Jonah drew these drawings for his twin brother and sister some time ago. My wife thought they...
Month: August 2008
I’ve been following with interest the Free Gaza Movement effort to break the Israeli Navy’s blockade of...
Russia invaded Georgia. What did they expect? That former satellite states would roll over and play dead? ...
I swear you couldn’t make this story up if you tried. And yes, the name of the...
You remember that tiresome evangelical favorite: “What would Jesus do?” Well, here’s a version I’m glad I...
The IDF has formally exonerated the tank crew which killed Reuters cameraman Fadel Shana and eight others...
The NY Times published the preface of Jerome Corsi’s Obama hit job and it contains some eye-opening...
I hate to say this but it seems to be open season on liberals and Democrats in...
Jerome Corsi, the right-wing pamphleteer who wrote Unfit for Command, and helped set the tone for the...
The Geneva Initiative recently completed a poll of Israeli public opinion which reveals how strongly Israelis have...
Mahmoud Darwish, the greatest living Palestinian poet, died after open heart surgery in Houston. He was 67,...
Several interesting developments in the federal contempt case against Sami Al-Arian. The judge postponed the case until...