I posted some time ago when the Southern Poverty Law Center designated Pam Geller’s Atlas Shrugs as an Islamophobic hate blog along with her Stop the Islamization of America group, which invented the “Ground Zero Mosque” and ensuring Muslim-bashing controversy. Recently, I discovered that SPLC has expanded its listings of Arab-hating blogs and groups to include some of the more notorious pro-Israel blogs out there which combine hasbara with Muslim-bashing. Among them are Sultan of Knish, Radio Jihad, and Bare Naked Islam.
SPLC’s Intelligence Report, which follows wanna be haters and terrorists provides excellent coverage of some Muslim-haters who haven’t yet made it to the pantheon of the group’s Hate Hall of Fame. Among them are Debbie Schlussel, David Horowitz, Dave Gaubatz, David Yerushalmi, Brigitte Gabriel and Robert Spencer.
There are some salient quotations from their respective “oeuvres.”
Daniel Greenfield opining about what it would take to “win” the “war on terror:”
‘We would have to be willing to kill millions, directly or indirectly, while maintaining an alliance that would defy Russia, China and the First World nations that would accuse us of genocide. The real name for this war might well turn out to be World War III. It would take a Churchill or a Roosevelt to launch something like that…
Schlussel on Lara Logan, vicitim of a gang rape during her coverage of the Tahrir Square revolt:
How fitting that Lara Logan was ‘liberated’ by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the ‘liberation.’ Hope you’re enjoying the revolution, Lara! Alhamdillullah (praise allah) [sic].”
David Yerushalmi:
…We have been quite clear along with a few other resolute souls. This should be a WAR AGAINST ISLAM and all Muslim faithful. … At a practical level, this means that Shari’a and Islamic law are immediately outlawed. Any Muslim in America who adopts historical and traditional Shari’a will be subject to deportation. Mosques which adhere to Islamic law will be shut down permanently. No self-described or practicing Muslim, irrespective of his or her declarations to the contrary, will be allowed to immigrate to this country.”
…Because Jihadism is in fact traditional Islam…there is no way to keep faithful Muslims out of the war [between Islam and the west]. If this is true, any Muslim who sticks his neck out of the mosque to yell some obscenity at the West should be considered an enemy combatant and killed or captured and held for the duration of the war. If you kill enough of them consistently enough, those disinclined to fight in the first place will find a way to reform their religion.”
Pam Geller:
Islam is…an ideology,…an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.
David Horowitz:
There are 150 Muslim Student Associations on American campuses. The Muslim Student Associations were created by Hamas and funded by Saudi Arabia…
Another aspect of the message of each of these race haters is that they’re unabashed advocates for Israeli ultra-nationalism. They support the most extreme elements of the settler movement. They support the expulsion of Israel’s Palestinian citizens from its territory. It seems that Islamophobia and ultra-Israelism go hand in hand. In this vein, Yerushalmi is an ultra-Orthodox Jew who was heard according Rabbi Meir Kahane the honorific, “the Rov.”
All of this terrific SPLC analysis makes it all the more disappointing that the organization itself will not speak publicly before forums that include the Council on American Islamic Relations. Frankly, I don’t understand how the group can do such good work on combatting Islamophobia but shy away from appearing with the major national Arab organization opposing such hate.
I think that Mr Greenfield has his history completely backwards:
“It would take a Roosevelt or a Churchill to start a war like that”.
No, it would take a Napoleon, Bismark, Ludendorf, Hitler or Stalin to start a war like that.
Neither Winston Churchill or Franklin D. Roosevelt started any war whatsoever. Neville Chamberlain declared war on Nazi Germany in response to Hitler’s invasion of Poland (Stalin’s own NKVD shock troops assisted the invasion).
Churchill only became Prime Minister after Chamberlain lost Parliament’s confidence following the failure to stop the German invasion of Norway in spring of 1940. (More the fault of policy shortcomings over a long period of time than Neville Chamberlain. HMS Warspite and her escorts sank the German flotilla in Narvik Fjiord, but had no adequate Royal Marine or army detachment with them to prevent the German troops already ashore getting control of the local Norwiegan garrison and armoury, with which they armed all the shipwrecked German sailors.)
Roosevelt, having entertained representations from the many influential US figures and banks who wanted America to join WW2 on Hitler’s side, sat on the fence until Pearl Harbour was attacked, by the Japanese. (About the only senior US figure who saw Nazi Germany as America’s inevitable enemy in 1939 was J. Edgar Hoover.)
Churchill had been a POW in the Boer war and served on the frontline in the Great War after resigning his post as First Lord of the Admiralty after the Gallipoli invasion. This informed his dictum that “jaw jaw is better than war war”. He wanted to win the war he couldn’t avoid, but anyone claiming he STARTED any war has been reading too much former Soviet propaganda.
I guess it’s all about how you
split hairsdefine a war.Your mistake, in lecturing well-known historical facts to these people, is the assumptions that their non-history references are based on good old ignorance.
Obviously, this has noting to do with ignorance. It’s plain, blatant lies.
They’re simply implementing the old Goebbelsian practice of repeating a lie till it becomes an “accepted truth”.
The sickening rhetoric you quote aptly represents the attitudes of the nuttier extremities of the settler movement.
The trouble is, these very nuttier extremities have time and again proved their ability to force their ideological way into mainstream Israeli right wing.
Having a not-so-insignificant presidency candidate who has on record the desire to “eliminate Islam” indicates that similar processes might be taking place in the mainstream GOP right wing as well.
Why won’t they speak publicly before forums that include the Council on American Islamic Relations? Have the provided an explanation for this?
Hi, you mention an earlier posting re islamaphobic websites…what other references do you have? thanks barry
If you Google this site for “Islamophobia” you’ll find many references to posts dealing with specific websites. Or you can e mail me & I can be more specific & can know what you’re looking for.
Don’t even get me started, I wouldn’t want to give Bob Mann another sleepless night 😉
“Frankly, I don’t understand how the group can do such good work on combatting Islamophobia but shy away from appearing with the major national Arab organization opposing such hate.”
Then they would also have to appear with B’nai Brith when it gets into one of its campaigns about antisemitism.