82 thoughts on “Palestinian Entrepreneur Key to Hamas-Fatah Unity Deal, Talks Tough in Maariv Interview – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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    1. I don’t think you’re the person to tell us what the Palestinians will or won’t do. If perhaps you weren’t so patently self-serving in yr views. There are absolutely NO signs the agreement is failiing. Doesn’t mean it won’t. It just mean you’d love to celebrate the death of the deal but rumors of its death which you are peddling are premature.

      The PM issue is stupid. For Fatah to try to pawn Fayyad off on Hamas is ridiculous. He’s a toady of Abbas & Fatah.

      1. I finally realized something, you are suffering from a little man complex. that’s why you are so hostile.
        good luck, i will no longer be reading your blog, you are simply an idiot.
        i stated my opinion, yet you insist in telling me what i think and what i want, you are simply a liar.

          1. We don’t know whether unity will survive or fail. We do know that, in any case, this unity is irrelevant to the right wing in Israel, to Bibi & Co. It is good to expose the hypocrisy of Israeli cant: The claim that there is no “partner” to the “peace process.” It is good to expose that “peace” is not on the Israeli agenda (and has not been on the agenda since Rabin). Israel wants all the land, all the power, and the destruction of the Palestinian way of life, if not their physical destruction outright. You have to know, to understand, the Bibi’s, these parading, self-assured morons and their tanks and planes.

        1. What a laugh. Fayyad, a puppet of Fatah is a “non political technocrat, while Haniyeh is a Hamas hack. C’mon. Neither side wants this to work or they’d have agreed to a real independent candidate behind closed doors.

          The only one who wins here is Bibi & his supporters commenting in this thread.

    2. i’ll wait and see.
      i just hope that in the meantime no politician (arab or otherwise) unexpectedly gets run over, develops a fever, stop breathing, or gets a bullet delivered to his head. netanyahu is dangerous when cornered and may act irrationally especially now that his zionist logic isn’t working anymore. we can expect anything from a blind hardened jabotinsky zionist like him: a dreamer who would rather die inside his dream than wake up to the new reality in his bedroom.

  1. incendiary article, Richard. Would be so great if you posted the whole Caspit interview with your annotations. Regards from the land of rising radiation, am colleague of Michael Furmanovsky…

    1. So nice to meet you. A friend of Michael’s is a friend of mine.

      I translated 80% of the interview. This man & his views are so lucid, so refreshing. It’s no wonder he’s a billionaire. If he runs his businesses the same way he thinks customers will flock to him.

  2. Thank you Richard for mentioning his crippled grandson-an American citizen. My congressman, whom I have written, doesn’t care about this American–he’s too busy with his springboard ass cheering Bibi.

  3. I particularly like the part on al-Masri’s grandson participating in the Nakba Day protests, and Caspit showing that he doesn’t have a clue to what the Palestinians feel, that not all the money in the world can compensate the loss of Palestine, the loss of dignity – and a Palestinian national identity.

        1. Interestingly enough, his name, al-Masri means the “Egyptian”. That means he family are relatively recent immigrants ot the country. How “Palestinian” is he really?

          1. Since when did you become a specialist on Arabic family names ? Someone also tried to justify the eviction of a family in Sheikh Jarrah because with the name al-Kurdi they didn’t belong there.

        2. Israeli identity in that part of the world, started way before Muhammad was even born.
          Would you like to continue this meaningless conversation, or would you like to answer to the point ?

          1. “Would you like to continue …”
            No, in fact, I wouldn’t.
            First of all, because it’s not the topic on this file and I know it’s a red herring. Secondly, because I’ve had this debate here innumerable times with all kind of Israelis from the ‘Golda-The-Palestinians-No-Such-Thing-Exist-Meir’-types to the ‘Why-Don’t-You-Just-Move-To-Jordan-You’re-All-The-Same-Anyhow’-types.
            On another occasion, when I’m in the mood, I’ll tell you the story of my ancestor in the Galilee who received YOUR ancestor when he came from Ur in present day Iraq. What was his name ? Oh yes … Abraham.

            I don’t see what Muhammad, I guess you talk about the Prophet, has to do with Palestinian identity. He was born in Mecca …

            I also note that you swicthed – inconsciencly ? – from my ‘Palestinian NATIONAL identity – to mere ‘Palestinian identity’. The same distinction goes for the Jewish/Israeli identity, the Nation-State being a contemporary political concept.

