4 thoughts on “Shlomo Ben-Ami: Talk Peace With Iran, Not War – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Sigh.

    Yes what we need to do is talk people with the nice man who keeps threatening to wipe us out because surely what the leader of an expansionist Shiite regime really wants is for us to make a settlement with the Palestinian Hamas government setting up a Sunni state.

    If we just do that and let them pound us with rockets and bombs as much as they want, he probably…possibly….maybe won’t nuke us.

    Anyway he won’t have nukes next year, why… why it might take a whole 3 or 4 years or even more! Clearly we have nothing to worry about. And the only proper solution is to talk peace. After all it’s worked great and just look at where it’s gotten us with Arafat.

    Peace. Peace. Peace. Don’t pay any attention to the madman with all the weapons. He probably won’t invade Poland until the spring.

    (Quick side question: how do you people live with yourselves?)

  2. Gee, if I had to choose between the policy analysis of a former Israeli foreign minister & someone who calls himself a Knish–that’s a tough one. What are yr credentials for analysis? You’re an expert on both Iran and Hamas because of what?

    And we have no choice but to talk with Iran (unless that is, you’re one of the Ledeenophiles who advocates regime change in Iran accompanied by double barrel nuclear devices down the mullah’s throats. Even Bush & Rice reluctantly are coming to the realization that they have no other serious options. They can’t even get the other Security Council members to agree on sanctions (at least not at this point) let alone anything more drastic.

    And actually if Israel resolves its differences with Mahmoud Abbas then it will essentially remove Iran as a regional threat to Israel. There will no longer be an Israeli Palestinian issue for the mullahs to use to make mischief in the region.

    Anyway he won’t have nukes next year why it might take a whole 3 or 4 years or even more!

    Umm, excuse me. Are you sure you read your marching orders from Aipac or Tel Aviv? In case you didn’t know, the current partisan pro-Israel line is that we have months, not years before which Iran will get nuke capacity. You’re off message, Knish.

    International nuclear weapons experts estimate that it will be anywhere from 5-10 yrs before Iran has that capability. Where do you get your sources from?

    the only proper solution is to talk peace. After all it’s worked great and just look at where it’s gotten us

    Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, South Africa, the list goes on & on. Actually talking peace does work great when it’s approached seriously & sincerely by both opposing parties (which can’t be said in the case of Israel or the Palestinians).

    Araft’s been dead lo these many yrs. Yet you pro-Israel hacks like to invoke his ghost whenever there’s an actual Palestinian leader who really does want to negotiate seriously with Israel & come to a final resolution of the conflict. It’s oh so inconvenient to have to say what you really believe which is the eternal NO to negotiation or compromise with all Palestinians of whatever stripe & for all time. Arafat is such a convenient whipping boy even though he hasn’t been running anything lately except perhaps his particular circle of Hell.

    Don’t pay any attention to the madman with all the weapons. He probably won’t invade Poland until the spring.

    Ah yes, I should’ve known you’d drag out that tired old trope of the pro-Israel hack crowd: Iran=Nazi Germany, Ahmadinejad=Hitler. Only someone with an absolute ignorance of history could throw around such spurious generalizations.

    I have no problem living with myself, it’s sharing the planet with jerks like you that’s difficult.

  3. Let’s see the foreign minister of a disastrous administration booted out of office by Israelis, that offered Arafat everything on a plate, lied to the public about it and left in disgrace? Serious analysis? It’s like getting your serious analysis from ex-Carter administration officials. Or Carter himself but never mind that.

    To keep it short and sweet, you have absolutely no credible basis for claiming that Iran’s intentions towards Israel would change if a peace deal was being done. In fact in case you haven’t noticed Iran has been strenously against peace with Israel and has funded terrorist groups with that exact intent.

    Your argument comes down to claiming that if we do something that Iran doesn’t want us to do anyway, they’ll leave us alone. Will there be unicorns too?

  4. the foreign minister of a disastrous administration booted out of office by Israelis…

    You still haven’t suggested why you possess keener intellectual powers of analysis than Ben Ami. But you don’t like him, fine. I can quote Israeli generals like former chief of staff Yaalon, who just denounced both the Lebanon war & Israel’s refusal to negotiate a settlement with Syria. Perhaps you’d like to claim that your bromides are more incisive than his?

    There are scores of Israel generals, Shin Bet chiefs, Israeli academics, Israeli journalists who all say (& they are quoted & linked here in this blog) the key to resolving the crisis with Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinians is negotiation. Who can you quote? Benyamin Netanyahu? Avigdor Lieberman? Mighty persuasive.

    the foreign minister of a disastrous administration…that offered Arafat everything on a plate, lied to the public about it and left in disgrace?

    You are a flat out liar. The Israelis did not offer Arafat “everything.” If they had there would’ve been an agreement. They withheld territory fr. the deal which caused it to fail. As for leaving in disgrace, this is only in yr fevered imagination. You are far more a disgrace to the interests of the State of Israel than Shlomo Ben Ami.

    you have absolutely no credible basis for claiming that Iran’s intentions towards Israel would change if a peace deal was being done.

    It almost doesn’t matter what Iran’s intentions are after there is a final settlement. Iran only resonates as a regional power broker because there is no resolution of the I-P conflict. After there is one, no Arab states will be looking to Iran (except perhaps Iraq, but that’s a diff. story) for leadership on anything. Iran will gain no traction in its battle against Israel after there is a settlement because no other states will find any reason to follow them. Right now, Iran’s bellicosity only registers because there is so much fertile ground for it with the current horrors emanating fr. the Israeli Occupation.

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