18 thoughts on “Shabak Arrests 18 Year-Old Palestinian Under Gag Order – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I don’t like to live in a police state. It’s really frightening what’s reported here. As an Israeli I’m badly ashamed about the lack of due procedures and frequent gag orders intended to keep the people in the dark rather than for real security purposes.

    Amazing site!!!

  2. You may find this irrelevant but Canada arrested yesterday a man of Somali origin because he intended to join Al Shabab in Somalia. He has not committed any crime in Toronto but they have arrested him for INTENT! Their proof? A one way ticket to Cairo. Would you write about that too? There is no gag order, true, but immense pride in arresting a future “terrorist”.
    By the way, no public outcry whatsoever right here in Toronto. You should be concerned because it is in your neighbourhood and because Harper slavishly apes the US.

    1. Hasbara point no. 1: “It’s the same or worse elsewhere”.
      There’s no Canadian blogs to comment on this ? I’m sure the French-Canadian ‘Indépendantistes’ would love the story.
      By the way, how do you say ‘trolling’ in Hebrew ?

    2. No one denies that Western governments often set really bad examples – examples that “a light unto the nations” (or anyone else, for that matter) shouldn’t be following.

    3. If you truly want me to write about something the proper way to do it is to provide me a link so I can read something about the case. Unless, that is, that wasn’t your goal & yr true goal was merely to engage in snark or claim I’m a hypocrite, etc. etc.

  3. I’m interested to know if anyone here has read the book “Son of Hamas”.
    In that book, it details that often the Shabak would arrest people based on protection, either from missile attacks or to seem like they were not collaborators.


    1. @ Duhay)
      “I’m intersted to know if anyone here has read the book “Son of Hamas”
      Dozens here have read it, or maybe they just got a briefing from the Ministry of Propaganda.
      I think mentioning “Son of Hamas” is just after “Seven armies invaded the new-born state” but before ‘the Jews can’t buy land in Jordan’ on that list, you know …

      1. Can Jews buy land in Jordan?
        How many armies did invase the new born state of Israel?

        Sounds like you are quoting directly from the Hamas handbook of propoganda.

        1. Can Jews buy land in Jordan?

          We’ve gone over this before, but yes, Jews can buy land in Jordan. Israelis( of any religious persuasion) can’t, because Israel does not allow Jordanians to buy land in Israel.

          Jordan’s land law for foreign purchase is based on reciprocity. If a Jordanian can buy land in that country, then a foreigner from that land can buy land in Jordan. American and European Jews can buy land in Jordan because the US and European nations allow Jordanians to buy land in their countries.

          1. How many armies did invade the new born state of Israel?

            I believe it was only one, Egypt, and it was a minor incursion. Most of the battles of 1948 were in the territory allotted to the Arab State in the UN’s Partition Plan, invaded by the “new born state of Israel”. The rest of the Arab armies never entered territory allotted to the Jewish State in the UN’s Partition Plan, and Jordan had even secretly agreed with Israel’s leaders prior to the war not to enter the Jewish State territory, and they kept their promise. (Israel of course did not uphold their part of the bargain.)

            And of course, the Arab armies, always smaller in number than the Jewish forces, entered the war after the expulsion and flight of over 300,000 Palestinians from their homes, pushed out by the violent actions of the IDF.

    2. So who is a Zionist collaborator according to you? Ghanem? Abusisi? Which is actually quite funny because the Ukrainian gov’t in order to divert attention fr. its own collusion in the kidnapping actually made precisely the same claim: that Abusisi is a Mossad agent who the agency needed to get out of Gaza. So it did so by sending him all the way to Ukraine, kidnapping him there & returning him to Israel. What a great story!

      Or are you just engaging in pure trolling? Why would anyone here want to read that piece of trash book with its entirely unprovable claims by an unreliable figure who worked for an equally mendacious Israeli spy agency? Unless that is they’d like to see the mind of such a strange person at work. BTW, I hear he’s now on the gravy train lecturing prob. to Jewish audiences about his life as a Zionist agent inside Hamas. Walid Shoebat has made himself a tidy living in a similar way. And Shoebat (not his real name btw) is equally a fraud.

  4. Again, as in so many previous cases, this is a symptom of a much larger issue.

    Were the Palestinians and Israelis not in contention over the land of Israel/Palestine/West Bank/wherever, such incidents would be non-existent or limited to those arising from petty squabbles or a few minor religious differences.

    But contention there is and this has led to the situation we see today, one that has been with us for well over six decades. Such an elapse of time without the application of some effective remedy is inexcusable. Is it to be the fate of all these people to have this disease run its course with only the weak palliatives of one political initiative after another being offered to them?

    What has happened in the past constantly intrudes upon the present, with the present having the power to determine so much of what becomes the future. But, if this power sits there waiting for us at the beginning of each and every new day, then why have all our efforts to rectify the situation achieved so little?

    It is simply because such power is diluted, unfocused and thus cannot be brought to bear upon the matter in the concentrations and quantities that are required.

    If every one of those caught up in this conflict could be viewed as a single entity, a patient, as it were, in dire need of prompt medical attention, then the rest of us would be obliged, as indeed we are, to diagnose and effect a cure for the condition. However, if such were the case, our ministrations to date might very well give rise to a charge of gross negligence, serious professional misconduct at the very least.

    The operating procedures carried out have been botched so many times over so many years, it’s a wonder the patient has not expired long before now.

    Time for us, therefore, to realise that it is the malady itself that needs to be addressed first and foremost; our understanding of just how to do that must take precedence over all else.

    In the end, events will judge whether our diagnosis was correct or not. But, if we are merely content to treat the symptoms without giving any thought to relieving their underlying cause, then the verdict of history will be very severe and unforgiving.
    And, with the passage of so much time and unless we figure out a better approach to these problems, that sort of damning report is unlikely to commend us to future generations.
    Of whom 18 year-old Ahmad Khaled Ghanem might be considered a prime example.

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