          2. As an Israeli i know the history of my country / nation i know the figures i know the contribution, i know their views etc.
            for most Israeli’s Palestinian national identity (i’m sorry omitting national previously) started with Amin al-Husayni (and for us he isn’t a role model) and continued with Yasser Arafat (who was born in Cairo)
            i was asking a serious question, and i’m sorry you chose to answer the way you did.

            Al-Masri was right about few things, one of them is that we don’t know the other side, i want to know, what better then this forum to acquire knowledge ?

          3. As an Israeli i know the history of my country / nation

            You mean you know the history of yr country as it was taught to you in school & as reflected through yr particular political-ideological blinders.

            for most Israeli’s Palestinian national identity (i’m sorry omitting national previously) started with Amin al-Husayni (and for us he isn’t a role model) and continued with Yasser Arafat (who was born in Cairo)

            I would say that’s true of most right wing Israelis, though not necessarily “most Israelis.” And the fact that your knowledge of Palestinian nationalism is so shallow is yet another aspect of the tragedy of this conflict. Palestinians know MUCH MORE of yr history than you do of theirs. If you were smart, you’d try to learn more about them. As I said, there are a number of excellent works on this subject in my Amazon store. I urge you pick one & read it.

            If you’re serious, then let’s suggest some good texts on Palestinian history & nationalism. I have Rashid Khalidi in my Store & Joel Migdal’s and Kimmerling’s book on Palestinian nationalism. And here’s a book about Hamas & its history. Read one of them. You’ll learn a lot.

          4. Precision is a good thing. So let’s be precise, shall we? There was no “Israeli” identity before 1948. I suppose one can argue whether there is even an Israeli identity now. But for argument’s sake let’s concede there is. But there certainly was no Israeli identity before ’48.

            There was a Jewish identity before then. There was an ancient Israelite identity. But don’t confuse the two (or three). They’re NOT the same. Your contemporary identity is not the same as an inhabitant of the Kingdom of David. Yes, you may share certain affinities. But your identity is simply not the same.

          5. Israeli national identity did not spring up over night. It formed, gradually, since just before 1880. Much younger than the totally irrelevant red herring prophet, but still slightly older than the palestinian one.

            Frankly, though, I care rather little for national dignity – our’s and thier’s. I think our chief concern is human rights.

      1. The question should be “what about Israeli identity based on Zionism”?

        Is it credible to say that 3000 years ago a tribe existed in these parts that shares DNA with Jews who came from different parts of the world and in particular Eastern bloc nations and whose descendants and I use the term loosely, came to Palestine 63 years ago to stake a 3000 year old claim and justify the use of force and cleansing to do so?

        We all know there was a British occupied Palestine whose inhabitants were living there peacefully with a minority of Jews UNTIL the cry of Zionism, the usurper, started to spread.

        What we really should ask is: how far did Zionism go to cleanse Palestine of PALESTINIANS and whitewash their history?

        1. How nice of you to totally reject another nation’s rights, while heavily editing history.

          You are little different from israeli right-wingers.

          I do have to admit one thing, which sadely few other israelis can admit – while I totally reject your rather vile views, had I lived for even a day under occupation, I would embrace them.
          Ofcourse it’s just as possible that I’ve seen more of it than you…

          1. “I do have to admit one thing, which sadely few other israelis can admit – while I totally reject your rather vile views, had I lived for even a day under occupation, I would embrace them.”

            So you can’t embrace these views because you don’t live under Occupation. Instead you find them vile. Really?

            So what you’re really telling me then is that you lack EMPATHY. Because it’s not happening to you my views are vile, but if you were suffering under Occupation you would embrace them…where’s the logic in that?

            You understand that Occupation is cruel and unjust but you attack me instead of the cause because you’re so lucky not to have to experience and it’s easier to turn on me than to risk getting out of your “comfort zone”.

          2. My point is that I can’t demand that the victim respect the rights of the criminal.
            This does not mean the criminal has no rights. It sure doesn’t mean the criminal had no rights BEFORE he even commited the crime. It also doesn’t mean I can’t atleast HOPE that the victim does understand the rights of the criminal. And it doesn’t mean I can’t demand anyone else other than the victim to respect the rights of the criminal.

            Fighting for palestinian rights, which I do, doesn’t need to mean rejecting jewish national rights. For you to condemn jews as usurpers IS vile. It’s even more vile to undermine jewish rights with such blatant disregard for historical accuracy, implying that jewish historical rights are not credible.

