Here’s the latest from Dershowitz Watch: not content to label Goldstone an “evil, evil man,” and to claim his UN report on the Gaza massacre was a “blood libel,” and that the eminent jurist is a moser (betrayer of Jews), Dersh has now likened the him to Josef Mengele. The context for the charge is a new line of attack which the hasbarists have developed which charges Goldstone with being an “apartheid judge” who “just followed orders” in personally hanging innocent South African blacks.
Let’s put this in context: in a country like, say the U.S., in which capital punishment is the law of the land, it is very difficult for a judge to single-handedly overrule a law that others have deemed constitutional, and which perhaps is even commonly accepted and popular among citizens. Imagine, for example, Elena Kagan in her confirmation hearings saying she finds executions morally repugnant and will do everything in her power to render them unconstitutional. Would she end up on the Supreme Court? No.
Judge Goldstone was an appeals court judge who ruled on 28 capital cases in which he upheld the punishment. Only in two cases, did he himself render the first judgment of death (in the other cases he upheld an earlier sentence). Alan Dershowitz is a criminal lawyer. Never been a judge (and likely never will be after this outburst). Likely knows next to nothing about South African law. Easy for him to say what Judge Goldstone should’ve done 20 years ago during the apartheid era.
Of course, Dershowitz, being the intellectual slimeball that he is, omits the fact that Judge Goldstone delivered the critical legal ruling that began the undermining of the apartheid system. No mention of the bravery it took for a single judge to write a ruling that he knew would be detested by the entire white power structure which had appointed him. No mention of the fear he might’ve felt from the security services who were known to deal with the regime’s enemies rather harshly.
For this disgusting excuse for a human being and Jew to compare Richard Goldstone to Josef Mengele is a new, all-time low. In this interview, he says that Goldstone’s defense of his actions regarding capital cases is like “Josef Mengele” saying “he was just following orders.” As Israeli blogger Yossi Gurvitz noted to me in considerably saltier language, Mengele never gave such an excuse since he escaped from Europe and was never captured or tried for his crimes. Dershowitz really means the Nazis brought before the Nuremberg tribunal or Adolf Eichmann. But hey, why let a few facts stand in Dersh’s way? At long last, does this man have no dignity, no shame, not an ounce of human decency left in him?
This is the very man who Tel Aviv University honored with a doctorate last week, thanking him for his outstanding work on behalf of human rights. Thank God, 33 members of the history faculty took exception to the award. This is man welcome in the pages of the Jerusalem Post and websites like Huffington Post. A man lionized in synagogues and on the Jewish lecture circuit. Welcome at academic conferences. Finally, a man who likens one of most distinguished international jurists in the field of human rights and the laws of war to the Nazi “Angel of Death.”
Will a Jewish leader not finally take a stand and say enough, he is not welcome in my synagogue or before my organization. If some other Jewish group wants to honor him be my guest. But not here.
I can understand some Israel lobby groups saying we can’t choose our friends since we don’t have enough of them. That sort of embrace of Dershowitz I find repugnant, but at least I can understand it. However, for truly liberal groups like a university or websites like Huffington Post to lap up the slime that oozes out of his mouth is truly repellant to me.
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Every repulsive word out of Dersh’s mouth is a victory for Palestine because only the most ignorant and hateful Zionist dirtbag would find anything Dershowitz says to be of any value whatsoever.
Well and truly said!!!
one problem richard,
goldstone has repeatedly stated that he was always against the apartheid system.
no one forced him to become a judge.
he willingly became a part of the system that he now says was abhorrent to him.
is it a bit overboard to compare him to mengele? yes
but goldstone supporters should really steer clear of trying to justify his choice of taking a judgeship in apartheid south africa.
and i do believe that the attorney who represented mandela was offered a judgeship (before he became mandela’s atty) and turned it down, for the reason that he could not serve under the apartheid regime, enforcing apartheid laws.
oh, and if kagan is against the death penalty, and is asked about it and lies, it is grounds for impeachment should she sit on the bench.
just as roberts and alito should be impeached for lying during their confirmation hearings.
“A bit?????” Pls. don’t make me laugh. You make yrself into such an apologist for him w. such a pathetic mini-me acknowledgement of the horror of his statement.
That’s not how confirmation hearings work. These people are far too smooth to lie. They just refuse to take a clear cut position.
Uncle Joe,
Actually, there were many liberal Afrikaners like Goldstone who accepted appointments to the bench in the 1970’s and 1980s in the hopes that they would push South Africa in the direction towards constitutional democracy. And the fact is that Goldstone did issue several rulings as a Justice that considerably undermined the Apartheid regime, not to mention his work chairing the Commission on Public Violence and Intimidation from 1991-1994 that exposed the use of death squads by F.W. DeKlerk. Read these pieces about Goldstone’s work as Justice before you condemn him for being a sell-out to apartheid.
Frankly, I think the judgment of Nelson Mandela regarding Goldstone carries a lot more weight in this area than Alan Dershowitz’ or Danny Ayalon’s
Goldstone’s own words, here, explain the situation.
As one who lived in the Middle East for several years and supports the Palestinians in their just struggle against expansionst/occupier Israel, I want to thank Alan Dershowitz for yet another irrational and desperate outburst. Every time he opens his mouth in public to attack those who are critical of Israel more people rally to the Palestinian cause. Keep it up Dersh!!!
“…Likely knows next to nothing about South African law.”
You know nothing about SA law.
Beyond the death penalty, Goldstone upheld and also handed out convocations on number of other serious racial laws.
Try looking up his not so great history here in South Africa. His dubious findings during the Goldstone commission here in South Africa. He found that the ANC was virtually blameless for the death of thousands of their black opponent during the spiral of violence following Mandela’s release.
Of course Mandela allowed him to stay on as a judge. Goldstone proved during apartheid and then when the tables turned that he is a willing servant to whoever will pay his cheque.
You don’t appear to know much about S.A. law or S.A either. Or is it that you’re such a partisan ideological hack that you know about these things & choose to skew what you report to make Goldstone & the ANC look as evil as possible. At any rate, yr views are clearly far right wing & should be treated w. some skepticism.
I’m frankly unwilling to take your unsubstantiated word for anything inculding Goldstone’s record. You merely make value judgements & provide no proof or even serious argument.
The Case for Israel, The Case for Peace, The Case For Moral Clarity, The Case Against Israel’s Enemies, The Case Against the Goldstone Report…
Boy, I just can’t wait for “The Case” box set.
How ’bout “The Case for Dersh,” “The Case for Dersh’s Nobel”??