Jonah drew these drawings for his twin brother and sister some time ago. My wife thought they were so charming that I should feature them here. Needless to say, the girls are pink because that is Miriam’s favorite color.
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Hi Richard
Interesting drawings. Nice to have visited your blog.
I came here googling “best hosts”. I was surprised to find ”A rua da judiaria” at your link list. I myself read that blog…. I also link it.
do you speak portuguese, or you’re just good friend with the author?
I write you because of the discussions around the host. I thought bluehost was the ideal choice until I read many negatieve esperiences.
Can you please advise me on what to choose?
@Terpsichore: Alas, I do not read Portugese but wish I did as Rua Judiaria is a blog I’d love to be able to read. The author & I share a common perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict & other Jewish cultural/literary interests.
I recommend you look into Hostgator, which currently hosts my websites. I’ve used several hosts & all are inadequate for various reasons (esp. Bluehost). But I’ve never had any complaint about Hostgator.
I just noticed: Jonah is using greengrocers’ apostrophes!
Get him sorted out on that, will you? 🙂