      2. Oh one more thing: You’re asking out of “ignorance”? How very presumptuous of you to imagine that we would buy that your question is solely based on humility and your desire to be informed rather than IGNORANT. My guess is that you try to play us for fools, but your bait stinks a mile away.

      3. Oh, puh-leeze. There are entire scholarly tomes on this subject. Please read them & don’t expect us to educate you on such basic, elementary matters. I have a number of books in my Amazon store linked in my blogroll which will answer yr question if indeed it’s meant sincerely.

        But if you want to get into an argument about whether there is a Palestinian identity you’re NOT going to do it here. Do you understand? That is off topic & treads dangerously close to violating a basic comment rule that neither Israeli nor Palestinian national identity may be denied.

      4. please stop being an ignorant smart aleck(!)
        tell me who is a jew and i’ll tell you who is an arab.
        tell me who is an israeli and i’ll tell you who is a palestinian.

    1. Thank you. There is one message that is worth reading:
      Dorothy Naor:
      “Hi Munib, I’m an Israeli Jew who opposes the occupation and believes in the ROR for the Palestinians. I would gladly give up my house that I have lived in for 53 years for you and other Palestinians to have justice. I hope that you will recover fully soon, and that we may have here a single secular state with equal right for all its citizens, and that all my Palestinian friends will be able to visit me wherever I live just as I am able to visit them.
      All the best and big hugs.
      Long live Dorothy Naor.

      1. Dorothy Naor and her husband are among the Israelis I am proud to call my friends. She devotes a great deal of her time and resources to driving Israelis into the West Bank to show them the reality of the occupation and its terrible impact on the indigenous people of Palestine. She once drove me around Ariel settlement which frankly made me sick. All that gloating and bragging and splashing around in swimming pools and washing fancy cars, while below the Palestinians in humble villages have barely enough water for their survival.

        1. I was deeply moved when I read her message to Munib al-Masri, and I looked at her facebook-page. What a beautiful woman, and she has beautiful friends too: Yael Lerer (that I heard recently speaking with Jamal Zahalka, the leader of Balad), Jeff Halper, Arik Ascherman .. Reading her message made my day.
          And you’re right, the stealing of water is one of the most perverse injusticies: Israel steal 73% of the water in the West Bank, the settlers another 10% on their own, leaving 17% to the Palestinians.

      2. I won’t give up my house, nor would the vast majority of israelis. This is a very principle problem with ROR, that I don’t often see addressed. I could live, if I had to, with half a million refugees. But they could never get their homes back. And where would that leave us? Refugee camps INSIDE israel?

        Not that I live in a stolen home, nor would I ever.

        1. Duck, I really believe you have a logic problem in your thinking and I understand why. First of all you state you would never give up your house, then you state you don’t live in a stolen home. Ergo, you don’t have to give it up. But because it’s yours you would never give it up…then why should Palestinians be forced to give up on theirs?

          Then you state you would never live in a stolen home but you stated Palestinians could never get their stolen property back. I believe you’re contradicting yourself here. See that’s the problem with Zionism; it’s full of these types of moral “dilemmas” or contradictions. This is what tells me that it’s WRONG, it’s flawed, it’s immoral and unjust.

          By the way, don’t dramatize. Israelis won’t have to go to refugees camps to allow for ROR. But again you understand that being forced to be a refugee is cruel, so why can’t you understand how Palestinians feel having had to GIVE UP THEIR HOMES AND BECOME REFUGEES??

          Another problem with Zionism, it makes you renounce a God-given gift: compassion (empathy).

          1. No logic problem.

            I do not live in a stolen home. Nor would I. So I won’t ever be asked to leave it for a refugee.

            But I would not ask any israeli to leave his home. And if I discovered, some day, that my home WAS stolen, I would probably not leave it for a refugee (even if I would feel rather motivated by shame to shorten my stay as much as possible).

            Point being that Naor’s offer is not only unrealistic on any larger scale, but should not, in good faith, be expected to be repeated by any other israeli.

            I never forced any palestinians to leave their homes. I’m trying to stop the people doing that. Little success so far.

            “Then you state you would never live in a stolen home but you stated Palestinians could never get their stolen property back. I believe you’re contradicting yourself here.”

            Complicated, not contradictory.

            Israelis won’t have to go to refugee camps. The refugees would. Where would we put half a million palstinian refugees? They would get to live inside israel, but this doesn’t seem like the justice they have in mind, keeping sixty year old keys.

