18 thoughts on “ADL Calls Obama Mentor ‘Black Racist’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I hope that Obama does too. It’s worth noting that Foxman gave the ADL’s highest award to former President Reagan in 1989. The ADL is no longer a civil rights organization, but an Israel Lobby one. Foxman is a despicable creature. I think that this episode will destroy whatever good reputation that the ADL still might have.

  2. You know Walter, this is going to surprise a die hard jew baiter like yourself but in the circles I run. Being a card carrying member of the LOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Abe Foxman is not seen has being a particularly great guy. He’s actually seen has being a little weak on Israel. Of course has a member of the cabal I would say that wouldn’t I, to throw a guy like you off the track

  3. Bill Pearlman, Who the heck are you to call me a “Jew baiter?” You don’t know anything about me. I think that I wrote here before that my family came to this country to escape Nazi Germany. Apparently, you think that anybody who doesn’t agree with Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians, and our government’s unconditional support of Israel is a “Jew baiter” or a “self hating” Jew if the person happens to be Jewish. Your thinking is the same as Bush and his cronies who think that anybody who doesn’t support him is unpatriotic. I will say that with your thinking, that perhaps you should give up your American citizenship and move to Israel. However, should you decide to do this you will even find many people there who don’t agree with their government’s occupation policy. You see, while I am a Jew, I am a citizen of the world first, and an American second as I live in this country. I don’t only care about Jewish people, and besides our government’s unconditional support of Israel with its occupation and oppression of the Palestinians, is not even beneficial to Israelis, or anybody else. Our current policy is detrimental to the security of the American people.

  4. Walter, I don’t care if your descended from the Baal Shem Tov and they wiped out your entire family at Treblinka. Still makes you a putz. And that citiizen of the world stuff is bullshit. So if you feel better and superior going with the I’m Jewish but I’m one of the good ones. Not like those nasty Israelii’s or the the Jewish cabal from aipac story line knock yourself out. In fact I’ll vouch for you. Your not one of us, your better, more superior. Your a UNIVERSALIST, I stand in awe.

  5. Bill, As I said you should give up your American citizenship and move to Israel and take up citizenship there. As far as where you said “Your not one of us, your better, more superior. Your a UNIVERSALIST, I stand in awe,” I’m not one of your ilk.

  6. Bill you’re banned. If you publish another comment here I’ll delete it as soon as you publish it & keep deleting everything you try to publish. No one calls anyone else the name you used here.

    I doubt you’re capable of remorse or have heard of a little Jewish concept called teshuvah. Should you have an ounce of menschlichkeit or derech eretz anywhere in yr body you would ask Walter’s forgiveness. If you apologize I will not ban your ass. If you don’t you’re toast. Your call.

  7. “c’mon–that statement is no more anti-Israel than anything a center-left Israeli politician or journalist might say or write. ”

    Richard can you name a center-left Israeli politician who supports divestment from Israel?

    Also, while I think Foxman goes too far here, I think it’s far-fetched and conspiratorial to assert that this has anything to do with the “Israel Lobby.” As far as I can tell, Obama has not said or done anything that would upset or disturb mainstream pro-Israel forces. The idea that calling out Obama for being very close to someone who is publicly praises Farrakhan is part of some convoluted plot to make sure he hues to a pro-Israel line is absurd.

  8. Jeez, this “Bill Pearlman” guy is a schmuck:
    “they wiped out your entire family at Treblinka”

    Even among zealot a-wipes I’ve never heard anything like this.


  9. Well, at least it’s all interesting, if not wholly enlightening. I only hope – I’ve abjured prayer – that the liberal Jews, like Walter Ballin, of this country who, in my heart of hearts, I know are a majority of their co-religionists will begin to open their mouths in a big way, not just for the healthy exercise doing so represents, but to insist that both for the sake of American and Israeli well-being that Israel subscribe to and practice the demands of international law – immediately. And just maybe Israel, before attempting to stir up war against Iran, should become a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, for whatever it’s worth today. Perhaps such sad exchanges as those recorded above actually play a positive role; at least they represent some kind of dialogue, which is a damned sight better than the oppressive silence that has served over many years now to prevent significant consideration and a potential just solution to a hideous and dangerous situation in one of the world’s most volatile regions.


  10. I sent what Pearlman said to my brother. This is what he said “The Pearlmans of the world are idol worshipers. Judaism recognizes the objects that support religous practice can become idols, i.e. menorahs, tafilin, talluses, etc., including now the “State of Israel.” This state is the latest golden calf.”

  11. Could there be any truth to the idea that Bill Pearlman is actually a sock puppet for David Duke and created to make Jews look bad for the benefit of the anti-semites out there no doubt taking pleasure in Bill’s commentaries? Nah, I know enough boobs like him to know he is not alone. His questions challenging folks to back up their arguments can actually be quite useful, but his actual positions are really quite ugly and clearly not representative of the Jews that I know. Yes, Norman, we need to shout down the Bill Pearlmans of the world quite vociferously. If we don’t someone else will, and frankly its the responsibility of the humane supporters of Israel and Palestine to make it clear to the Bill Pearlmans that they represent a radical sect that does not represent the views and desires of the majority of Jews.

    Richard – A question for you and your commenters: What would likely occur if the Israeli state negotiated a peace agreement with the Palestinians that included the return of at least a significant portion of the actual settlements to the Palestinians, amongst other things, such as a sharing of Jerusalem? I imagine that this would occur in exchange for flexibility on the Palestinians’ part on the return of refugees.
    Would such a decision spark actual civil war in Israel with Jew fighting against Jew?
    If so, how would that play out in the USA?

  12. Richard can you name a center-left Israeli politician who supports divestment from Israel?

    I didn’t mention this issue & obviously I was talking about Wright’s views of the Occupation. If you read Wright’s statement he does not overtly come out in support of divestment though you may infer that fr. his statement. But no, no center-left Israeli politician would support divestment. However, Wright is not a center-left Israeli politician. He is an African-American minister. And regardless, I don’t see support for divestment as anti-Semitic & certainly labelling him a black racist for supporting divestment is an idiotic position if that is Foxman’s view.

    Obama has not said or done anything that would upset or disturb mainstream pro-Israel forces.

    That’s precisely what Foxman HAS done here. He has picked a fight with Obama in order to drive a wedge into any support he might have among Jews or other progressives. You must be wearing very dark glasses not to see that.

  13. “That’s precisely what Foxman HAS done here. He has picked a fight with Obama in order to drive a wedge into any support he might have among Jews or other progressives. You must be wearing very dark glasses not to see that.”

    Richard, I think that Foxman is going to fail at that, and as you said people who would fall for that kind of stuff wouldn’t vote for Obama anyway and would vote Republican. So far, I haven’t seen or heard what Foxman said in the mainstream media. Nevertheless, if there are more attacks like this, Obama should fight and not ignore them like Kerry ignored the swift boat attacks until it was too late.

  14. Walter: I don’t think the problem is merely whether this particular issue has traction NOW. If Obama wins the nomination or is a VP candidate it’s what will happen LATER that matters. The opposition research folks in the Clinton & various Republican campaigns are trying out these themes now to see what resonates. So if this one does you’ll be sure to hear about it later during the general election. That’s what worries me because the stakes are even greater then.

  15. Richard, I agree with you and I am worried about this. That’s why I said that I hope that Obama and his top advisers are prepared for more of these smear attacks, and that Obama will be ready to fight back and hard.

  16. What do you guys see Obama being able to do? Is this also a time when American Jews and certainly ADL constituents should stand up and condemn those ugly smear tactics.

    Let’s put a stop to this so that future candidates aren’t in a position to have to react?

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