According to experts at the Foreign Ministry, the worst possible scenario for Israel is one in which...
Month: September 2006
Oh please God, just what the blog world needs: Martin Peretz. David Carr, in his too solicitous...
Haaretz reports that the perpetrator of the most recent terrorist attack against Palestinians has been convicted of...
This election news from the NY Times will stick in the craw of the Little Green Footballers:...
The U.S. response to what appears to be an Al Qaeda-like attack on the U.S. embassy in...

scene from Der Golem (1920) (credit: Kino International) Edward Rothstein’s wonderfully suggestive essay on the Golem myth...
Finally, the day we’ve been waiting for is here..well, sort of. Mahmoud Abbas told the world today...
I’m delighted with my twice yearly link at Little Green Footballs. Thanks, Charles for boosting my site...
Finally, the FBI pays a visit to someone who deserves one (as opposed to the thousands of...

Al-Zakh family at home with photo of Mohammed on wall (Haaretz) Haaretz’s Gideon Levy continues his recent...

We Washington Staters are used to being on the outside looking in when it comes to playing...
Almost the entire nation of Israel is obsessed with Iran and the threat the future nuclear-armed state...