          2. I think there are other Israelis who would give up their homes to Palestinian refugess esp. if an international fund paid them fair market value for them on condition that the refugee family move into it. This is an example of the creative thinking which hardly anyone appears to be using to figure out ways to resolve this problem.

            The refugees would.

            Not at all. You don’t understand the proposals circulated by Geneva Accords & others. All refugees wouldn’t return at once. They’d return over a finite period, say 5 or 10 yrs which would give Israel & world community enough time to fund, plan & build the new communities, housing & infrastructure needed for them. This would be a planned process, not a helter skelter one.

        2. Israel absorbed hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews. How did it do that? Is it rocket science? Israel has absorbed hundreds of thousands of refugees at numerous pts in its history. Why not again? What’s the problem?

          Will this be easy? No. But if Israelis go into thinking it can’t or won’t work, guess what–it won’t. Then you’ll have civil war or something like it. But why does it have to get to that? As al Masri says, with good faith one can move mtns. With bad faith, you die.

          1. By the way I just visioned a vey interesting short program on neo-nazi groups among Russian immigrants in Israel. According to specialists, 400.000 Russian immigrants to Israel has no link to Judaism and only very remote ‘genetic’ Jewish ancestors but managed to get to Israel anyway, mostly as kids.
            Hearing the worst anti-semitic shit in the heart of Israel is just incredible, as one Rabbi said, ant the authorities are keeping a very low profile.
            400.000 Russians : that’s the amount of Palestinians that will most likely return if they had the choice.
            Sometimes I just feel sick about this country.

  4. First, thank you for this interesting and informative post.

    Second, do you think that the unity deal will hold up? Some recent news articles do not bode well.

    From Ma’an News:

    Hamas: No role for Fayyad in unity govt

    From Ha’aretz:

    Palestinian unity in peril as Hamas rejects Fatah’s Fayyad as PM

    1. So what! There will no doubt be many differences of opinion and heated discussions before some trust is established. After all, the PA has been bankrolled by the U.S. for some time; it’ll take some time for them to get used to the idea that they are beholden first and foremost to the Palestinian people and Hamas is there to ensure they don’t forget that ever again. This is all good and good things don’t necessarily come easy.

      1. The majority of the Palestinian people believe that Fayyad is the best candidate to run the new government. It is actually Hamas who is going against the will of the Palestinian people by rejecting the possibility of Fayyad as PM.

        1. Bullshet. Fayyad is not trusted by the majority. Where’s your link to a credible poll?

          As far as I know, the only Palestinian leader embraced by the majority of Palestinians is Marwan Barghouti.

          Many Palestinians view Fayyad as another U.S. stooge.

          1. Poll: Fayyad Best Candidate to Run New Government

            BEIT SAHOUR, May 17, 2011 (WAFA) – A public opinion poll published Tuesday by the Beit Sahour-based Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) found out that 53% of the Palestinian respondents believe that Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is the best candidate to head the new unity government.


          2. Wafa is the Fatah media outlet. Of course they’re running a poll that favors Fayyad. Bob, consider yr source & know what it represents before you pass it off as reliable. There are reliable, credible opinion pollsters in Palestine. Clearly, the one you quote has an agenda.

          3. It’s possible that the Fayyad sales job on the Palestinian people has had some effect.

            Fayyad’s plan is failing as recent economic statistics coming out of the West Bank demonstrate. Unfortunately, Palestinians are being swayed by a mirage meant to deceive them into thinking that things are getting better economically UNDER THE OCCUPATION.

            Fayyad’s sudden rise to power is highly suspect seeing as Israel and the U.S. continuously sing his praises.

            I honestly hope Palestinians will discover before it’s too late that Fayyad is another Abbas, a U.S. stooge selling them down the river for his own ambitions to hold on to power.

            Never have Israeli settlements flourished and expanded as while Abbas was in power. Fayyad will no doubt allow Israelis to continue this process and make a deal that will make him head of a state within a larger more powerful state…a kind of legalized Apartheid system and THAT will be the end of Palestine and the dead end for millions of refugees.

        2. I want to add that as weak and bad as Abbas has been as leader practically looking the other way while a flood of new settlers took possession of the West Bank; I believe Fayyad will allow the Israelis to destroy the Palestinians’ chance at a state of their own or to be recognized as citizens of one state with full rights.

