OK’s Hundreds of Israeli Deaths”, By Ira Chernus, CommonDreams.org, 11/11/11

    [EXCERPT] . . . An essential motive of Zionism from its beginning was a fierce desire to end the centuries of Jewish weakness, to show the world that Jews would no longer be pushed around, that they’d fight back and prove themselves tougher than their enemies. There was more to Zionism than that. But the “pride through strength” piece came to dominate the whole project. Hence the massive Israeli military machine with its nuclear arsenal.
    But you can’t prove that you’re stronger than your enemies unless you’ve also got enemies — or at least believe you’ve got enemies — to fight against. So there has to be a myth of Israel’s insecurity, fueled by an image of vicious anti-semites lurking somewhere out there, for Zionism to work. Since the 1979 Iranian revolution, Iran has gradually risen to the top of Israel oh-so-necessary enemies list. Iranophobia is rampant in Israel, as one Israeli scholar writes, because “Israel needs an existential threat.”
    Anyone who has grown up in Israel, or in the U.S. Jewish community (as I did), and paid attention knows all this. . .

    ENTIRE COMMENTARY – http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/11/11-2

    P.S. ALSO SEE – “Iranophobia: The Panic of the Hegemons”, by Ira Chernus, Tikkun Magazine, November/December 2010
    LINK – http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/iranophobia-the-panic-of-the-hegemons-3

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