15 thoughts on “Jewish Neocons Adopt Rwandan Dictator, Kagame – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. RE: “Reading the NY Times, I was shocked to find a full-page ad entitled Genocide: Do the Strong Have an Obligation to Protect the Weak? It was an ad for a event in New York devoted to the Rwandan genocide.”

    MY COMMENT: It seems more than a bit hypocritical for a billionaire like Sheldon Adelson with “anti-union mania” to be making the opening remarks at an event dealing with the “responsibility to protect the weak”! ! !

    “Why GOP Mega-Donor Sheldon Adelson Is Mad, Bad and a Danger to the Republic”, By Rick Perlstein, Rolling Stone, 4/10/12

    [EXCERPTS] . . . Adelson’s anti-union mania (I would argue) is the most important thing to know about him. For it reveals just how crazy, and how unscrupulous, the man is.
    Let’s start at the very beginning. Adelson remembers meeting Gingrich in Washington in 1995, when Gingrich was House
    peaker and Adelson was lobbying to get the U.S. embassy in Israel moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Other reports have them being introduced in 1996 by a far-right anti-union operative in Nevada who worked for Adelson. Details of the subsequent courtship are murky, although the huge favor Gingrich did for Adelson in 1996 by turning off a federal investigation of the gambling industry probably did a lot to cement their friendship.
    Two years later, Nevada conservatives sponsored a “Paycheck Protection” ballot initiative – the right-wing term for measures weakening unions by banning them from automatically deducting dues from members’ pay. Adelson was gung-ho for it – and “would spend any amount of money,” D. Taylor, secretary-treasurer of Las Vegas’s Culinary Workers Union Local 226, told me . . .
    . . . In 1999, Adelson closed one casino, the Sands, and completed work on a new one, the Venetian, stiffing so many contractors that there were at one time 366 liens against the property. Taylor, of the Culinary Workers, said he and his colleagues presumed that “like every other casino that had done that, workers in the [closed] hotel would be given priority when the [new] hotel was built.” Instead, Adelson refused even to talk. All this, in a union town like Vegas, was unprecedented. “Even when you’re having battles, you continue to have talks. Shit, we’re talking to the North Koreans right now!” he told me. “The Israelis talk to the Arabs. Talking doesn’t necessarily solve anything, but at least you understand the other guy’s position.” Adelson, not much interested in understanding the other guy’s position, proceeded to launch a campaign against the Culinary Workers that Taylor calls “beyond aggressive.”
    Right before the grand opening of the Venetian, in 1999, the Culinary Workers staged a demonstration on the public sidewalk out front. Adelson told the cops to start making arrests; the cops refused. Glen Arnodo, an official at
    the union at the time, relates what happened next: “I was standing on the sidewalk and they had two security guards say I was on private property, and if I didn’t move they’d have to put me under ‘citizen’s arrest.’ I ignored them.” The guards once again told the police to arrest Arnodo and again, he says, they refused. The Civil Rights hero Rep. John Lewis, in town to support the rally, said the whole thing reminded him of living in the South during Jim Crow. . .
    . . . Did I mention Adelson is nuts? But don’t take my word for it – it was George W. Bush who called him “some crazy Jewish billionaire.” . . .

    ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/why-gop-mega-donor-sheldon-adelson-is-mad-bad-and-a-danger-to-the-republic-20120410

  2. I almost fell from my chair when I saw that poster. Eli Wiesel has been a self righteous irritant for ages but who would have thought to see this: They even chose to picture Kagama copying the trademark ‘wisdom through suffering’ expression of Eli Wiesel.
    What you report on the arms trade with both parties is shocking. Was there a lot of outrage in Israeli public opinion when this became known at the time?

  3. The “American rabbi” is a regular contributor to the Jerusalem Post. I picked up the info about the Genocide Forum in this op-ed. I understand the combination of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach – Sheldon Adelson – Michael Steinhardt and even Paul Kagame, but Elie Wiesel at the RW Republican event?

    Will Syria be Obama’s Rwanda?

    In two weeks’ time – on September 29 during UN week – our organization, This World: The Jewish Values Network, will host a public discussion between President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Professor Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, on the subject of genocide, sponsored by Sheldon Adelson and Michael Steinhardt. It’s a timely conversation not only because of the impending twentieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide but especially because of the international community’s failure to punish Syrian President Bashar Assad for slaughtering children in Syria.

    Despite the eight genocides perpetrated in the 20th century and the universal cries of “Never Again,” it seems that the world can still not summon the resolve to bring massive retaliation to bear against those who gas innocent civilians.

    Steinhardt Involved in Murdoch-Cheney Genie Energy

    1. @ Oui: Thanks. Now I understand that Syria is the underlying message of this conference. Wiesel will make a sobbing pitch for the poor dead children of Gouta & claim Obama has abandoned them and morality for the sake of cold political calculation. Disgusting.

  4. Regarding the Congo genocide you reference (something I was sadly pretty ignorant about) – do you feel like there is any role for the US, the UN, or any other international body in preventing it from continuing?

  5. With my poor reading of the ‘seminal Ma’ariv article’, I was nonetheless able to glean that the last permit issued by the Ministry of Defense for the sale of weapons to Rwanda was in October 1993 , six months before the massacre.
    Also, that airlifts of arms that arrived in Goma, Zaire were probably being sent to the Tutsi rebels, the ‘good guys’, if you will.

    Regarding machetes, I can quote the Ma’ariv article, “A few hours after downing the plane broke deadly wave of violence in Rwanda. Militiamen and armed civilians machetes attacked Hutu neighbors of Tutsi and massacred them mercilessly.

    I’ve also read that most of the deaths were the result of machetes (37%) and clubs (16%) and that guns only accounted for 14% of the deaths. See, Conspiracy to Murder.


    It seems to me that Israeli arms dealers had little to do with the genocide in Rwanda, and the Government of the State of Israel had even less to do with it. Even the Ma’ariiv article writes that the Government of Israel made a huge relief effort, sending field hospital, doctors, etc.

    1. @ J.J.: So you neglected to notice that an Israeli weapons dealer sold weapons to Rwanda well after the genocide began? And you think that because these arms weren’t officially sanctioned that Israel gets off the hook?

      How many of the 14% who were murdered by guns were killed by Israeli weapons or bullets? And again, you think this somehow let’s Israel off the hook?

      Your claim that Israeli arms dealers had “little to do with the genocide” is belied by the article itself which makes precisely the opposite argument, and very persuasively.

      As for Israel’s relieft effort: it came after Kagame’s forces had won and was done out of a guilty conscience for all the evil that Israel inflicted on Rwanda.

      Your sort of hasbara leaves me disgusted. Absolutely disgusted. Instead of arguing reasonably (as I noted in my post) that Israel played a role in the mayhem along with other nations, you pretend Israel did nothing wrong.

      1. Richard.

        As you well know, many European countries, especially France and Belgium, provided arms and training. Israel’s contribution to the genocide appears to be de minimis.

        You gloss over what I said about Israel’s apparent weapons transfer to the Tutsi ‘good guys’.

        The 6 million airlift was to Goma, Zaire, and not to Kigali, where you’d expect the Hutu led government would want it delivered.
        Goma is right across the border from Northern Rwanda, where the Tutsis held a great deal of territory.

        Now, anyone can prove that the Israeli government sanctioned arms sales to the Hutu right before and during the genocide, than receive my unequivocal apology.

  6. What makes you label the elected president of Rwanda a “dictator”, or is it a repeated slogan? What criteria do you use or was it just “style”?

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