          It seems to me that the reason Israelis are wishing and hoping that Fayyad replaces Abbas is because Fayyad is actually fulfilling Netanyahu’s plan for the Palestinians; a plan based on modest economic viability and a kind of “satellite state” of Israel (which is a euphemism for continued Occupation and Apartheid) with its own leadership and institutions, but very limited powers and the status quo as far as Occupied land and refugees are concerned. This is Israelis most cherished delusion, aside from completely cleansing the Palestinians from their land or annexing the bantustans to Jordan. This is how Israelis intend to make the Occupation official and Apartheid legal and Fayyad is stupidly doing their dirty work.

          Palestinians will wake up before Fayyad destroys their dream completely.

          1. agree with kalea.
            a year or so ago i said and repeated on this blog to beware of MahmoudAbbas (AbuMazen) for he is a MossadMole. just keep your eyes open in the next two to three months for actions/suggestions by AbuMazen or Fayyad for the palestinians to postpone their attempt at UN(GA) recognition. AbuMazen (and Fayyad) better resign and go back home to haifa. leave Palestine’s future to the true Palestinians.

        3. Say what? Who woke up & made you an expert on what the Palestinian people believe? By what right to you deputize yrself in this fashion? Besides, claiming the Palestinians support Fayyad as PM is nonsense. What opinion poll says this? And even if one does, which I doubt, Hamas won’t accept Fayyad & Hamas is a partner in this deal. The deal called for government ministers NOT AFFILIATED with either entity. Fayyad is the leader of the current Fatah dominated PA. Hence he’s not eligible.

          1. My comment was based on the recent Palestinian opinion poll that I posted above. I certainly do not purport to be an expert on what the Palestinian people believe – I can only go off what I read in polls and surveys.

            The poll indicated that Fayyad was the most popular choice for PM. It was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion and reported in a Palestinian news source.

            I would respectfully point out that there is another recent poll, this one from the Jerusalem Media & Communications Center which also lists Fayyad as the most popular choice for PM of the unity government.

            I am not sure if you would consider that poll more reputable than the other one, but it can be found on their website (www.jmcc.org).

            Also, it was my understanding that Fayyad was a member of the “Third Way” party and would thus be eligible to serve as a government minister in the transitional government since he is neither Hamas nor Fatah.

          2. Bob, c’mon. Would you trust an opinion poll in Yisrael HaYom saying that the vast majority of Israelis supported Bibi to continue as PM? Of course you wouldn’t if you knew anything about Israeli politics & media. So don’t go all innocent & naive on us. This poll clearly was conducted by Fatah on behalf of Fatah & published in a Fatah media outlet.

            BTW, how would such an opinion poll have polled Gaza respondents since Palestinians cannot freely travel to & from Gaza?

            Fayyad has been Fatah’s pony for the yrs he’s served as PM in the rump Fatah led gov’t. He’s Fatah through & through. Even if he’s not a member of Fatah, it doesn’t matter. He’s fully identified w. Fatah through his service.

          3. Thank you for pointing out the potentially suspect nature of the poll that I cited above.

            Here is a link to an article about another poll from a different polling organization showing similar results.

            Poll Shows Fayyad Most Favored By Palestinians For Role Of PM

            A new poll conducted by Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre has shown that incumbent Palestinian PM Salam Fayyad is the most favoured among Palestinians to lead the next unity government.


            Do you have reason to believe that the results of this second poll are also questionable?

          4. I’ll look at it later. But any poll that is either conducted by a group with vested political interests, or undercounts or doesn’t at all Gaza political sentiment is suspect at best & invalid at worst. I don’t think Gazans want Fayyad as their PM & I think Fatah nominating him is an act of bad faith on their part.

          5. According to the Methodology section of the second poll, 750 of those sampled were from the West Bank and 448 were from the Gaza Strip.

            The poll itself breaks down the totals so that you can see the results for just the West Bank, just the Gaza Strip, or both combined.

            One of the question asks: “Who do you think is the most appropriate Palestinian independent figure to assume the post of PM in the coming national reconciliation government as stipulated in the reconciliation agreement?”

            By far the most popular choice of individuals was Salam Fayyad. He was about 20 percentage points ahead of the next most popular named individual. Although he was just about tied with the second most popular response, “I don’t trust any one”.

            Interestingly, the percentage of people who selected Fayyad in response to this question was higher among those in Gaza than those in the West Bank.

    2. Do you, like Yoram WANT it not to hold up? I don’t know whether it will or not. But if I were an Israeli I would want it to hold up & support it for that reason. Because if it fails there will be another war with a year & hundreds more Israelis will die & thousands more Palestinians (or Syrians or Lebanese depending in which theater the war is fought).

