In the White House, aides have watched with frustration as campaign appearances by Mr. Bush, in which he hammers Democrats on national security, receive little coverage, subsumed by the Foley case.
Adam Nagourney, NY Times
I feel their pain. Don’t you?
But Kenny Boy isn’t phased in the least:
Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said he believed that Republicans turned a corner when Mr. Hastert accepted responsibility for the mishandling of the page scandal after days of being pressed to take action by restive Republicans.
“I’m looking at every single bit of public and private data,” Mr. Mehlman said. “So far, I have seen a minimal effect of this particular situation, which is not to say that I don’t take it seriously.”
Mehlman is a slick, smiling liar. But I hope he’s not lying in this particular case because if he truly believes what he’s saying that somabitch is going to get one large bucket of ice-cold water doused over his head come Election Day.
This comes from the Republican Department of Understatement:
“We’re working to redirect the debate back to national security and lower taxes,” said Brian Jones, the communications director for the Republican National Committee. “But this week that’s proved to be a difficult task.”
Good luck, my friend. Good luck.