The Forward’s Eli Valley has penned a deliciously sly, knowing send-up of the hasbara bonanza that followed on Stephen Hawking’s cancellation of his talk at the Shimon Peres conference. Those of you who followed it could read any number of the hasbarafia who noted that Hawking’s speech processor contained an Intel chip developed in Israel. Haaretz’s Chemi Shalev even used the disgusting, condescending term “poster boy” to describe Hawking’s supposed relation to the BDS movement.
Valley titles his cartoon, The Hypocrisy of Stephen Hawking. But don’t be fooled because he’s speaking in the voice of the pro-Israel crowd who were in high dudgeon over the affair. He begins his list of Israel’s achievements with the Intel processor, but by the end he’s claiming Hawking’s teeth contain phosphorus:
Teeth: Teeth contain phosphorus. Israel is a global leader in white phosphorus technology.
By then, the joke’s on the hasbara crowd, who began thinking Valley would ratify their prejudices, and ended feeling confused and even betrayed. That’s the hidden power of the best satire. The target may read it believing it reinforces his worst prejudices. But by the end, he develops a sinking, queasy feeling in his stomach that something’s not quite right. As Dylan once sang:
Something’s happenin’ here but you don’t know what it is,
Do you, Mr. Jones?
RE: “Those of you who followed it could read any number of the hasbarafia who noted that Hawking’s speech processor contained an Intel chip developed in Israel.” ~ R.S.
“Intel chip plant located on disputed Israeli land”, by Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle, 7/08/02
[comment deleted for comment rule violation–stop spamming my blog with links to your own. I asked you politely yesterday to stop doing this.]
” Israel is a global leader in white phosphorus technology.” No kidding, they bombard Palestinian civilians with it.
“Hair would not exist without Samson” Really?! Clearly the writer believes the earth is flat, or only a few thousand years old.
“Jews invented the wheel” O please. Tell that to the Sumerians, or the Moenjodarans or even the Poles for that matter.
As for Einstein discovering the atom….words fail me.
Proof, if any were needed, Zionists lie.
The cartoon is meant as satire. Did you not read my post??
Poe’s Law strikes again…
I think Andrej has no idea about how the hasbara works. Even before coming to the white phosperous, the talking point about King Solomon should ring some bells, but how could he miss the ‘Tel Aviv Gay Mecca’ and ‘Israel invented the hummus’ ? Or Einstein teaching at Ariel ? Maybe he has no humor at all.
This is one of the best hasbara debunkers I’ve ever read, and I going to use it often.
Oops….! 😀
I’m amazed to find that there’s a mobile computing device that does not use an ARM chip in this day and age.
Everyone has a right to make a fool of themselves from time to time, this was my turn.
This cartoon is not too far off the mark, sadly. israelis also invented jazz!
The only sad thing here is your slur.
The article claims nothing about inventing Jazz, but of the Jazz music coming out of Israel. Nobody in the article claims any proprietary hold on Jazz. Jazz can come from any country and be played by a variety of people. In this case there seems to be some very talented Jazz musicians coming from Israel…. too tough for you to handle??
It seems more like you, sadly, just want to try and make a stupid comment and perpetuate nonsense.
My friend did the work here so I can’t take credit, but here’s an excerpt from the article and her response:
CT: “Jazz has deep roots in the Jewish culture,” says Higgins, and that’s true enough. Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw emerged as major jazz stars in the 1930s and ’40s, each weaving elements of Jewish music into their work. That both of these artists attained global fame thanks, in part, to their virtuosity on clarinet seems telling, the instrument integral to klezmer music and other Jewish folkloric music.
F: What a load of unmusical waffle. Jazz has deep roots in African-American and European culture and Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw used an instrument associated with klezmer to play it on, that’s all. The violin’s also associated with klezmer. That doesn’t mean that music played on it has Jewish roots.
@gloopygal: It is much more apt to speak of the influence that klezmer and Jewish music had on American popular music (Tin Pan Alley, musicals, etc.) of the era than to argue that Jewish music had a deep impact on jazz. Of course, African-American blues had a much deeper impact.
Tell that to Michelle Higgens. I hope no one shows up to this event. Especially after they cancelled the Arabesque Festival in the Daley Plaza that was so successful for the past few years. I never thought I’d miss Richard Daley, before Mayor Rahm-bo came into town.