      1. I want there to be a peaceful two-state solution with an end to the occupation and the establishment of a viable Palestinian state next to Israel.

        I would like to see this all come to pass with as little violence as is humanly possible.

        If the failure of the unity agreement will inevitably lead to another war within a year and Israelis, Palestinians, and others dying in large numbers then I certainly would not want it to fail.

        Is it possible that the failure of the unity agreement could result in a different outcome than what you described?

        1. No, it’s not possible. As long as the Palestinians are not unified Israel will not deal. As long as there is no peace agreement Israel will continue gobbling land, building settlements & bullying its neighbors to get its way.

          1. But excuse me Richard here, Israel is not after peace treaty but peace negotiation. Unity or not is the same for Bibi. I know Livni sees otherwise, yet the leftists in Israel believe that a Palestinian state is better that the status-co, cause a state boarders can then be drawn through negotiations….etc.

            Peace has a Nobel meaning and mission that requires hard work. Israel is not ready and will never be ready under. This is an unequal equation with more than two constants “No Jerusalem, No 1967 boarders…etc” , Palestinian land is occupied…Full Stop….who had 2000 years ago is Bull, I am a Christian and bible is clear, so let us not go back to history and let us not mention Amin Husseiny, i agree and have read to Rashid KLhaldi and other respected Jewish authors about history.

            Thank you for the meaningful discussion and please excuse some ignorant Palestinians like Deir Yassin who is wrong in his fiery reply to Yoram..

          2. I’m not sure what you’re criticizing regarding Deir Yassin, who is a “her,” not “him.” And she’s definitely not “ignorant.” I’d take it a bit slower & try to get to know commenters a bit before you decide who’s wrong & who’s right.

            But as for your other comments they seem entirely reasonable to me.

  5. Unlike that stooge Abbas, I believe Al-Masri has paid a personal price that helps him see clearly. I’m having a hard time reconciling his wealth with his sincerity on the Palestinian issue because the majority of Palestinians live in abject poverty, but I’ll take him at his word and his word sounds good, for now.

    But, I have no faith whatsoever in Israelis, their leadership or even in the majority of the Israeli population and I believe that they are the only impediment left for a just resolution to this conflict and peace. And what an impediment!

    Let me say this for the record and I don’t want to come back and say: I told you so; believe me that’s the last thing I want and that’s not my intention.:

    Israelis are going to sabotage all attempts at peace. Israelis are embracing Apartheid as the solution to their paranoia. The world will have to choose between the LAW, justice, peace and ILLEGAL OCCUPATION AND APARTHEID. It will be a dicey proposition and because we are referring to the “eternal victims” here, some EU countries and the U.S. will try to ignore the Law and circumvent it to appease Zionists who with their “anti-Semitism” card, their “eternal victim” card, their we’re the only democracy and real friend you have in the region and behind all this their nuclear Samson option will hold these countries hostage and try to stop them from adhereing to the Law and their conscience.

    The rest of the world will move towards sanctions and BDS, but the U.S. will continue to veto the “S” and the U.S. and Canada with Harper in charge will make delegitimization attempts against Israel illegal in their respective countries.

    This is my prediction. So all these very laudable efforts by Palestinians and everyone who supports them will be railroaded by the Zionists and their world-wide influence in the end.

    An unbelievable precedent will be set: Israel may be the first country in the world to legalize APARTHEID and all kinds of excuses will be made for it. This is where we’re heading and nothing good will come from this, and there will be great, great resentment against Zionists worldwide and their Apartheid country called Israel.

    Herzl and Jabotinsky implied Apartheid in Zionism and that is truth, not some deluded, fantasy version of Zionism that will never come to fruition.

    Either the world recognizes the injustice of Zionism and forces Israel to surrender all land it occupied in 67 and do right by the refugees or the Palestinians will be forced to live under Apartheid and we will all be responsible for a crime against humanity and the consequences that will result from it.

    1. I agree with Kalea. Meanwhile, for Yorem, the best way to learn is by reading, and I recommend the book mentioned below.

      At one time, I was for a two-state solution, but have come to realize that it will never happen, and was never intended to happen. It is disingenuous to pretend, like J Street does for example, that it will or can. Thus the only way forward, whether Israel wants it or not, is to press for a secular, binational state. Don’t do away with Israel, but do away with the “Jewish” state. If you would like to look deeper into the subject, you could do worse than getting a copy of Ilan Pappé’s new book, “The Forgotten Palestinians: a History of the Palestinians in Israel”, which I am currently reading. His views coincide with my own, which I have held since the creation of Israel as a state.

