Let it not be said that in a nation in which democracy is honored only in the breach (or not at all), there is not a sharp sense of satire. The Soviet Union was like this, and now Israel. Hence this hilarious, knowing and merciless skewering of the cowardice of the Israeli press in regards to the gag order prohibiting reporting the Anat Kam affair.
I’m sorry to say that the press outside Israel has reacted with similar lack of interest. It’s quite unusual for a freelance journalist to list publicly all the outlets he’s queried about a story. Somehow it reeks of self-pity and you’re not supposed to display that when you’re a writer. Besides, not embarrassing potential future publishing outlets by biting the hand that might feed you. But I feel this story is important enough that it warrants throwing convention to the winds. I’ve approached the following media outlets in an attempt to broaden coverage of this story and either been rejected or ignored: London Review of Books, Al Jazeera English, The National, The Nation, Firedoglake, The Jewish Forward. I should say that a reporter for a major publication has expressed an interest in the story though no specific agreement or arrangement has been yet made.
Thus the IDF and intelligence apparatus, with the heavy-handed help of Kam herself, have won a victory for opacity, impunity and lack of accountability. It is shameful that neither the Israeli or foreign media have been willing to report this. I’m sorry to say that in the case of the latter they simply may not understand the importance of the story and the issues involved for Israeli democracy. Or perhaps they understand and they just don’t care. Either way it’s a crying shame and embarrassment.
When the government thinks it’s the supreme authority, acting with total disregard for the rule of law, then it’s always an important story.
Perhaps the story wasn’t picked up because the victims are Palestinians and no one cares what happens to them. We all know that because they are stateless they are deprived of the same rights afforded to Israelis.
All we can do is to keep fighting for the rights of all, shed as much light as possible on these injustices, and demanding that Israel stop creating facts on the ground that will derail peace and shatter the dream of Palestinian statehood in which case they will forever be a people without rights and at the mercy of Israel’s two-tier legal system.
I wish some editors were as perceptive as you.
I am sorry but in this case I really dont think that is something about how “poor” or how much the world doesnt care about the palestinian people.
Try to not take issue to that side because it’s so wrong!
This is an Israeli problem and not a Palestinian!
The goverment and Anat herself are doing the best to come to the end of this issue.
the government because …well…we know why..
and Anat is doing it for herself! she doesnt want to be in jail..so she is trying to “reduce the flames” only thinking on herself..
the only one who is loosing here is the Israel people..who is loosing his democarcy bu not knowing what is going on in his country!
JTA report:
Anat Kamm is the hero. she wanted to be weekleak of israel
Not sure about “weekleak.” Not very flattering. I’d rather see her as Israel’s Julian Assange.