  6. While my comment on al-Masri shows up, I want to add to my reply to “Bob Mann” above with the following analogy on Fayyad that just occured to me.:

    Fayyad is to Israel what Col. Nicholson was to the Japanese in Bridge on the River Kwai. He’s helping the Israelis destroy Palestinian sovereignty and statehood with the “perfect bridge” intended to legalize Apartheid or make it “palatable”.

    He’s actually putting Netanyahu’s (Col. Saito’s) “economic” plan for Palestinians in motion and “collaborating” with the enemy by creating institutions UNDER OCCUPATION and thus sabotaging Palestinian sovereignty and the refugees’ rights.

    Hamas obviously see this and that’s why they’re rejecting Fayyad as P.M.

    1. again i agree with kalea except for one thing.
      in “the bridge on the river kwai” colonel nicholson intent was not to help the japanese achieve their objective but to show the japanese camp commander that western civilization is way better than japanese civilization. unlike AbuMazen the MossadMole and Fayyad Colonel Nicholson woke up at the end of the movie and blew up the bridge he helped build. contrary to nicholson’s motivation, IMO the MossadMole and Fayyad act consciously for (like the israelis for whom they work) they look down on the palestinians and their ability to rule themselves. this is why both must go from the political scene and go now.

      1. Yes, it’s true that Col. Nicholson was attempting to “school” the Japanese or undermine their own capacity. But you understood my point, whatever his ulterior motives he was the “perfect collaborator” and ultimately, traitor.

        It’s also possible that Fayyad believes he too has some kind of lofty personal agenda for constructing the framework under Occupation that will make Apartheid “legal” and the Occupation permanent, but he’s become the perfect vehicle for Netanyahu’s plan. He’s in the process of building that lesser, satellite state that will never achieve sovereignty. Why should Palestinians be deprived of sovereignty when Israel borders with other sovereign unfriendly countries and must adapt to that reality? The problem is that Israelis stole so much land that they created a situation whereby Palestinians are too close for their comfort and Israeli paranoia and greed will never give up the Occupation and they will never allow Palestinians full rights as citizens either…hence Fayyad, who is offering Zionists the way out of their dilemma by setting up this symbiotic relationship with Israel in which Palestinians must sacrifice their sovereignty and right of return for the survival of the Jewish State and in return they get “some” economic and social structure viability.

        I seriously question Fayyad’s loyalty to the Palestinian cause even though he sometimes shows himself at protests. It’s bizarre; he’s so much like Col. Nicholson in that sense. I question why Israelis sing his praises, I question the accolades he received for his speech at the Herzliya Conference. And I question this strange endorsement:


        Could Fayyad, like Col. Nicholson, be so deluded by his “achievements” and fooled by the praise he gets from Israelis that he doesn’t realize how he has become the perfect TOOL of Israeli Occupation and Apartheid?

        Like Col. Nicholson he’s such the perfect collaborator to the point one might even be tempted to suspect he’s a Manchurian Candidate. If he continues to get this cozy with Zionism Palestinians will start believing he IS the “Zionist Candidate”, and whether he is or not, I hope they begin to see where he’s leading them.

        Mandela would never betray his people like this.

      2. Sorry, I just want to add this very important point: Mandela wouldn’t betray his people like this, BECAUSE he suffered an egregious injustice by being wrongfully imprisoned for so long and so this experience made him one with his people. He wasn’t an elitist.

        Fayyad is another case. He was educated in Beirut and in the States. He held important positions. Not that I’m against a good education and success, but he seems to have lived a life of comfort and in my opinion was pretty sheltered from the Palestinian experience.

        How Palestinians could ever trust him is beyond me.

  7. His somewhat vulgar taste in architecture aside, I agree with this man.

    It’s a shame that the Palestinians are stuck with Abbas on the one hand – who is hardly less corrupt than the venal butchers of Jordan, Syria and the rest – and the amateurish so-called ‘resistance’ of Hamas on the other.

    1. “His somewhat vulgar taste in architecture aside”

      Yes, it is rather ostentatious considering the situation of the average Palestinian. Although I find it distasteful, I did appreciate what he stated and especially what he said about his grandson’s own struggle.

      I hope he’s different from Palestinian leaders who have betrayed the struggle of Palestinians through the years with their own personal ambitions.

      1. I did not translate the portion of the interview which makes clear that he built his villa during one of the Intifadas & employed hundreds of workers from Nablus. It was thus the only form of employment in the region for several years. Something important to keep in mind.

        1. Yes it’s reassuring he put Palestinians to work building his home and I do like what he said.

          Palestinians need more influential people in their midst standing up for their rights instead of pursuing personal and foreign agendas.

  8. Hi all , The thing with the Israeli Palestinian is that it can never be settled with our leaders. We have to solve the problem among ourself.

    There is a new facebook game called The-Conflict. Let people choose peace or war between Palestinian and Israelis . So…choose your side.


  9. RE: “Caspit is so damn, well you heard the man, boorish.” – R.S.

    MY COMMENT: Dare I say Caspit sounds like a real dum-dum?

  10. RE: “his Venetian-style villa on Mt. Gerizim”

    MY COMMENT: It is certainly “Italianate”, but I do not necessarily see so much of a Venetian influence. Not that I would necessarily recognize a “Venetian influence” absent an actual ‘Bridge of Sighs’, mind you. In any case, the dome does remind me a bit of the Duomo in Florence. – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Maria_del_Fiore
    Brunelleschi’s Dome, How A Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture – http://www.amazon.com/Brunelleschis-Renaissance-Genius-Reinvented-Architecture/dp/B000CLQK4W

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I am in no way an ‘art historian’, although I confess to occasionally playing one on the internet. Why not? I suppose it’s a bit like claiming Facebook photos are fabricated.

    ASSOCIATED PRESS: Nov 26, 2008 … A Palestinian tycoon has created a tranquil paradise on a Holy Land mountaintop, with a replica of a famous Renaissance villa, sculpted gardens and a wrought-iron pavilion that once belonged to a nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte… – http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-11-26-2550568042_x.htm

    That building is…the home of the wealthiest man in Palestine! Looks like a Roman Villa… – http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oHtHHFMb8J4/Tb2WN0RDj5I/AAAAAAAABvY/V68VXJ6j1wo/s1600/100_0962.JPG

    Johnston-Felton-Hay House – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnston-Felton-Hay_House

  11. Since I’m not given an opportunity to reply directly to Duck’s posts, I’ll do it here. I guess I fall into the category of “rabid anti-zionist” and I don’t see what’s wrong with that. It doesn’t make me anti-semitic (which I’m not) or anti-Israel (which I’m not) but just affirms my belief that if there had never been zionism there would likely be peace in Palestine/Israel today.

    As for Dorothy, I know her well, and I know how increasingly disillusioned and distressed she has grown over many years with what Israel has become. She and her husband moved to Israel to help make the desert bloom, and they didn’t expect to find their dreams were based on a fantasy. Dorothy works tirelessly to educate Israeli Jews about the suffering that Israel’s existence has caused the Palestinians. She is loved by many people in the West Bank, and welcomed as family when she takes friends to visit them. I have been fortunate to visit several of her friends with her, and she is a delight and a wonder to watch as she is greeted with hugs and smiles and kisses from every member of a family she visits. Once we went for tea in a Palestinian village and as we crossed a field an Israeli jeep stopped on the road. Three or four soldiers got out and started to follow us. As we reached the village we could see Dorothy’s friends standing outside their modest house as they waited to greet us. The soldiers threatened to arrest us, but Dorothy lectured them very strongly in Hebrew (I suspect she was asking them what their mothers and grandmothers thought about what they were doing in Palestine) after which they were clearly glad to get away from us. There is no woman in Israel I admire more than Dorothy, and I believe she means what she says about giving up her home.

    In another incident, Dorothy personally raised thousands of dollars to help pay for a kidney transplant for a Palestinian toddler. She even found a donor (a young ISM volunteer) and the surgery was performed successfully.

    1. “if there had never been zionism there would likely be peace in Palestine/Israel today. ”

      If there had never been zionism there would be no israel, and no israeli-arab conflict.
      In what way is this less offensive than saying that there would be no occupation (and no nakba) if there were no palestinians?

      1. I’m sorry, Duck, but the Palestinians were native to the land, Zionism was not. It was a national movement among East-European and Ashkenaze Jews, and not among Mizrahi Jews in the Old Yishuv, at least not until they were more or less forcibly rallied to Zionism.

        1. Irrelevant. Denouncing one side’s national aspirations is no more key to peace than denouncing the other side’s.
          Even if one side exercised their rights in a most racist and violent fashion, and even if it had to repatriate itself in it’s land. I can’t understand how rational liberal people can condemn a nation to exile and diaspora.

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